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North America Somalis mass show up for the President + PICS

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war meesha wa lugu jabbay affar slaamood buu soo urursaday cabdilahi yusuf iyo ina axmed jamac jangali


i cant believe still people support this government while The Ethiopians are Killing People in Mosques kuwanina dawlad baa jiira bay ku leeyihin

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Originally posted by Xoogsade:

quote:Originally posted by Geel_jire:

^ well said Xoogsade .... there is close to half a million nomads in north America a paltry few hundred showed up to meet the senile old goat .. don't lump us in together

Saxib, Adiga iyo walaalaha kale oo kula midka ah aa iga iimaan fiican. I have more respect for your likes than I have or would have for someone like me whose anger can be explained away as justifiable. Yours is based on faith and somalinimo and no one can doubt it, mine is based on the same but can be challenged for the half percent of my different clan lineage, and even though this is not fair to me, still, I am not worried about the labeling and udnerstand why certain quarters question my my moral stance. I know why I take the stance. But yours is unquestionable and faith based, you have a higher status among somalis as long as you uphold the truth and come out against the worst tragedies somalis are going through.


My apologies saxib if I have offended your sensibilities. Now you know my position with regards to fellow brothers like you, as much contempt as I have for those who support A/Y with blind fervor, I have the utmost respect for those who come out against him and who happen to be his closest blood. I am in awe of such somalis saxib, it takes strong ethics and deep faith to do that if you are somali, marka, kuwan kalee nac nacda qabiilka meesha ka wado oo xishoodka la' markaan la hadlo ha iga xumaanin bro
I am not aiming at you. And will follow your sugestion as to not lump you together.
thank you for your comments walaal but no apologies necessary sxb .. the 'dont lump us in together' was directed at the poster ... you are right there are those who oppose him just because he is from a certain clan and they happened to be on the side of the resistance ... but the greatest respect to those who are related to the old man and choose somalinimo over reer hebel .. a close friend of mine is a close relative of the old man ... and he hates him more than anybody and feels ashamed to be related to him... so yes there is still hope for us .. many true patriotic nomads are out there who dont give a sh!t about reer hebel and who put their country before their clan.


haweeney ka mid aheyd ka qeybgalayaasha ayaa su'al ay weydiisay ku sheegtay ``Waxaan filayaa in maanta xaaladu aaney joogin qabiil wax la yiraa & reer hebel lala dirirayaa, ****** waa dad walaalahaya oo Soomaali ah, oo aynaan sinaba u kala maarmin, Soomaaliduna waxey tiraa (Af-xumo nabad waa kaa geysaa, colaadna wax kaagama tarto), Cabdullaahiyoow armada duriyada ********** ceeb u soo jiidaa oo taariikhda danbe aad ********** ka dhigtaa (tuke cambaar leh) oo dadka kale ka duwan, sababtuna waxey tahay Soomaali oo dhan baad dooneysaa inaad Xabashi ku gumaado, qolo aadan godob ka gelinna ma jirto, adigu bil sii dhaceysaad tahaye awlaada aad ka tegeyso miyaadan u tureyn in berri ummadda laga takooro.

like this sister ^

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What's that say about our people, regardless of what side they are on? Our people will always support the person that is their reer, but what I dont get is that eventually they will get the top job and maybe it'll be their precious Sheik Sharif that is named president. But because they refused to recognize this pres and government way way before Ethiopians came, I'm talking about from day one when he was still in nairobi, I guess people won't support there's. It's a never ending cycle. Even the so called Islamic Courts was a qabiil and refused to share leadership.

Saxiib this is complete rubbish Xogsade has more folks represented in TFG than he does on ICU and you can go back to SOL archive to see what the likes of him and myself felt about the election of 2004.

The Majority of Somalis would not be caught dead in such event, for who wants to be associated with the man who committed the most treacherous act in modern Somali history. The sooner we see the back side of him the better.


Saxiib people do not support Sheikh Sharif for clan reason if that was the case might as well support Gheedi, the masses support him and his group because they are nationalist who want to bring the glory of a nation back. They don’t have deep rooted vendetta against Somalis nor do they harbour viscous ambitions of sitting in Villa Somalia by any means.


As for me you wouldn’t catch me dead in that event even though the intercontinental is one of my favourite hotels

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This is standard operating procedure for TFG's shills, just as anyone who questions and/or denounces uncle's position are immediately labeled clannists, nabad-diid etc. In their eyes, addeer can do no wrong and if you disagree it's just because you hate his clan.

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folks, not every habar iyo nin oo meesha adaay shares clannish interest with yey.


I say that because my own habaryar went there and she shares no qabiil affiliation with yey..



She is an avid TFG supporter and has been since its creation and her and her co-workers went there to simply show their support.


Not everyone sees what Geelka or xoogsade see, a war crimal in his own right.


On the other hand, the so called wadaado killing innocent people in the name of religion should also be condemned by their supporters, as much as you condemn yey and tfg, if not more.


The wadaado are not innocent, lets not put them on a pedestal anymore.

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First come on can someone actually know what tribe the people sitting in the audience are? Is it written on their forheads? Say what you want about the TFG but you cannot call it a tribe. It is made of of all of them!! It was even more diverse then the ICU(leadership), tell me how that is possible?


Sheikh Sharif seems like an honorable man but I never saw him sharing power with Somalis from other regions, it's as if those in the South have come to the decision a long time ago that they will never allow certain Somalis into politics. I'm not saying those that are only in the South, but Somalis everywhere. Somaliland took it one step forward and had their family break away and try and form a country by taking a bunch of smaller ones with them.


When he won in Nairobi people already said they'll never recognize him or his government, but what they don't understand is that President Abdullahi Yusuf won't be in power forever. Eventually they'll be someone from another region.


It's a never ending cycle.

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