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Al-Shabaab oo dhagaha katumay TFG militia MARKALE!

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Islamic fighters seize Somalia town and other somali related News in English.



- -------(CNN) -- Islamist fighters Thursday seized a central Somali town from Ethiopian-backed government forces in a fierce fight that left at least 17 people dead, a local journalist said. The fighters are members of al-Shaabab, which the United States recently designated as a terrorist group, saying it has ties to al Qaeda.




---The fighting between al-Shaabab forces and the Ethiopian-backed Somali forces broke out at 6 a.m. in the town of Adaado and continued for six hours, according to reporter Mohamed Moallin Appullahi, who spoke to CNN from Adaado.


--The Islamist fighters destroyed two military tanks and captured eight other military vehicles from government forces stationed in Adaado, before forcing them to withdraw to a nearby town and across the Ethiopian border, Appullahi said.


--Other fighting between al-Shaabab and government forces was reported in the nearby town of Jalalaqsi, but Appullahi had no details on that fighting.


According to the U.S. State Department, al-Shabaab -- also known as the Mujahedeen Youth Movement -- "is a violent and brutal extremist group with a number of individuals affiliated with al Qaeda."


"Many of its senior leaders are believed to have trained and fought with al Qaeda in Afghanistan," the State Department said.


-----Al-Shaabab is also an extremist splinter group of the Islamic Courts Union, which seized control of Somalia and its capital, Mogadishu, two years ago before being deposed in Ethiopia's December 2006 invasion.


The United States accuses the ICU of harboring suspected al Qaeda figures and did not protest Ethiopia's invasion.


After their defeat more than a year ago, the Islamist fighters retreated to southern Somalia, but appear to be making a comeback in recent weeks.

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Previously, ICU remnants staged intermittent attacks across Somalia, including launching grenades in Mogadishu. But recently, the Islamist fighters have become more brazen, carrying out attacks in daylight and seizing control of towns in southern and central Somalia.


The Associated Press reported Thursday that Adaado is the eighth town seized by the Islamist fighters in recent weeks.


Asked about reports that Islamist fighters seized control of a town outside Mogadishu earlier this week, State Department spokesman Tom Casey did not seem too concerned.


"What we've seen recently is patterns where extremists will, in fact, go into an individual village or location temporarily, conduct activities there, but not sustain that or hold it in any meaningful way," he said during a briefing Monday.

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Yo, thats what i call somali brave!! keep up the good work homies... u the best.


can u believe we got somali dudes in this world watching Indian movies! loooool... while we need to clean house of traitors and our enemy...wat a joke. :confused:

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:

^Goormey dhagaha ka tumayaan SNM cult up north?

Then Somaliland will call the veteran Mujahids out of retirement to give the yong boys a hiding :D

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Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye:

Yo, thats what i call somali brave!! keep up the good work homies... u the best.


can u believe
we got somali dudes in this world watching Indian movies!
loooool... while we need to clean house of traitors and our enemy...wat a joke. :confused:

Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Macho, macho man (macho man)

I've got to be, a macho man

Macho, macho man

I've got to be a macho! Ow....


Macho, macho man

I've got to be, a macho man

Macho, macho man (yeah, yeah)

I've got to be a macho!


Unbelievable sxb,i agree if only we all watched Rambo 2008 and Die Hard 4.0 then our country would automaticly cleanse itself from fulays and traitors. I can't believe all those high profile conferences on the conflict omit this important factor into the reconciliation plan


Another mindblowing post by John Rudy Rambo - a veteran now residing in L.A

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can u believe we got somali dudes in this world watching Indian movies! loooool......wat a joke

lol@rudy, waligaa waxaan kugu jeclaa runta.

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Qofkasta runta isku sheegii karaan but the end result will without a doubt be af xumo ad nauseum, here comes respecting other member's preferences into play, no need for degradation or mockery.

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This is a sign of complete defeat of the Al-Shayaadiin. By retreating to remote towns and villages and terrorizing the communities there, it shows the TFG has handled them with firm hand.


I am glad that the government gradually cleaned the capital, which is the most important part of this campaign to restore the failed Somali state.

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^^A sign of defeat, miyaad tiri? Ma kuu war? Balcadna shalay qabsadeen smile.gif . Cadaadona wayba ka sii horeysey.


According to dadka u kuur gala the composition of Al-Shabaab, their membership is increasing fast. And new recruits are from all different clans... Talk of a come-back..

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They might be winning militarily but they're not certainly helping bring our seventeen years old internal conflict to an end. Going on a bullet rampage on anything that moves doesn't accomplish anything much less secure towns. These people are acting as if they're playing a video game; the more bad guys you eliminate, the higher chances of winning.


War Deg Deg ah: Afhayeenkii Balcad oo is casilay


Afhayeenkii maamulka degmada Balcad ayaa saakay shaaciyay in uu iska casilay xilkii uu u hayay maamulkaasi, xilli maamulka lagala wareegey gacan ku heysta degmada.


Afhayeenka oo lagu magacaabo Maxamed Abshir Kaba qori ayaa sheegay in uu shaqada isaga tagay, kadib markii uu cadaadis uga yimid waalidkiisa iyo dhamaan eheladiisa.


Wuxuu sheegay in sidoo kale uu shaqada uga tagay amaankiisa uu u baqey isaga oo sheegay in uusan wax lug ah ku lahaan doonin dhinacyada siyaasada isku haya.


Hadalkan ka soo yeeray Afhayeenka ayaa ku soo beegmaya, xilli maamulkii degmada Balcad ay kala firdhadeen, iyada oo aan qaarkood weli laga war helin halka ay jaan iyo cirib dhigeen.

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