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Hub dejin ka socota dekedda weyn ee mag. Muqdisho

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Wararka ku soo dhacaya warqabadka Calanka ayaa hoosta ka xariiqaya in dowlada Soomaaliya ey joojisay dhamaan howlihii dekadda maagalada Muqdisho iyadoo shakiyo badanna ey kasoo baxayaan arrimahaasi .


Wariyaha shabakada calanka uga soo warama Muqdisho waxa uu sheegayaa in aysan jirin sabab ay dowlada go`aankaasi ku sheegtay, balse laga warhelay oo kaliya hakinta howlahii caadiga ee ka socday halkaasi .


Warar isa soo taraya ayaa sheegayaan in dowladdu ey dekadda kala degayso saanda maleteri oo u badan hub oo aan weli si rasmi ah loo garan jihada ay ka imaanayaan .


Dowlada Soomaaliya ayaa marar badan codsatay in laga taageero dhanka ciidanka si ay cagta u mariso kooxaha ka soo horjeeada dowladda Soomaaliya .


Hadaba waxii kusoo kordha arintaani qeyabaha dambe ayaan idin kugu soo gudbineyaanaa, haddu Alle idmo .


Isha ku hay Calanka

Cisman Fantastic


Calanka News Deck

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If the gov. has brought weapons, it should make sure it goes into the hands of reliable officers.

NOT the former MMIS who frequently abandon the army


Not the former warlords as they have commited warcrimes and are as unreliable as MMIS.

I beleive it should go into the hands of the former well trained Siyad barre era officers.

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JB i am not referring to criminal men such as Morgan (Butcher of Hargeisa) because people like him committed war crimes against somali people, but i'm sure there were more officers, that were not engaged in the killing of civilians whatever their rank. So my friend don't be offended.

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why should i be offended ??? ,,,


I'm just asking if there is any in that place who is "trusted" .... would be good if you give examples bal ....

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If u want an example, what about Nuur Cadde. He used to be a colonel.


There are many more like him.


By the way, u shouldn't be offended.... i thought u meant i was implying criminal officers like morgan when i said "trusted officers" (if that makes sense :D )

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i understand ur argument


maybe Nuur Cadde is not a good example but there has to be some reliable officer from pre-1990 :confused:

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Hub Siyaad Barre buu wax tari lahaa, There is nothing more powerful, dangerous, caruur maskaxda laga xaday oo raba in ay kugu jana tagaan,

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