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Al-shabaab rumoured to desire for fresh peace talks.

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After hving seen and felt the strength of the somali defence forces and the determination of the somali people.

Seems like the rebels are now looking towards the possibility of attending peace talks.


Or could it be just another one of Al-shabaabs tricks. They want respite from the chain of defeats that they face. Probably to re-organise and re-arm themselves to launch a fresh wave of slaughter against the somali population.

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Al-shabaab spokesmen has today in secret visited ***** elders to ask them to urge the somali government to halt its advance.

They tried to use the excuse that they care abt the lives of civilians in Mogadishu. Whilst it was them who were before eager for death and destruction.

Now they are apparently interested in peace and saving the lives of others.


[ June 05, 2009, 12:00 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]

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Listen you roonoow ileen ciyaal baad tahay, abide by the rules of this site or leave this place.


1. Post the sources of your posts or get out of this place.


2. Do no post specific clan names here

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^^^Do you now control what people can write and say just like how al-shabaab send little young children to die for their own greed for power.


This is freedom of speech and if you hate it then please leave because this is not Al-Shabaab net.

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Can you please either stay on topic or get out of this thread.


I will report you if you continue to intimidate people rather than discuss topics.


By the way i hve not broken any of the forum rules so please behave yourself and stay within the topic or else leave. Thank You.

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Shabab has no place to dictate to anyone. They have no place in the government and should remain only in the mosque or their homes giving ppl personal fatwa's not asking to become leader of the country and giving national fatwa's


Shabab will be fought and dismantled where-ever they are, untill they give up their ambition of wanting to lead the country.


If they want to form a party and live under secular based democratic somalia then that is fine. But in no way can they ever be depended upon to write up constitution and give law n order to the people. They will send somalia back to the 7th century and that is the last thing we need.


Sure they bring peace and stability in the area's they control, but they bring that peace and stability using terror and fear. ppl are so scared and that's why they respect them not because they like them but because they fear them.


Every citizen of somalia should have the right to be free, and not feel fear and if they don't like the government they should have the right to criticize it without worrying what "cleric" will do to him.


Lastly and not least, have u studied the taliban regime when they ruled for 10 years in afghanistan. Sure their was peace n stability but life was hopeless. The economy dead. No investments and no future


Noone will invest in somalia if shabab is the government, the ppl's lives will only feel more safer and their will be peace but never will their be progress. Life will result back to backwardness just like the taliban and the world will just totally ignore us. Not to mention sanctions. The CIA will slap sanctions on somalia so they can't trade anymore, banks will be frozen and who knows they might even use military option.


So all these losers who call for shabab and say their excellent, remember that shabab might bring peace and stability but life doesn't depend on just peace n stability you need progress. And with shabab in power can u foresee a bright future? i hardly think so, u will just see the taliban failures being implemented. and the ppl will suffer more because the whole world has cutt somalia off from trade.


Somalis economy depends on trade. If u take that away it's over for the ppl. So think before u jump on the shabab bandwagon and support them. Because nothing good will come out of them leading the country except ppl living in fear and the whole world cutting somalia from business and making us starve for the rest of our lives or military assault like the one that happened to iraq. Do u seriously want that, if u do support shabab because all u can see is the present and how well law n order is whereever shabab is the authority....but if u gave one minute to thinking about shabab and the future it hold's then u would see the devastation it will bring to somalis.


U think Abdullahi Yusuf fought these guys for nothing. He fought them for very good reason however to many dumb somalis only think about the present, while the wise man thinks about the future.

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By the way, do u remember when the icu was in control of mogadishu in 2006-2007 and they slapped bank freeze on hamar and the ppl were all crying. Well that was just when shabab was ruling a city. If shabab became a government the world would not just do bank freeze but will do a complete trade sanction where they can't trade with anyone more.


On top of the bank freezes, trade sanction, their would even be high possibility for another international war against somalia. That will be the future that shabab will bring if it ever becomes government. And don't be tricked by ppl saying "shabab is bringing law n order whereever they rule" therefore they are good. These ppl are very short-sighted in their judgements. Those ppl if u give them a fish they will say "wow your great person and i love u" but they will never ask themselves "how they can become fisher-man" and do it themselves rather then relying on that person.


Those sorts of ppl are short-sighted and only think about the present who support shabab, and don't ever get trapped in their frame of mind. Thing about the future and see what a shabab government will do for somalis in 5 years time? think about how the world will react because this globalized world, we all depend on each other. Somalis need the world because without them who will they sell their livestocks to? where will they get medicine from? if trade sanction is ey will rot and die.


That is what the shabab future is for somalis..and if u want that, then support them...but if u don't want that then get behind secular democratic somalia. Secular democratic somalia will please our neighbours who engage in stronger ties with us, it will free the ppl and make them not fear the government just because they don't like one of the government policy.


So the benefits for secular somalia is way to many list but here are some.


1. The ppl will not feel fear when they open their mouth against government

2. Freedom and equality between all ppl and all clans. This may not happen at the social level but at the government level it will

3. The world will love us because we are adapting a sytem the majority of the world acknowledges. With that comes economic, military, commercial ties.

4. More advanced and robust future for the ppl and enjoying freedom in our country whilst keeping our neighbours and international community happy.


There is many more, but i don't want to bore you..but secular somalia is the way forward and progress for our ppl and u should support that because the results will be alot better then shabab results..


If shabab gets in power the results will be.


1. The ppl living in fear

2. Masjid will become priority before public education

3. Harsh and brutal punishments for even the minor things.

4. The world displeased at us and cutting ties with us.

5. Trade sanctions at the u.n level and all member states of the united nation saying bye bye somalia we ain't doing import, or export with u.

6. We can't import any medicine, clothes, food, technology, etc into somalia we will live in a state of hopelessness.

7. Miltary action by the world because they feel shabab will start to attack them. Armies of the world coming to somalia and another 1 million ppl die


The list will go on and on of the future that shabab will bring for us. They may bring peace and stability and law and order. But u forget to think about the world whom we live with and if they would like to be dealing with such ppl. The world doesn't want to deal with extremist and they don't want nothing to do with them.


If the world cuts you off..where do u think somalis will progress to...they will not progress and will remain in the state of taliban afghanistan were..


That is the beautiful future of shabab...they might be good for law n order but thats it. Nothing else are they good for, and life depends on much more then law n order. Law n order is mandatory however life depends on other areas also which shabab will utterly fail as i stated.


So that is education for u nomads, take it and learn before u look to shabab as friend of yours, when they are truly your worst enemy.

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when the icu was in control of mogadishu in was the most properous time for xamar ever.


where were u then! probably not getting enough eucalyptus leaves koala bear!! lool.

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Rudy what prosperous time, they were crying their asses of because barakat was shut down..that was only one hawala. Imagine they shut down all the hawala which they would do if shabab was in government. And not to mention trade sanctions..where u think they will get medicine, technology, food, clothes, etc...


U seriously are short sighted

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