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Somaliland Parliament Discusses about Government Impeachment

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Sideed Iyo Sodon Xildhibaan oo ka tirsan Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland ayaa fadhigii maanta ee Golahaasi soo jeediyey in mamuus ka xayuubin lagu sameeyo Madaxweynaha Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin Iyo Kuxigeenkiisa Axmed Yuusuf Yaasin, isla markaana Mooshinkaas maamuus ka xayuubinta waxay u gudbiyeen Shirgudoonka Golahaasi.


Fadhigan maanta oo uu shirgudoominayey Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland C/raxmaan Maxamed C/laahi,oo furmay saacadu markii ay ahayd abaaro 10:30 subaxnimo ee Saaka ayaa waxa aad loo adkeeyey amaankiisa , waxaana madasha si xad-dhaafa looga soo buuxiyey ciidamo boolis ah oo hormood ka ahaa Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska Somaliland Col. Maxamed Saqadhi Dubad. Iyada oo suxufiyiin fara badan loo diiday inay gudaha u galaan xarunta Golaha Wakiillada.


Jewiga Golaha Wakiillada oo ahaa mid ka duwan fadhiyadii u danbeeyey ee Golahaasi oo ay ka taagnaayeen Xamaasad iyo buuq badan oo ka dhex aloosan xildhibaanada Golaha ayaa saaka sidii hore ka degenaa, inkasta oo xashaashaqa xildhibaanada labada dhinac u kala qeybsamay aad maqlaysay.


Fadhigan maanta oo ay madasha ka soo xaadireen 71-Mudane oo ka mid ah 82-Mudane ee Golaha Wakiilada ka kooban yahay, ayaa waxa uu Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilladu ku wargeliyey Mudanaayasha Golahaasi in xildhibaano Mooshin maamuus ka xayuubin Madaxweyne Iyo Madaxweyne Kuxigeen u soo gudbiyeen, Gudoomiyaha oo ka hadlayana Mooshinka loo soo gudbiyey waxa uu yidhi “Waxa imika la ii dhiibay mooshin ay ku saxeexan yihiin ilaa 38-xildhibaan, mooshinku waxa uu ku saabsan yahay soo jeedin maamuus ka xayuubin Madaxweynaha Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo Kuxigeenkiisa Axmed Yuusuf Yaasin , marka iyada oo la raacayo xeer-hoosaadka Golaha qodobkiisa 37aad, mooshinkaa waxaanu u gudbin doona Garyaqaanka lataliyaha sharciga ee Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland isaga oo muddo 24-sacadood gudahood ku soo eegi doona Mooshinka Golahana dibna ugu soo celin doona fadhiga beri ”


Dhinaca kale, waxa fadhigiisi maanta ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland la horkeenay mooshin ku saabsan in wax ka bedelka lagu sameeyo Xeer-hoosaadka Golahaasi, oo loola jeedo marka wax laga bedelo in la rido Shirgudoonka Golahaasi, waxaanay mudanayaashi ku saxeexna u gudbiyeen Shirgudoonka Golaha Wakiilada,


Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada C/raxmaan Maxamed Cabdilaahi [C/raxmaan Cirro] waxa uu sheegay sida Xeer Hoosaadkoodu qorayo in wax ka bedelka xeer-hoosaadka ay soo gudbinayaan Guddida joogtada ee Golaha Wakiilada.

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“Waxa imika la ii dhiibay mooshin ay ku saxeexan yihiin ilaa 38-xildhibaan, mooshinku waxa uu ku saabsan yahay soo jeedin maamuus ka xayuubin Madaxweynaha Somaliland Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo Kuxigeenkiisa Axmed Yuusuf Yaasin , marka iyada oo la raacayo xeer-hoosaadka Golaha qodobkiisa 37aad, mooshinkaa waxaanu u gudbin doona Garyaqaanka lataliyaha sharciga ee Golaha Wakiillada Somaliland isaga oo muddo 24-sacadood gudahood ku soo eegi doona Mooshinka Golahana dibna ugu soo celin doona fadhiga beri ”

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An Open Letter Regarding the Deteriorating Situation of Somaliland


An Open Letter Regarding the Deteriorating Situation of Somaliland




To: House of Representatives- Somaliland


House of Elders- Somaliland


US and EU countries




We, the undersigned Somalilanders in the Diaspora, do hereby call for the two Houses of Somaliland’s parliament to impeach and remove president Dahir Rayale Kahin from office immediately because of his complete and utter failure to discharge his responsibilities under the mandate given, despite an additional eighteen-month extension of his original term of office.




