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General Duke

What a difference a day makes : who won?

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Are there any parliamentarians or Ministers that you consider iffy?

LOL. This is one funny question :D:D



To Duke and Co, questionability of a TFG character depends on A/Y's displeasure with that character, or someone among the TFG openly opposing A/Y. It is wait and see game on their part not necessarily about them knowing who is their next target. These guys are very predictable. Waa maskax caruureed.


Dadaan xoriyad shaqsiyadeed lahayn oo qabiil uun ilaahay ku ibtileeyay yaad su'aal qaldan weydiisay.


Dadkaan dad indha la' waaye mabda'na ma heystaan aan ka ahayn qabiil. Kuwaan ilaahay soomaali haka soo gaaro.


Waddankii iyo dadkiiba iyagaa qarribay iyo wixii ku caqli ahaa.

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Xoogsade, your arguments are so yesterday, we are mving forward to the restoration of the stae,


1. Bombs, threats and clan mad rants will not stop the TF.

2. Wishfull thinking and hearsay, will hae no effect.


I dare say the nation is reborn...

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^^ Duke, We will see about that. So far, there is only failure to report and no progress if we avoid to measure success on some warlord's survival in the TFG.




Allah is just and won't let an injustice go unpunished, therefore, A/Y is responsible for the deaths of innocents and those who will die as long as he insists he is the leader of Somalis. You and Him(A/Y) both agree that he is responsible and is a leader for somalis, and you know well what that entails, as the prophet pbuh said, every leader is responsible/questioned for/about his subjects and their suffering.


Allah is just and punishes severely those who fail their responsibility. A/Y has a lot to answer for saxib, if I were you, I wouldn't put myself at risk speaking on his behalf. You yourself will be questioned for your support, think about that if you care. People make a habit of belittling the crimes individuals like A/Y committ because of their corruption. Allah doesn't forget the pain of innocents, their death and sufering.


TFG supporters are in no place to mention God. They are best served to keep singing the clan songs, it serves them better.



Waxaan la yaabay kuwa A/Y taageero oo Aayad quraan hoosta ku soo xardhaday, they make mockery of Allah honestly.

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Juje, have you calmed down yet.

Xoogsade, dont tryand monopolise Allah, he is the all knoing [sWT].

As for this war who started it, who started the bombing campin, who started the ethnic cleansing in Mogaishu 17 years back. Who usd the religion n vain. Adeer you re as uual or your failed, miable and defeated grouphiding behnd a cloak of fake emotion and clan rants.


Thus kidly spare us the Xasan Dahir lectures its as fae as his Asmara inspired JIHAD.

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Runtii, waxan ku qoslay ( the Jinni part ) Waniyow, Juuje iyo Duke-na waxay isku noqdeen Tom and Jerry. Hadda arrinkii Mingis iyo Xaalal ayuu isu roggay!

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Originally posted by General Duke:

LOOL, with regards to the jinni that speaks through you at times of insecurity.

I hope u r not referring to the 'jin' who kept you isolated and 'bustada hosteeda' during the capture of LA and the duration your adeer had the difficulty in getting rid of the PM(Bearing in mind that you came to live only when it was done from the offices in Addis - even your adeer had the audacity to face the parliament after only then).

Insecurity? Who is insucure, someone who knows that his country is under captivity , or a person who dances to the tunes of the captors? Bal adba..! :D

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Much better adeer, its seems you are normal[if that word eve applies] now. LA's loss of coure hurts me deeply, so does all te traumas that impacts my fellow Somali's every where.


As for YUSUF there was never doubt he would again defeat the silly warlords you hero worshiped, 'where is Musa, re is ATO, QANYRE' :D vintage Yey.


If you attribute his sucess o Adis, the sky or heaven t matters nt. The method here boy is toget to the desired destination, aunite peaceful Somalia.


Stick to politics and dont let the JIN out again... ;)

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Originally posted by General Duke:

If you attribute his sucess o Adis, the sky or heaven t matters nt.

And so for the record let me tell you that it matters as any other Somali would tell you. They would also tell you that Geedi was neither at first appointed by 'adeero' nor was he sacked by 'adeero'.

But then again what matters to you is the fact that your adeero is given a 'nominal' stature even if it means that he is used as a walking mat in the process by the Ethios. Please spare the rubbish you utter

hurts me deeply....traumas that impacts my fellow Somali's every where.

your fellow Somalis sxb are the mentally demented and tribalistically motivated who cheered on the phrases such as "'where is Musa, re is ATO, QANYRE" just as you are now. And yet you call him vintage, ironic. Certainly not suprising coming from a group who are known to gloat on a 'mirage' victory ant at times of the slightest defeat sell their dignity. If that is vintage for you,have it, you have had for a long time.

But rest assured your gloating will come to an end - and history will not be kind nor will the repercussion.

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juje, you seem to be unable o comprehend, as is usual for you, you present nohing but hearsay and tales told t you by old ladies.


If Geedi was appointed y Ethiopians why if they are all powerful not keep him there.

Why did he go fter flling out ith YEY. thus ou highight hat YEY stood up to the Etiopians and they ld Geedi to go. Hence Yey is independent of he Ethiopians.


As for our heroes they have become mice in the era of Yey, hence your anger and envy.


PS; All Somalis are my people.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

If Geedi was appointed y Ethiopians why if they are all powerful not keep him there.

Why did he go fter flling out ith YEY. thus ou highight hat YEY stood up to the Etiopians and they ld Geedi to go. Hence Yey is independent of he Ethiopians.[/quote ]


What a load of innuendo. Utter garbage I say. And you redicule 'old ladies'. Wallahi habraha aya ka sheeko macquulsan adiga.

"Yeey stood up and is independent from Ethiopia", what planet are you living on sxb? The Geedi saga proved beyond doubt that the TFG is a local government under Ethiopian rule in black and white - anything else is BS.

And as I said this is temporary Inshallah and soon rather than later we shall have a governance under the control of Somalis and that ventures for their interest. Obviously there will be no place for walking mats such as Yeey iyo 'kuwa ka daba alalasa such as you.

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So, Geedi should not strike back and has to be removed, but Ina C/rashiid Sharmaarke has a right to strike back and refuse to step down? While all in the name of clan support, aha?


Yuusuf can fire Geedi, but Shariif cannot fire Cumar. What a difference two years and a half make!


Let's just peruse your own quote:


"Soomaaliya and its president Shariif won the day."

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