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How cruel is egypt? Look no further than Palestine and Somalia

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Egypt remains optimistic about good results in Somalia’s expected talks


Aweys Osman Yusuf


Mogadishu 26, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network) - The Egyptian government has shown optimism that Somalia’s vying groups can meet and talk once again in the Sudanese capital Khartoum.


In news conference held in Egyptian capital Cairo, Ahmed Abul-Gheyt has pointed out that the fourth round of Somali peace talks could occur in mid December next month, stating that peace talks would avert a very possible war that may take place between the transitional federal government forces and the Union of Islamic Courts fighters that are facing off near Baidoa, a seat for the government.


Abul-Gheyd said his government would extend a handful assistance for the Somali interim government by calling his counterpart, Somalia’s foreign minister Ismail Hurra Buba.

Abul-Gheyd promised his government would take part in the reconstruction of Somalia’s foreign ministry, inviting Ismail Hurra Buba in Cairo.


He also said Egypt was sketching a way to help the flood effected victims in Somalia where torrential rains triggered floods that devastated the livelihood of more than one million Somali pastoral communities in central and southern provinces in Somalia.

He incited both Islamists and the government to resume talks to rescue their civilian population that was in racial war in the past sixteen years.


He said it would be a violation if Somalia’s competing groups utilized force to implement their political personal interests by turning blind eyes on the general interest of the Somali people who lost their central authority in 1991 when warlords ousted former president Mohammed Siad Barre.


Abul-Gheyd has, on the other hand, denied the UN report that was posted on the internet couple weeks ago. The report indicated that Egypt included ten countries meddling in Somalia by providing Soamlia’s challenging groups with arms.


He said the report was compiled by writers that have scarce knowledge about Somalia, adding that Egypt was always neutral in the Somali affairs.

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Reer Masar are our closest brothers in Jaamacadda Carabta. We've mutual interests and common adversary: Sanaawi. Neither do they occupy Soomaali Galbeed nor advocate the dismemberment of Soomaaliya. In fact, Masar strongly and adamantly supports the unity and brotherhood of Soomaaliya.


Masar, along with Suuriya, Sacuudiya and Ciraaq, supported our liberation Soomaali Galbeed war with the other Amxaar Mengista in late '70s.


We also have some historical connection. Masar, along with Suudaan, Bakistaan and Malaysia, to this day sponsor Soomaali students to learn at any university free.


And you dare to suggest to us this nation is our "enemy" and that quudato Sanaawi is our Soomaali "friend." How dare of you to even suggest that, what the blind can see and deaf can hear and sanqool can smell.

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