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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Rwanda + Pics

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Rwandan Visit


APA-Kigali (Rwanda) The Somalia President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on a state visit to Rwanda on Monday expressed his country’s wish to join the East African Community to his host President Paul Kagame, APA learns here.


According to state radio, President Sharif expressed his wish while on a visit to Kagame’s office in Kigali where he asked his host to present his wish and advocate for him to his fellow regional heads of state.


In response President Kagame promised full support of Somalia’s wish to join the Community.


The two presidents also discussed ways of uniting the Somali fighting forces into a national army.


President Sharif told President Kagame that his country was working on a unity and reconciliation program noting that he and his delegation expected to learn from Rwanda’s experience in uniting conflicting nationals.


President Sharif is in the country with a delegation of eleven ministers for a three day state visit. He arrived Sunday night from Bujumbura, Burundi.

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He still looks wrong for the job. Does not have that aura about him, does he? :D


Now look at this one:



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Sharif is doing great, meeting with head of states, explaining the mechanics of shariicah to the world.


He was gullible and naive

He was Sh. Hotel , was unable to go to Xamar

He could not get elected

He could not name a PM

When the mortars fell, he was too fullay to go to Madaxtooyada



now he did all of that, he is too dark and ugly, and other guy looks more somali..


^^Those are the stories of the confused amongs us.

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Xiin sxb if anyone is confused its those who supported sharif all along... His actions caused this:



1. Called the TFG murtidiin and something secular ~~~ Months later and thousands killed fighting the tfg he became the head of it....


2. Called the constitution unislamic and something christian brought from the west~~~~~~ Months later took an oath under the holy koran to defend it.


3. Called the TFG Parliament full of crooks and daba-******s of which all of them where under the payroll of the christian crusaders~~~~~ Months later and countless dead and brutal insurgency fought inside the civilian populations and then got elected by these so called crooks and happily befriends them as they elcted him.



4. Called democracy some xaraan ideology who's tenents where westernised and incompatible with Islam~~~ Months later that very same ideology who's foundation derives from that very same xaraan constitution brought him the power.



Now tell me one thing Xiin. Should I respect the man who had the chance to spare the somali people of the brutal misery they suffered under the ethiopians and his insurgency, but took road of gambling and refused to negiotiate at the Khartoum Talks and went to capture Baydhabo and vowed never to join or negotiate with the 'murtids'.


Atleast Aweys never left the hotels of Asmara and still sticks to his conviction and deserves all respect but sheikh hotel didnt care of inticing the ethiopians in for full scale war and tens of thousands of somalis killed as long as he fulfilled his power ambitions.

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^^First off, don’t get me wrong. I think you have every right to mourn for the things you lost. The fact a geography teacher successfully infiltrated and took over what was essentially a western construct is not a simple matter. To critique the process by which Sharif took to get there is your god given right, and we have no intention to take it away from you. But facts, yaa WA, you have no entitlement to. Here are few facts to ponder:


Sharif is not causing mayhem. He is insisting on reconciliation. He is listening to you. He is willing to reason with you. You call him Sh. Hotel; he calls you his confused brother. You think he is from clan x, he thinks what he shares with you are more than whatever differences are there. In short, Sharif does not antagonize. He does not exacerbate.


I forgot to tell you one more thing. You think Sharif is dark. To a certain degree he agrees. Even on matters of skin complexion, and physical features, the man is quite rational awoowe.


What do you say, yaa WA?

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Ya allah if he was Sheikh hotel then Abdullahi was Sheikh embaghati but what you seem to be unable to understand is that Abdullahi defended what sheikh sharif was calling un-islamic and foreign and fought the insurgency in which sharif was the head. That caused all the mayhem and misery your blind to today but was ready to condemn and cry sympathy tears with the somali people who lost there lifes. The guy fought the system in order to be the head of it. Doesnt boil down to it that Abdullahi was rejected by the sharif supporters because of his clan and now Sharif supporters like you accept Sharif him because his from x clan.

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No, that is not it yaa WA. The fact of the matter is Ina Yusuf saw early on the value of being on top of things but sadly never mastered to develop the capacity to sustain once he gets there.


What you defended and we condemned was a Somali government ku shaahaynaysa on top of Ethiopian tanks. Your explanation then, and your revisionist history now does indeed show your failure to grasp the nature of Somali conflict.


Granted that Sharif is operating on a much different political environment now than did Ina Yusuf. But the history of how that has come about and what it took to get there is more complex than your simple clannish equation.


The basic atom of Sharif political strategy is walaalow , and not baddaan ku shubaynaa :D. At least, you gotta appreciate the style. Have you no taste my friend!

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I agree with Somalipride, leave our President alone ducana ugu dara. I heard a joke about American and Russians climbing a pole. The Americans helo each other to climb the pole until all of them are successful. The Russians on the other hand bring down everyone who attempts to climb the pole until all of them fail.

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SOLers waxan idin warsadey wat is wrong with this kofiyad it hascreated a lot of fuss since yesterday afternoon amid all fadhi ku dirir specially PalTalk. The nay Sayers are pushing the notion that the honorable Sheikh is wearing a designed emblem of Christian Orthodox Cross in his kofiyad

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Sharif Xassan aka Minister of Finance should be in Somalia, building the failed institution, then travellin abroad to team up with other ministers of finances.



PS: I like the TFG to saksiidh, but this is not the right direction, specially for Sharif Xassan

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Sharif is doing great, meeting with head of states, explaining the mechanics of shariicah to the world.


He was gullible and naive

He was Sh. Hotel , was unable to go to Xamar

He could not get elected

He could not name a PM

When the mortars fell, he was too fullay to go to Madaxtooyada



now he did all of that, he is too dark and ugly, and other guy looks more somali..


^^Those are the stories of the confused amongs us.

Nothing that the one before him did not do, saaxib. How long has he been in the job now and what did he actually do that may give people hope?


Did he sit down and talk to Al Shabab (even on the phone)?


Did he talk to Sh. Aways?


Is there anything different about Somalia today? Other than the new face on the top chair! Come on, face it saaxib, Sh. Armani (how about this new name? Note it down) has let you down.

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Which school of thought says the Finance Minister must not travel? Besides which money in Somalia should he stay behind? I think he is right in going to get some funds from whereever possible. Looking at him, I feel he should have been the President by virtue of having better looks. He could have represented us better than the dark Sheikh.

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^ :confused: :eek: ,that is disturbing really,his merits lays with his complexion and his kofiyaad? Walle,waax baa idhii kaa sii aa.


I am sure you lot have heard a thing called "Diplomacy", his trip is mere diplomatic linked,to forge ties with countries that will enable him and his goverment to make better choices. Ruwanda having gone through a similiarly madness recently,and on its journey to recovery is the ideal country to seek advice and guidance from,so we too can find solutions to our own madness.


WTF@the obession on his complexion and attire.



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Abtigiisa, hal mid eh ogoow. The man may have a dark completion but when he feasts at night, he has aplenty of dishes to choose from. What the dark completion man is not not doing is sitting behind a pc screen, day dreaming about a pakistani co-worker(of all ethnicity), buying him soap to pleasure himself with, eh.



PS:somalidiina silly aa tihiin wallee, just because Sharif got more publicity than faroole tuuga ah iyo riyaale put together, ayaa ninka cay u gasheen, pathetic. Shaqalanaan meel ee taalo, aqli xumo madheero.

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