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Ethnic Minority Women and Employment

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^ I was thinking the same thing. Sheh will go underground if she's got any loot coming and then we'll know she got PAID. Next stop, CAMBODIA. LOL. Good for you Sheh.

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^Cambodia is tame. I should know, I tamed it. LooL.


Valenteenah, no way do I intimidate you! I will be compensated but I won't know for another while yet- I can wait, MWAHAHAHA. I will be sure to win an unprecedented amount. Nothing less. ;)


Say it with me:



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She, could you give us a recap of what the case was about?


ps well done, i would try south america next, Chile!

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If she were the intimidating type I doubt that this situation would have arisen. She probably looks as innocent as a lamb. Ever see an angry lamb? Me neither. Sounds like the tribunal people did though. :D



Now, how can one persuade the lamb to buy us a free coffee?

(My attraction to rich ladies is fatale, as I’m sure you know).


On a serious note, well done lamb. If they’re at all sensible, they’ll never repeat that trick on a Muslim woman again.

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Did I mention that I'm your mother's friend's daughter's cousin's friend's son's sister?


Oh, I didn't? Well, I'm letting you know now. :cool:

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

I won. Alhamdullilah.

Mabruuk! I'm happy for you and a little jealous.


*Takes notes from Sheh for her next Naden vs. Goliath fight *

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Thank you all. I read the letter the other day and the words, 'unanimous' made me grin all over again.


Ngonge, I was not angry. I was at the time of the incident; this was months later. Also I know anger does not produce constructive results. God, I wish I had a recording of it though, lol. Actually no need, I had A4 sheets of questons with spaces ready for answers and I filled it in with the weak answers they provided. Believe you me I took my time with it. It was my turn, they could sit and stew. If the witnesses did not answer a question, I asked over and over again until I got one.


Anyway, got little time these days for foruming but I will try and return with a flavour of what it was about, inshallah.

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