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Rules Of The Game

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e-Nuri presents:



The Game Of Life



Imagine finding yourself in a play ground full of people, and lots of activities , initially you sit on the bench to observe what is really going on. No one takes the time to fully explain to you the rules, exactly who your team mates are or where is the goal, everyone is busy playing the game at different level and each has developed their own perception of how to play the game. As you patiently learn the rules of the game, you come up with possible explanation of the game, the players, strategy and goal.


Early in the game, say when you are a toddler at two, your mommy tries to explain to you a rather difficult concept, why you should eat your food so you can be a big boy like your dad, so you can hang around with your dad and adeeryaal, if you are easily motivated by logic like me, you eat your portion even if you hate the taste so that you can be like your dad, as you eat your way to become a big boy at two and a half years, your mommy tells you "hooyo, you are a big boy now, so you need your own room" now as a new learner , you can't figure out why doing the right thing like eating your broccoli, asparagus and cauliflower as yucky as they are, earned you a punishment as to remove you from the comfort of sleeping with mom and dad, "this is not fair mommy" you yell , "how come dad is sleeping with you, he is much bigger than I am?" you reason, of course, mommy can't explain this rule because of your age, and as you grow up, you learn to accept rules you can't understand in this game of life.


As you feel comfortable in your room with toys and games like play station, a game with a specific set of rules, things begin to make sense and you begin to question everything to discover the hidden rules. One day while playing your play station, your uncle Guureeye drops by in your messy room looking for dad, " he is at work, and he is quite busy these days" you say, " but uncle Guureeye, I am curious, why does dad always call from work and ask me on the phone whether mommy is praying today" you ask, uncle Guureeye smiles and as usual changes the topic just when you want to figure out the hidden rules of life.


At early teens, both your mom and dad lecture you on what is right and what is wrong, and many times you catch them red handed doing what they just said was wrong, like staying up late, or telling a lie, the rules are always changing whenever you think that you have mastered them.


As we grow older, we begin to play in mid field with the big boys, or girls, we join a group of our peers who we feel comfortable with, and depending on the rules that made sense to us earlier in our life, we diverge apart to either join " Fai Ali" street gang or study nerds preparing for an ivy league admission.


As young adults, we finally find a philosophy in life to live by in the case of nerds, or die with in the case of gangs. I can't forget my first day in College, I was lost trying to find my lecture hall when I asked this guy to direct me to my lecture Hall as I was overwhelmed at the size of this huge campus, " look, I am graduating this semester, and I can't still figure out anything around here pal" the student responds.


After graduation, you hit the job market with a resume detailing your lack of experience, like flipping Hamburgers at McDonalds to earn money while at school. And luckily you land your real Job, where a new set of rules of the game is presented to you and asked to sign a contract as a proof.


If all goes well, in the next few years, you succeed at delivering your assignments and get promoted to become the big cookie in your company who calls the shots, and sets the rules of the game.


As the big cookie, you take pride in your Job and work like crazy to live up to the responsibility on your shoulders. Now it is your turn in making rules and changing them at will, this is the opportunity you have always waited for, and at this level, you will get to know people from a different perspctive, that of the boss.



Now stop and think, as a player of the game of life, first, you need to figure out the big picture of the game, let us say, if Life was like a Football game or Basket ball, the game isn't the same when you are playing and when you are watching from the comfort of your seat. That is why Basketball players take a time out, just to figure out what is going on in the court, and as a basketball player sits on the bench, sips a glass of gatoraid energy booster, he gets a different perspective on the game, and similarly, when you get confused playing the game of life, you need to sit on the bench and try to figure out what life is all about, but you need to drop the ball before you can fully understand the rules of the game of life, as your adversaries play it and as you are supposed to play. So I hope by now you agree with me that you need a timeout willingly, some people take it unwillingly after they end up in a jail for violating some of the rules of the game of life, and in jail, they become bench players, and when they come out of jail, some of these people change their attitude in life drastically.


Now, if you agree with my reasoning, let me ask you this: do you know where your life is heading to? in other words, have you finally figured out the goal in this game of life, strategies to get you to that goal and players to tam up with ?





2004 e-Nuri Strategic Planners

If it does not matter which way to take,

All Roads Can take you There.

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I am still trying to Understand the game, is too confusing for me cos some times you see the rules and the same one who set the rules breaking good friend of me told me once when he told me to do some thing I was scared to do it, my reply was "that is against the rules" his answer was " rules there to break"!!. Just some times things don't make sense to us but still once we learn how to play we just play with out understanding!.



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