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General Duke

Breaking News: Sharif Ahmed requests AMISOM to send MORTARS into the city

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^Yes, I know he's up to his old tactics, and it was clever of the Sharif to cut links with him ASAP. I hear Indha-cade is saying he didn't side with the other side. I mean it's quite clear that the planning was bigger than him - even a certain clan have now vowed to give their tikniko over to X. D. Aweys. All after a glimpse of a seemingly clear victory. Lol. Alla yaa u sheega udbaheey asleeysaaye comes to mind. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Have you noticed how IndaCade is a major figure in this one, making a deal and then vacating areas to Aways?

He showed nothing but his true colour...go back to my posts over the years if you want to, I never like and trusted him.

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Johnny B   

Sol has many good things to thank abti Duke for , however,copy/Pasting a phantasmal news as the breaking one from a Somali site of choice doesn't belong to that list.

case in point .. following his footsteps, some terror-minded SOL contributors within the course of 48 hours painted a chimerical victory for their terror group and brought them to the outskirts of Hargeisa waving an all black flag .


The good thing is he'll always retreat to the ' i just brought the message' save haven.


The better thing is his choice of topics for the delusive news was always getting better. :D

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