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Riyaale oo soo dhoweeyey Safiirka Masar ee Somalia

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Warsaxaafadeedka ka soo baxay madaxtooyadu waxa uu isaga oo faahfaahsan u qornaa sidan;



“Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin, waxa maanta uu qasriga madaxtooyadda ku qaabilay wafti ka socda dalka Masaarida oo uu hogaaminayo danjiraha dawlada Masaarida u qaabilsan arrimaha Somalida iyo Somiland Ambassador Saciid M. Morsy "


Rayaale oo si Diiran u Qaabiley Safiirka Masar ee Hargeysa kaga Dhex Dhawaaqay in Somaliland Tahay Gobol ka Mid ah Soomaaliya


Safiirka Masar Ee Soomaaliya Oo Ku Nuux Nuuxsaday Midnnimada Soomaaliya Isagoo Ku Sugan Hargeysa


Hargeysa( Dalka Masar ee fadhisgiisu yahay Somaliya Saciid Maxamed Almasri ayaa shaaca ka qaaday mawqifka dalka Masar eek u wajahan midnimada Soomaaliya waraysi lala yeeshay isaga oo ku sugan Magaalada Hargeysa, wuxuuna sheegay in dalka Masar aamisan yahay hal dal oo la yidhaahdo Soomaaliya, umana kala saaraan Waqooyi iyo Koonfur.


Wuxuu na yidhi Annagu midninmada Soomaaliya ayaanu ka shaqaynaa , Soomaaliduna wa aisugu kaaya mid , waxbarashana waanu wada siinaa si siman, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan Masar wax cadaawad ah u hayn qof Soomalaiya ,Soomaliduna isugu mid tahay.



Waraysigan oo oo siiyey Saxaafadda Hargeysa , oo uu waraysigani cajabin waayey ayaa si qalafsan ugu soo bandhigay saxaafadda Hargeysa iyaga oo Safiirka ku sheegay in uu si kibir ku jiro uga jawaabay Su,aalo ay weydiiyeen.




Dawladda Masar waxay ka mid tahay dawladaha aad ugu dhagan midnnimada Soomaaliya iyada oo markasta mawqifkeeda ka cadaysa goobaha aduunka ee laysugu yimaado, mawqifkaas oo ah mid ay waligeed masar istaagi jiray mudan tahayna in loogu mahad celiyo.


Halkan ka Akhari , Waraysiga iyo Safiirku sida uu uga jawaabay

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Egypt goes so does Africa.


Riyaale gets the ring again. To invite Egypt’s Somalia designated ambassador to Hargeysa so he can spell it out for those still chasing the phantom state that such political outcome is nowise possible is indeed a rare political genius only Riyaale is capable of.

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Yeah I think these are the biggest mistakes udub regime is making Egypt is anti Somaliland there should not be any ties with Egypt, their ambassadors should not have access to Somaliland.

I remember in the 90s when the UN representative for Somalia wanted to visit Somaliland he was denied access to Somaliland, but back then we had a real leader. RIyaale is letting wallad Abdullah drinks tea with him . And walad leaves for Buqland. Claiming he is visiting parts of Somalia.

The udub regime is committing political suicide

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I have no doubt Riyaale is not a supporter of Somaliland's secession. He is acting and so far acting very well. He is smiling tonight about the Egyptians remarks.

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Safiirka Masar Ee Soomaaliya Oo Ku Nuux Nuuxsaday Midnnimada Soomaaliya Isagoo Ku Sugan Hargeysa

The secessionist need to change their stance and play a bigger role in Somaliweyn.

Its about time lads 20 years of "recognition is coming" has taken its toll. :D

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^^^Somaliweyn if for all Somali's, Somaliland state of Somalia can have all it wants in the union, things have changed and the power has shifted in the republic. Stop being afraid lad.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

quote:Safiirka Masar Ee Soomaaliya Oo Ku Nuux Nuuxsaday Midnnimada Soomaaliya Isagoo Ku Sugan Hargeysa

The secessionist need to change their stance and play a bigger role in Somaliweyn.

Its about time lads 20 years of "recognition is coming" has taken its toll.
:DWhat has Somalia accomplished during those 20 years? Independence or no Independence..either way, Somaliland is doing fine without you. I should be coming with the :D:D:D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Somaliweyn if for all Somali's, Somaliland state of Somalia can have all it wants in the union, things have changed and the power has shifted in the republic. Stop being afraid lad.

sxb you can have it all maxaad igu yeedhaysa :D

hakula weynato kula wacnaato :D

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Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

quote:Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

there should not be any ties with Egypt,

Just keep shut bro
Why should there be political ties with Egypt, Egypt is the number one enemy of Somaliland recognition and to be honest riyaale made the biggest mistake in his term of office yesterday.

In fact, Egypt has successfully lobbied against Somaliland recognition. Also, Egypt wants to get rid of the current Somali president Sheikh Shariif because through the eyes of Cairo, he is not strong enough to wreck havoc in Ethiopia and force Somaliland to unit with Somalia. Egypt wants to use united Somalia as a bulwark against Ethiopia if Nile River crises between Egypt and Ethiopia flare up.

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Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf:

....In fact, Egypt has successfully lobbied against Somaliland recognition. Also, Egypt wants to get rid of the current Somali president Sheikh Shariif because through the eyes of Cairo, he is not strong enough to wreck havoc in Ethiopia and force Somaliland to unit with Somalia. Egypt wants to use united Somalia as a bulwark against Ethiopia if Nile River crises between Egypt and Ethiopia flare up.

Nobody can force anybody to do anything, saaxib. They have been trying for twenty years and never managed it. Now, despite what Xiin and all these others say, the fact remains that the Egyptian Safeer has visited Somaliland. That he played it all diplomatic later and talked about the unity of Somalia is neither here nor there. The man (and country) had to swallow his pride and go visit a country he (supposedly) does not recognise! :D


It seems that whilst SL still has its L-plates on, many people clearly feel it's a very competent driver.


The naysayers will carry on clutching at straws but this has been, is, and remains a triumph for Somaliland. However, realistically speaking, Somaliland's full recognition is still in the balance and it would take a set of favourable circumstances for it to eventually receive international recognition. Having said that, the fact that official Ambassadors of sovereign nations, representatives of regional bodies and those of the UN have seen no problem with visiting that State (especially when you consider the complex world of political etiquette) leads one to think that these favourable circumstances are nicely stacking up.



If you're an opponent of Somaliland's sovereignty you should not be dismissive, friends. You should be worried. ;)

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

The man (and country) had to swallow his pride and go visit a country he (supposedly) does not recognise!

Point of correction!! not a [country]. A stable province of a country.

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