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SOMALIA: Ethiopian Troops Never Been Invited- Somali MPs

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SOMALIA: Ethiopia Troops Never Been Invited- Somali MPs



MOGADISHU, Somalia -- Counter to Ethiopia rulers' ceaseless claims to the contrary, Somalia lawmakers that have gathered in the nation's capital Mogadishu said on Friday that Ethiopian troops were never "invited" to enter their country by the interim Somali government (Garowe Online).


"MP Omar Hashi said that top officials in the Somali government unilaterally invited Ethiopia to deploy ground troops into the country."


"The Somali Parliament did not vote for neighboring countries to enter Somalia," said MP Hashi, who is among more than 65 legislators including the speaker and leader of parliament, who are currently in Mogadishu to oppose the presence of Ethiopian troops in Baidoa, where the interim government is based."


"MP Hashi said the parliament voted for a peacekeeping force that specifically excluded troops from Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti."


Early on, Ethiopia (Woyané) rulers were claiming that the presence of their troops in Somalia was in line with IGAD (Regional organization composed of Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda) resolution that reportedly called for support and defense of the feckless interim government. When that didn't fly, the Woyané rulers of Ethiopia started telling the world that their troops have invaded Somalia by invitation of the nominal government of Somalia, which the MPs have now dismissed as preposterous and a lie.


Source: AP

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