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Gone Fishing

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The ones who enter foreign waters illegally and destroy the eco-system and who fishes with massive trawlers are drawing cartoons like this? The Pirates don't have anyone ones interest at heart, they are criminals. Addicted to alcohol and drugs but when they catch fishing ships in Somali waters, I have no sympathy. Forget about illegal fishing in Australia if you only enter their water without authorization they will seize your ship and auction it off.

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that acutally happened .. even in europe .. all national gov. members are hiding in brussels ..


sh. sharif is in cairo and silanyo is in addis ..


.. so is the world news .. i think ..


wheather one should call it "gone fishing" or ..


some say , that's what got p.m omar abirashid "fired" , he was actually able to do the job and stay in mogadishu .. which means he has a system that works .. a system ?

.. the cssino threw him out .. he was winning too much .. with his system ..

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