We do strongly believe that president Dahir Rayale Kahin believes that he is above the law and acts repeatedly on that belief by deliberately violating the constitution and the Law of the Land as he pleases.


In particular we strongly support the growing chorus of the progressive forces in the country, Members of the Parliament and the Somaliland Diaspora calling for his immediate impeachment and removal from office due to the following litany of treasonous offences, which he committed and continues to commit against the Somaliland state:




* That he has made endless procrastinations and continual zigzagging for the past six and half years to hold a free and fair presidential election which was supposed to take place in April 2008, and now obsessively and doggedly pursuing to hold the forthcoming presidential election on his terms rather than as the Electoral Law of the country stipulates.




* That he has knowingly and wilfully breached the Somaliland Electoral Law and defiantly reneged on what has been agreed upon by the three major Somaliland political parties including his ruling party, UDUB, by rejecting to accept the final voter registration list produced by Interpeace, the agency charged with the digital voter registration process, in a bid to conduct the presidential elections planned for 27 September on his terms (i.e. without voter registration list, in which case the election will be prone to violations and vote rigging).




* That he is defying key demands of donor countries to replace the “corrupt and grossly inept” commissioners of the National Electoral Commission by shielding and protecting them from dismissal thereby creating conditions that gave rise to endless cycles of argument and petty squabbling between the government and opposition camps.





* That his government has begun a vicious campaign to clamp down on independent media outlets in an effort to silence critical and dissenting voices against the government ahead of the presidential election in September. The arrests and subsequent detentions of Horyaal Radio, Horn Cable Television, Somaliland.Org, Warya TV, HAATUF journalists without due process are just few examples of how far Rayale’s government is prepared to go to muzzle the media in a desperate attempt to snuff out support for the opposition parties.




* That he so wantonly and callously disregarded the rule of law and the constitution of the country by deliberately and calculatingly rejecting to honour any legislations/resolut ions passed by the parliament that are not serving his selfish political ends.




* That he is constantly and treasonably undermining the democratic institutions of the country in an effort to advance his devious personal agenda. His adamant refusal to co-operate with any of the constitutional bodies of the country including the two Houses of parliament, the opposition political parties is a clear testimony to this fact.




* That he has repeatedly and wickedly rejected any attempts to bring agreements signed with foreign countries and business deals or commercial pacts struck with foreign companies before parliament for ratification.




* That he has seriously undermined the values of the people of Somaliland such as, honesty, candour, compassion and generosity in that he and his government indulge in excessive and unlimited corruption to the extent that the civil servants and other government employees have now succumbed to moral decay.




* That he is constantly engaged in either degrading or demolishing the democratic institutions of the country in an apparent attempt to dismantle the country’s fledgling democracy and replace it with dictatorial rule of his own. His recent attempt to single-handedly repeal a parliamentary act, the Electoral Law, is a clear example of this fact.




* That he is operating under the directives of foreign leaders including the president of the City State of Djibouti, Omar Guelleh, in a diabolical project designed to undermine the independence and sovereignty of Somaliland so as to weaken the country stealthily and eventually return it to the fold of pseudo Greater Somalia.




* That he has now made it the rule rather than the exception to blatantly lie to, humiliate and embarrass the traditional leaders of the country- the highest moral authority of our nation- by walking out of meetings whenever an attempt is made to discuss with him issues of great national importance that are not to his liking or fail to meet his selfish ends.




* That he has sold out our country by granting exclusive monopoly license, without the approval of parliament, to Egyptian fishing companies employing illegal fishing methods that had devastating effects on the coral reef ecosystem; and that he has offered exclusive monopoly license to a Saudi millionaire regarding livestock exports while deliberately denying the same rights to the citizens of Somaliland as enshrined in the constitution of the country.




