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Africans are not welcomed

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Some Zimbabweans say they will go home, despite the political violence there, rather than face attacks in South Africa.


The front page of several South African newspapers on Monday shows a horrific image of a man being burnt to death .


The police say they have made more than 200 arrests for crimes including murder, rape and robbery.


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K. Afrika: Inkabadan 500 oo Qof oo Soomaali ah oo Dukamadooda la boobay


Axad, May 18, 2008(HOL) - Soomaalia badan oo dukaaman ku lahaa tuulooyinka ku xeeran magaalada Johensburg ayaa ku soo qulqulayo magaalada Mayfair oo ah barta Soomaalida ay ka dagto magaalada Johanesburg ayaga ku soo cararayo boob isdaba joog ha oo ay wadaan dad ka soo horjeedo ajinabiga ganacsiga ku leh waddankan Koofur Afrika.


Tuulooyinka uu boobku kadhacay ayaa ah ilaa iyo hada shan tuulo iyadoo isla manta boobku uu soo gaaray gudaha magalda Johannesburg meel eey ubadan yihiin Ganacsato kasoo jeeda Dalka Itoobiya oo lagu magacaabo Jeep Street taas oo sababtay in albaabada la iskugu dhuftay intabadan xarumaha Ganacsiga ee Xafada ey Soomaalidu ubadanyihiin ee Mayfair xili la layahay meel lakala istago xafadaa oo laciireysa dad badan oo kasoo Qaxay xarumohoodii ganacsiga.


Cabdullaahi Farax Maalin oo kamid ah dadkii u gurmaday qaar kamid ah Dukaamankii laboobay ayaa Hiiraan Online u xaqiijiyay in dadka boobka geysanayay ey careysnayeen eyna qarkood ku dhawaaqayeen erayo ay ka mid yihiin "Hadeey nolol rabaan wadamadoodii ha ku labtaano iyo ereyo kale".


Arintan ayaan la ogeyn in ay tahay mid siyaasadeed ama mid isir naceyb ah iyadoo qof si macneynayo. Madaxweynaha dalka Koofur Afrika Thabo Mbeki ayaa ku baaqay in la sameeyo guddi baarta dhibaatada lagu hayo dadka qoxootiga ah. Sidoo kale guddoomiyaha Xisbiga ANC Mr.Jacob Zuma ayaa daleeceyn u soo jeediyey dagaalka lagu hayo dadka ajinabiga ah ee ku nool waddankan Koofur Afrika.


Saciid Cabdulle Xerow


South Africa

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It seems the ones that were violently oppressed are now the ones violently oppressing. They just had that truth and reconciliation conference and forgave all the past torture and promised no retaliation against the whites. But now they are unleashing their rage on poor immigrants. They have an inferiority complex and it’s sad.

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Kuwa kale dal jiro ayee leeyihiin oo isku xuduud ah, abkeey Soomaali sharci ma jiro, dalna dalkooda ah u dhow iska dhaafee degan maleh. Masaakiinta walaalaheena rafaadsan Eebboow u gargaar -- aamiin.


Reer Koonfur Afrikada saan sameynaayo haddee saan kusii socdaan hosting Ciyaaraha Adduunka 2010 ayee weyn doonaan oo laga wareejin doonaa, markaasna ka shaleyn doonaan.

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"What kind of nation are we building - one which rejoices at someone who is burning, who is engulfed by flames?" he asked in reference to a shocking photograph used on the front pages of several newspapers on Monday.

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^Wat's sad is the government paid little heed to the situation when this thing was brewing over the years. They couldn't even admit these were xenophobic attacks.


South African Press





Negrophobia, or the hatred of blacks, has reached fever pitch in South Africa with the recent attacks on black Africans in Pretoria, Alexandra and Diepsloot ... The rise of negrophobia is the logical conclusion of our failure to decolonise our minds and also socioeconomic realities... The root cause of these attacks rests deep in our colonial and apartheid history





We, more than many other nations, should know better. We should know better because we have just emerged from more than three centuries of the horror of settler colonialism and apartheid ... This madness has to stop. There is simply no justification for attacking people simply because they are not South African nationals



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Statement of ANC President Jacon Zuma on criminal violence



The criminal attacks against both foreign nationals and South African


citizens over the last few days must be condemned by all our people.


We call on all affected communities to reject the criminal actions of those

individuals who have no respect for the lives or dignity of their



We call on all political formations, civic organisations, community based

organisations, religious leaders, youth and women leaders, and all

institutions of the state to unite in a concerted effort to halt these

senseless attacks.


We call on law enforcement agencies to deploy all necessary resources to

affected areas to prevent further violence, and to apprehend those



These attacks are being fuelled by criminals, who are making use of the

vulnerability of foreign nationals, to loot and steal.


South Africans will not stand for this.


We call on all those who may have real concerns and grievances to raise

these through the correct channels, in a peaceful and responsible manner.


As the African National Congress we have deployed our leaders and structures

to work with other parties and stakeholders to address this grave problem.


Now is the time for South Africans to unite to overcome the scourge of

violence and sheer criminality.


Jacob Zuma

ANC President

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