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General Duke

What the envoy told the Tool and his bosses in Dayniile...

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While important meetings are aking place in the new capital Jowhar. The warlords/ministers and their tool Xasan are stuck in Dayniile protesting to the UN envoy. However their silly demands were met with a cool reponse. Respect the decesions of the majority of the parliment. Meaning you are not a block equal to the government in Jowhar you are a minority that can make no executive decesions..Priceless.. :D



Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ayaa la sheegay in uu Markuu dhagaystay Hogaamiya Koxeedyada Muqdisho uu isaguna Afar Qoodob Hordhigay, uguna baaqay in ay u Hogaansamaan Maslaxada Shacbiga Soomaaliyeed

Posted by : webmaster on Thursday, August 04, 2005 - 12:01 PM



Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mudane Fransisco ayaa markii uu dhegeystay warbixintii qoraalka aheyd ay soo bandhigeen Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka iyo 7 xubnood ee loo xilsaaray wada xaajoodka kula taliyay in laga fogaado waxkasta oo kala fogeynaya shacabka Soomaaliyeed , wuxuuna ugu baaqay in ay ka tanaasulaan Khilaafaadka ay iyagu abuurayaan.


Wakiilku waxa uu u sheegay Hogaamiya Kooxeedyada Muqdisho, in labadii qodob ee qilaafka keenay uu ka tanaasulay Madaxweynaha kuwaasoo kala ahaa:


1- In ciidamo ka socda Safka hore aan Dalka la keenin


2-In caasimada Dalku yahay Muqdisho lana bedeli karin hadaan afti laga qaadin shacabka soomaaliyeed.


Mudane Fransisco ayaa dhinaciisa u gudbiyay qoraalkii ugu dambeeyay ee golaha amaanka, oo ay ku jiraan afar qodob oo kala ah:


1:-Dhibaatada xaga dhinaca amaanka Caasimada ka taagan.


2:-Qaabka uu noqonayo hawlgalka dhinaca nabad ilaalinta Ciidamada la keenayo Soomaaliya.


3:-Su,aalaha ka taagan qaabka ay noqonayaan hey,adaha dawlada federaalka.


4:-Dib u heshiisiin laga hirgeliyo gobolada dalka oo dhan.

Sidoo kale.


Wakiilka ayaa shalay oogu baaqay xubnaha barlaamaanka in malwalba la tixgeliyo, halka ay u bataan codka xildhibaanada laguna dhaqmo sharciga u degsan baarlamaanka aduunka kaasoo dhigaya in la raaco meesha loo badan yahay(Majoraty Leads Minoraty).


Wafdiga iyo xubnihii uu hogaaminayey Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka isku raacay in la iclaamiyo shir dambe, waxayna muujiyeen labada dhinac in la gaari doono mustaqbalka dhaw xal u cuntama bulshaweynta soomaaliyeed.


Xuseen Yaasiin Godegode

Idamaale News

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It's a shame when you have been proved wrong from time to time and yet you continue posting lies after lies without any hinderance and respect for the comprehension of other nomads.

Now I dont know whether we should believe what Idamale says or what Reuters reports. I think without doubt the latter is more credible and beyond comparison.

I wonder Pinocchio ( Duke) whether the value of what you support is based in those false assumptions of P/land Media....just a thought...vague and empty.



UN envoy seeks to break Somali "political impasse" Wed 3 Aug 2005 1:27 PM ET


MOGADISHU, Aug 3 (Reuters) - A top United Nations envoy said on Wednesday the 14th attempt to reinstate government in lawless Somalia in as many years had hit a "political impasse" due to a deep rift within the fledgling administration.


"After finishing these meetings, I can say there are clearly many differences among the members of the Somali federal institutions," the U.N. special representative to Somalia, Francois Fall, said in the capital Mogadishu.


He was speaking after meetings on Monday and Wednesday with both factions in the new Somali government -- one based in Mogadishu, the other in the nearby town of Jowhar.


"It seems like there's a political impasse we are facing now," Fall told reporters before leaving Somalia.


On Wednesday, Fall met powerful ministers and warlords Mohamed Qanyare, Muse Sudi Yalahow and Osman Ali Ato and parliamentary speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan in Mogadishu.


He presented a roadmap to start dialogue on the problems of reconciliation, relocation of the government, the creation of a security force and the presence of foreign peacekeepers.


Fall presented the same proposals to President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime Minister Mohamed Ali Gedi on Monday at their temporary base in Jowhar, 90 km (55 miles) north of Mogadishu.


Gedi and Yusuf say that Mogadishu must be pacified before they can return there.


But the faction led by Internal Security Minister Qanyare says Mogadishu is safe and must be the capital straightaway under a transitional constitution guiding the peace process.


"The security situation is ... good and the U.N. delegation will go anywhere in Mogadishu and its surrounding areas," Qanyare told local radio before Fall's arrival.





The rift has sparked warlike rhetoric and increasing military preparations by both sides in recent weeks.


The new administration was formed last year in the relative security of neighbouring Kenya. Fractious militias have been the only real authority in the Horn of Africa nation since warlords ousted military dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.


Fall said both factions in Jowhar and Mogadishu had responded positively to his proposals.


"We accept and welcome his initiative," speaker Hassan told Reuters in Mogadishu. "We want dialogue and we are ready to reconcile in order to end the problems that exist so that our people can enjoy peace and stability."


The U.N. wants the issues of relocation, reconciliation and security solved before it considers lifting a 1992 arms embargo.


That embargo, though completely ineffective in stopping the flood of arms into Somalia, is preventing foreign peacekeepers from bringing heavy weapons into the country.


Earlier this month, the U.N. Security Council refused an African Union (AU) request to modify the embargo to enable AU peacekeepers to enter the country with their weapons.


A delegation led by AU envoy to Somalia Mohamed Ali Faum arrived in Jowhar on Tuesday to set up an Africa Union office there, Abdurahman Dinari, the prime minister's spokesman said. (Additional reporting by Mohamed Ali Bile)

By Guled Mohamed


And here is the link which proves you wrong.

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A "Veto" right for the Mighty USC-Killers how silly is that. Walle dadkaan Dowlad diyaar umuahan.


If I was Abdullahi Yusuf I would kick their B**T so hard that they can't do anything even acting like an Actor or Comedian!!!

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