* That he so unabashedly and shamelessly steals from the national coffers by setting his salary at the staggering sum of $450,000 per annum while his people live in the most grinding poverty imaginable on the face of this earth; let alone the other millions of state revenue that is deposited in the Central Bank before the treasury takes account of it and from which he draws as he pleases.




* That he is constantly looking for ways and means to conspire against the democratisation and electoral processes of Somaliland by deploying armed policemen to disrupt routine parliamentary proceedings and to challenge the decision of the Speakers the Lower House through the use of force. Such a move can only be seen as an attempt to advance his devious plan to stop Somaliland’s democratisation and electoral process in its tracks.




* That he has consistently weaved, without fail, a web of lies for the Somaliland people by setting up, from time to time, fictitious enquiry commissions whenever an incident involving bloodshed or scandal crops up in the country; the result being that none of these commissioners have ever produced a single report or recommendations. However, if they produce a recommendation report at all as in the case of El-Bardaleh, he never acts upon it.




* That he has made it a routine business to incarcerate politicians and journalists who either disagree with him or disclose his unabashedly shameless wrongdoings without even bringing them before a court of law.




* That he has destroyed the port city of Berbera, which represented a conduit for trade and economic prosperity of Somaliland since time immemorial to the extent that it is now a deserted ghost town.




* That he has intentionally exceeded the original people’s mandate of five year term of office, despite an additional eighteen month extension of his term, and is now poised to derail the whole electoral process unless his wish be realised.




* That he has now brought the country to an explosive point where it is teetering on the brink of abyss.


In the light of these circumstances, we call upon members of the


Somaliland parliament to impeach and remove president Dahir Rayale Kahin from office urgently in order to save the nation from slippining into political turmoil.




We also call upon the international community especially the USA and EU countries to impose visa restrictions and personal sanctions against President Dahir Rayale Kahin and his inner circle and to freeze and return all stolen financial assets invested abroad to Somaliland including those deposited in the names of their children or other family members. Further, we call upon the EU member states and the US to send an unambiguous signal to Rayale that it is not business as usual to repeatedly defy the will of the Somaliland people and trample upon the Constitution and the Law of the Land.




If Somaliland is to be saved from the jaws of Al-Shabab extremists and its ilk Rayale MUST be impeached and removed from office NOW rather than later.



Jamal Madar


.u k




For and on behalf of Somaliland Citizens Coalition


C c:


National Electoral Commission


UCID party




UDUB party reformists


US and EUDonor Countries


Civil Society Groups





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Dr Ligle   

Jacaylbaro do you actually think that somaliland is controlled by somaliland? If you do either your blind or just mentally challenged!!!


It was only last week ethiopian foreign minister had to calm down his puppet factions in hargeysa, wasn't that enough of a signal to show you who is running the show?


Lastly, Rayale is backed up by ethiopia, infact they told him to hold election but the tigrays will show him how to rigg it so he wins. Meles will show him how he rigged elections in his early days!!!! That is what the article says.


On top of that just to make matters even more sweeter for you, Rayale doesn't need that cheap knock-off militia in hargeysa who have to work two jobs just to make a decent living!!! He has the guarantee from meles that if anyone from sland decides to challenge Rayale supremacy and rulership over the land that ethiopia will be sending in tigray soldiers to back up his boy!!!


You can read all of that here at your discretion!!!

http://somalilandpre -backs-somaliland-pr esident-dahir-riyale -kahin/


You are stuffed in sland, it was never run by sland but by ethiopia. Infact they own sland so much they wander around your cities with no problems :D


Ps: If you are going to point the finger at puntland, which i am sure you will as to dodge your complete incompetence of answering the charges above. Puntland never allowed any ethiopian soldier or official step foot in their region. Nor have ethiopians ever negiotated between puntland for example when cade muse and abdullahi yusuf warred if ethiopia owned puntland they would've of negiotated between them just like they recently did in hargeysa. But as we all know that was never the case!!!! On top of that ethiopia foreign minister or any official of the ethiopian government nor their troops are allowed anywhere inside puntland. Can we say the same for u? no we can't because the ethiopians wonder around your backyard and piss in it whenever they feel like it!!! smile.gif

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Dastuurka sidQODOBKA 96AAD








1. Haddii Madaxweynaha iyo ku-xigeenka Mad axweynaha lagu

800 oogo dembiyada kala ah:­


b. Khiyaamo Qaran (High Treason) ama


t. Ku xad gudub Dastuurka.


