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Saudi wants divorce after husband lifts her veil

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Saudi wants divorce after husband lifts her veil



Posted on Awdalnews on 09 Oct. 2007=


DUBAI (, 08 Oct. 2007-- A 50-year-old Saudi woman asked for divorce after her husband lifted her face veil while she was sleeping, local press reported.


For 30 years, the wife said she never showed her face to her husband in conformity with the tradition of her native village near the south western Saudi city of Khamis Mushayt.


"After all these years, he tries to commit such a big mistake," the wife told Saudi newspaper Al-Riyadh, after she left the house in total disbelief.


She said the husband apologized and promised never to do it again. This is not the first case of husbands who have not seen their wives' faces in decades.


In the past Al Arabiya has reported the case of Ali al-Qahtani, whose wife had been wearing the face veil for the entire ten years of their marrage. When he tried to take it off, she threatened to leave and only decided to stay after he swore never to try again.


Hassan Al-Atibi threatened to marry another woman if his wife didn't show him her face. The woman nominated one of her friends who doesn't observe this tradition as a possible new wife for him, saying this would be better than her showing her face.


And neither the husband or children of Om Rabea al-Gahdaray, 70, have ever seen her face. Al-Gahdaray says it is a family tradition, also followed by mother and sisters, which her husband accepted and never tried to change.


When asked how she could have kids without her husband ever seeing her face, she replied: "Marriage is about love, not faces."





How strange! at least, the bright side to this weird culture is that all girls have equal opportunity to marriage. No descrimination based on facial looks. Smart move.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

^One'd like to see the contents of thier marriage contract.



A- To never uncover the face of the wife smile.gif



Shaarbo hakugu yeelato waaye hadhoow. If one can get to see her face that is. The story sounds impossible. How can someone live with a wife for too long and never see her face by chance?

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Johnny B   

^That maybe the case , but then how their men are supposed to love them or make love to them, yes them, if they have no clue of how they look like?.


oh, skip it, i just realized , they don't marry out of love in the first place, men buy access only to the lower parts of their wives.

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Johnny B   

^in-off-and-out was it !, hmmmmmmmmm, wait a minute , are Arab men allowed to have pictures (even mental) of beautiful women while doing their in-off-and-out duty?, i mean come on , Sex is 90% brain , somehow , someway , they've to have a picture of someone that appeals to them sexually.


Just imagine, even the pic of well-dressed Mrs Thacher could be of help.

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someway , they've to have a picture of someone that appeals to them sexually.

That's why they have internet porn!


Sex is 90% brain

Stop reading Glamour magazine :D

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