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Abdullahi Yusuf Rejects any extension for his administration

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Abdullahi Yusuf told the Puntland parliament to go back to the debate after the parliament granted his goverment another 2 year extension. He is not interested in that.


I think, this is a good news for Puntland na'mean. We need fresh elections and a new face na'mean.




Col:C/llaahi Yuusuf oo maanta qoraal ka soo saaray xilkii loo kordhiyey.

By Axmed Posted to the web 24-02-2004, 15:26:43


Garoowe:- Col:C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa maanta soo saaray Qoraal uu ku radinayo xilkororsigii ay 17/02/04 ay kororsadeen Golaha Wakiilada ee Maamulkiisa, qoraalkan ayaa ahaa mid la sugaayay mudo in uu soo saaro C/laahi Yuusuf. Qoraalkuna wuxuu u qoraa sidan.




Xafiiska Madaxtooyada.

Office of the President.


Sum. MW/DPS/MKGD240204/2004 Febraayo 24, 2004

Ku:Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada Dawladda Puntland, Garoowe, Pl.

Og.Ku Simaha Madaxweynaha/Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Dawladda Puntland, Garoowe,Pl.

Og. Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare, Dawladda Puntland, Garoowe, Pl.





MARKUU ARKAY Go’aankii muddo Kordhinta labo sano ee u xeeriyey Golaha Wakiilladu ee LXGGWD/D/G/PL ee 17/02/2004.


MARKUU ARKAY warbiximihii iyo talo soo jeedintii Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka iyo Guddomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada ee ku saabsanaa Muddo Kordhinta kor ku xusan,


MARKUU ARKAY nuxurka Dastuurka Ku Meel Gaarka ah ee Dawladda Puntland oo tilmaamin wax awood ah oo Golaha Wakiilladu u leeyahay in uu kordhiyo muddadii hore loo cayimay (eeg Qod. 47 ee Dastuurka),


MARKUU ARKAY Qod. 54aad ee isla Dastuurka oo Madaxweynaha awood u siinaya in uu dib ugu celiyo Xeerka uu ansixiyo Golaha Wakiilladu; Qod. 43aad (3) oo lala akhriyo Qod. 2aad (b) iyo Qod. 3aad ee Lifaaqqa Kowaad ee Dastuurka, oo sidaan u qoran:


B)Muddada Xilka Golaha DGPL waxa la dheereeyey xilligoodiishaqo, lagana dhigay


3(sadex) sano oo Ku Meel Gaar ah iyada oo markii hore xilligoodu ku dhamaanayey 30/06/2001, wayna ku hawlgalayaan awooddaha iyo waajibaadka Dastuurku siinayo oo ah 3 (sadex) sano, kuna eg 30/06/2004.


Sidoo kale, Qod. 3 ee Lifaaqa wuxu qorayaa: Haddii sabab kasta awgeed Dawladdu ay u fulin weydo arrimaha Tirokoobka, Aftida Dastuurka, Doorashada Golayaasha ( Golaha Wakiillada iyo Golaha Degaamada) labada billood ee ugu dambeysa 3da sano ee Meel Gaarka ah ayaa hab beeleed waafaqsan sidii lagu soo xulay Golaha Wakiillada ee haatan jira ayaa lagu soo magacaabayaa Xubnaha Golaha Wakiillada ee badelaya kan hadda jira, kuwaas oo iyana dooranayaa Madaxweyne, Madaxweyne Ku Xigeen, Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiillada iyo Ku Xigeennadiisa.


MARKUU TIXGELIYEY dhibaatooyinka naf iyo maalba lahaa ee ay keentay muddo kordhintii hore iyo in illaa hadda jirto muddo ku filan in lagu dhamaystiro hawlaha loo baahanyahay sida xulidda xubnaha Golaha Wakiillada ,


MARKUU TIXGELIYEY dareenka dadweynaha Puntland iyo beesha caalamka oo sina loogu qancin karin kordhin awood kale ee labaad,


MARKUU TIXGELIYEY abaar iyo colaadaha jira.




Xeerkii uu soo saaray Golaha Wakiillada Dawladda Puntland ee 17/02/2004 Dib Loogu Celiyo Golaha Wakillada, Dib U Eegid Waafaqsanna Dastuurka Ku Meel Gaar ah iyo dimoqoraadiyaddaba lagu sameeyo Go’aankii Golaha Wakiillada Muddo Kordhiska ee Taariikhdiisu ahayd 17/02/2004.


Cabdullahi Yusuf Axmed,Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland.


Axmed C/salaam.

Puntlandpost, Garoowe, Soomaaliya.

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tell me you joking!

are we seeing disfunctioning admistration where its president and his vice pres decide independently from each other. i wonder who is running puntland at the moment.


vice pres mr Hashi said in an interview:

Asked if there was any truth in the claim by members of his cabinet that indeed it was the Vice President, who proposed the extension, Mr Hashi responded “Ministers are appointed by the President and the Vice President, and while we might differ on technicalities, we share patent objectives, goal congruence, and what is in the best interest of the people of Puntland. And in accordance with the State law, prevailing conditions necessitated that a group of ministers had to travel to Bosaso, [Puntland commercial city] on official government duty, therefore a quorum could not be secured to convene and debate over these issues. And as such, the Parliament which had been convening at the time requested our opinion on the matter; hence the Vice President expressed his opinion on the matter having consulted ministers, and there hardly was anything to dispute”

click here for full artical

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It's a good thing if Puntland elects a new president...same president for the past 6 years is boring you know.....definetily a new face would be fresh, and don't forget the postponed district and provincial elections will be hold too.


If this is true then I want H.E. Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi to be president...he is the only other one who has the experience to govern DGPL.


Nabad iyo Caano

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A note worthy news. Now we will really see the beauty, peace, and development that Puntland stands for, without being clouded by Beer-laawa's rep.

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It may be 'disfunctional' but at least they arent shooting each other ;) Insha'allah all this will end peacefully.


But I dont see how elections can be held right now.(maybe in 6 months)


1)Tensions in the western border.

2)Peace talks ongoing.

3)Drought in parts of PL.

4)Preperations incomplete.


Most important I think the future of C/Yusuf hinges on the peace talks. I think there are several possibilities:


A)He becomes President of Federal TNG

B)He doesnt and contests PL Presidency

C)He retires from politics


I could be wrong, but thats how I see it.



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)He becomes President of Federal TNG

B)He doesnt and contests PL Presidency

C)He retires from politics

Could he not take the Prmier post if he fails to be president?

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^^^That would be good but do you know how many would- be- warlords are waiting for the day he calls a day? here are some of them


1. Carys ( he is his righthand man and very ambitious)

2. Saciid dheere (This guy is problably exprienced as A.Y himself, and would probably try his luck post A.Y)


3. Afgaduud ( from soldier to the Police chief in just few months, expect anything from him)



4. Xaabsade ( He has all the ingredients it

takes to be a warlord)


Warlords die but their legacy dontlook at MR Barre and Aideed, their legacy is still with us.

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pretty weird how a military colonel of Siyaad Barre era becomes police chief in Puntland. Afguduud has a very bright future, I'm sure!


Carays, the Daraawiish commander is very quiet, and therefor I think he could be very lethal.


And who is Siciid Dheere, I need full information about this guy. His whole name and military rank and history.



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