Waxa ku soo oogi kara Madaxweynaha ama/iyo

Madaxweyne-ku- xigeenka dembiyada ku xusan faqradan ugu yaraan saddex

meelood meel xubnaha ka tirsan Golaha Wakiilada; iyaga oo eedaynta u

gudbin doona Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada, Golaha Wakiiladuna waxuu

ku ansixin karaa cod tirada xubnaha Wakiilada badhkood iyo mid ah

{Absolute Majority).


2. Golaha Wakiiladu wuxuu igmanayaa guddi aan ka badnayn

toban (10) xubnood oo eedeynta M/weynaha ama Madaxweyne-ku- xigeenka

kaga oogta Golaha Guurtida hortiisa, wuxuuna Golaha Wakiiladu adeegsan

karaa qareemo madax­bannaan oo arrintaas eedaynta ka kaalmeeya.


3. Waxa u fadhiisanaya xukunka eedayntaas Golaha Guurtida

oo uu Guddoomiye ka yahay Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare oo dhagaysanaya

dacwadda ay soo oogayaan Guddida ay igmadeen Golaha Wakiiladu, iyadoo

Madaxweynahu ama Madaxweyne-ku- xigeenku isaguna yeelanayo qareemo gaar

ah oo difaaca. Golaha Guurtidu wuxuu ku ansixin karaa eedayntaas cod

2/3 (saddex meelood laba meelood) oo tirada guud ee Golaha ah.


4. Haddii Xeer-ilaaliyaha guud ku soo eedeeyo Wasiir ama

Wasiir-ku-xigeen dembi ka mid ah dambiyada ku sheegan faqradda koowaad

ee qodobkan, waxaa warbixinta eedda uu Xeer- ilaaliyaha Guud u gudbin

doonaa Madaxweynaha. Haddii Madaxweynuhu ku qanco warbixinta waxa uu

Wasiirka ama Wasiir-ku-xigeenka ka xayuubin doonaa dhowrsannaanta.

Haddii uu ku qanci waayo Madaxweynuhu warbixinta Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud,

wuxuu amrayaa inuu Xeer-ilaaliyaha Guud la noqdo dacwadiisa.


5. Waxaa eedda Ia xidhiidha Wasiirada qaadi doonta

Maxkamadda Sare ee Cadaaladda (High Court of Justice), Maxkamadaas

oo ka kooban Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare; afar garsoore oo ka

tirsan Maxkamadda Sare iyo afar xubnood oo ka tirsan Golayaasha

Baarlamaanka oo Gole waliba soo doorto laba xubnood.

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Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiilada iyo Mooshino Xasaasi ah oo iska soo horjeeda oo lagu soo bandhigay Madasha:-


Mooshinka hore waxaa soo hordhigay Golaha 38 Mudane oo ka tirsan Golaha wakiilada Somaliland oo ubadan xisbiyda mucaaridka ah..


Hargeisa (GNS) Fadhigii maanta ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland oo uu Gudoominayay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Mudane C/raxamaan maxamed C/laahi (Cirro) oo ay ka soo xaadireen 71 mudane oo ka tirsan golaha wakiilada somalialnd ayaa la soo hordhigay laba mooshin oo mid la doonayo in Maamuus ka xayuubin lagu Sameeyo Xukuumada Madaxwayne Riyaale iyo mid kale oo la doonayo isna in wax lagaga badalo xeerarka baarlamaaniga ah si loo rido Shirgudoonka Golaha wakiilada.


Mooshinka hore waxaa soo hordhigay Golaha 38 Mudane oo ka tirsan Golaha wakiilada Somaliland oo ubadan xisbiyda mucaaridka ah ku waasi oo doonaya in Madaxwaynaha iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Somaliland la soo gole joojiyo oo maamuus ka xayuubin lagu sameeyo.


Mudanayaasha mooshinkani wataa waxay ku eedeeyeen Madaxwayne Daahir Riyaale iyo Ku Xigeenkiis Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin, Xil Gudasho la,aan iyo Dastuur Jabin ay Distoorkii Somaliland Jabiyeen, Gaar ahaan Qabashada Doorashooyinka Somaliland.


Gudoomiyaha Golaha wakiilada Somaliland Mudane C/raxman maxamed C/laahi (Cirro) waxaa uu sheegay in Mooshinkan Maamuus ka xayuubinta Madaxwaynaha iyo ku Xigeenkiisaba ay ugudbiyeen la taliyaha Sharciga ee Golaha wakiilada si uu usoo darso in Mooshinkani Waafaqsanyahay Dastuurka iyo Xeerarka Somaliland, isaga oo baritto-na ku soo celin doona golaha wakiilada, si markaasi Cod loogu qaado, oo ay mudanayaashu Dood ka galaan.


Mudaneyaasha ku sexeexan mooshinkankii maanta:


1-Aadan Tarabi Oogle


2-Abubakar C/Raxmaan Good


3-Axmed Cabdi Kijaandhe


4-Axmed Ducaale Bulaale


5-Axmed Ibraahim Daahir


6-Axmed Maxamed Diiriye (Nacnac)


7-Bashiir Xuseen Tukaale


8-C/Casiis Ismaaciil Ducaale


9-C/Raxmaan Cismaan Caalin (C/Raxmaan Dheere)


10-C/Raxmaan Yuusuf Cartan


11-Cali Xasan Maxamed


12-Cali Yuusuf Axmed


13-Maxamed Cismaan Bulqaas


14-Cumar Axmed Sanweyne


15-Faarax Axmed Cabdulle


16-Xaashi Xuseen Caabi


17-Xariir Siciid Bulaale


18-Xamse Maxamed Gaadoweyne


19-Ibraahim Axmed Haybe


20-Ibraahim Jaamac Cali


21-Ibraahim Xuseen (Dhaadheere)


22- Jaamac Xasan Aadan


23- Maxamuud Axmed Obsiiye


24- Maxamuud Dhunkaal Tukaale


25- Prof. Maxamed Cumar Jiir


26- Maxamed Faarax Qabile


27- Maxamed Jaamac Cabdi


28- Maxamed Xuseen X Ciise


29- Maxamed Nuur Caraale (Duur)


30- Maxamed X. Yuusuf Axmed


31- Maxamed Maxamuud Cumar-Xaashi


32- Saleebaan Cawad Cali (Bukhaari)


33- Siciid Cilmi Rooble


34- Maxamed Jaamac Cali


35- C/Raxmaan Maxamed Talyanle


36- Mahdi Xuseen Caddarre



Mooshinka labaad Waxa uu sheegay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Mudane C/raxman maxamed C/laahi (Cirro) in ay soo hordhigeen Golaha wakiilada 29 xildhibaan oo ah kuwa taageera Xukuumada iyo xisbiga Udub oo doonaya in wax kabadal lagu sameeyo xeer hoosaadka golaha Wakiilada Somaliland.


Mudaneyaashaasi waxa ay sheegeen in xeer hoosaadka Golaha Wakiilada in ay ka badelaan Qodobka sheegaya in shirgudoonka Golaha wakiilada lagu ridi karo oo kaliya Seddex meeloodoo laba meelood 3/2.


Mudanayaashaasi waxa kale oo ay ku doodeen ina ay doonayaan in ay xilka ka qaadaan shirgudoonka golaha wakiilada oo ay ku eedeeyeen inuu dhinac noqday.


Labadan mooshin ee iska soo horjeeda ayaa waxa uu ku soo beegmay iyada oo fadhiyadii hore ee golaha wakiilada ay saamaysay xurguf labada dhinac ah, dabeedna loo saaray gudi ka kooban Afar iyo toban xubnood oo xalisa khilaafka soo kala dhex galay golaha dhexdiisa oo la filayay inay heshiis soo gaadhaan.


Dhinaca kale Fadhigii maanta oo loo Diiday Saxaafada Badankeedu inay ka qayb galaan ayaa waxaa si xad dhaaf ah looga soo buuxiyay Golaha Ciidamo Aad ufaro badan oo hubaysan, kuwaasi oo uu hogaaminayay Taliyaha Ciidanka somalialnd Col: Maxamed Saqadhi Dubad.



Siciid Khadar C/laahi

Gabiley News Desk

Hargeisa /Somaliland

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