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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Rwanda + Pics

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Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo la kulmay Madaxweynaha Rwanda



Madaxweynayaasha Soomaaliya iyo Rwanda Shiikh Shariif iyo Paul Kigame


Talaado, March 17, 2009(HOL): Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa wuxuu la kulmay Dhiggiisa Dalka Rwanda Mr. Paul Kagame, wuxuuna kala hadlay arrimo ku saabsan xiriirka labada dal iyo sidii ay Dowladda Rwanda u caawin karto Dowladda Soomaaliya.


Inkastoo Dowladda Rwanda aysan horay xiriir wada shaqeyneyd ula lahayn Dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya haddana waxay Dowladda Rwanda sheegtay in ay taageereyso Dowladda Soomaaliya ee uu madaxweynaha ka yahay Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed.


Wada hadallada labada madaxweyne dhexmaray ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalay Wasiirro labada Xukuumadood ka socday. Wasiiradda Arrimaha Dibadda Rwanda Mrs. Rosemary Museminali ayaa sheegtay in Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya uu warsaday Dowladda Rwanda in in ay taageerto Dowladda Soomaaliya, waxayna xustay in meelaha ay ka taageereyso ay ka mid yihiin nabadeynta dalka Soomaaliya, mideynta dhinacyada isaga soo horjeeda Soomaaliya, soo qaabeynta Hay’adaha Dastuuriga ah ee Dalka iyo dib u dhiska Dalka.

Wasiirka Arrimnaha Dibadda Rwanda waxay intaas ku dartay in labada dowladood ay bilaabi doonaan xiriirro iyo iskaashi dhexmara Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Dibadda ee labada Dowladood, kuwaasi oo isla meel dhigi doona sida ay isula tallaabo qaadayaan Xukuumadaha Soomaaliya iyo Rwanda.

Safiirka Soomaaliya u fadhiya Kenya Danjire Maxamed Cali Ameeriko oo ka mid ah Wafdiga Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa isna HOL u sheegay in madaxweynaha oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay uu booqanayo meelo taariikhi oo ku yaala dalka Rwanda sida halkii uu ka dhacay Xasuuqii Rwanda ka dhacay 1993-1994-kii.

Maxamed Cali Ameeriko waxaa uu sheegay in meelaha uu madaxweynaha booqanayo ay ka mid yihiin Akadeemiyada Mileteriga Gako, Xarunta Gisozi oo lagu xusuusto Xasuuqii Rwanda iyo Xarunta Nabadda Mandella oo ku taala Degmada Bugesera, sidoo kalena waxaa uu xusay in uu la kulmi doono Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee dalkaas ku nool.

Dowladda Madaxweyne Shiikh Shariif ayaa laga filayaa asbuucan in ay xaqiijiso ammaanka Caasimada Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho, isla markaana ay ka dhigto mid ammaan ah oo ay ku negaan karaan dadkii horay u deganaa, kuwii ka barakacayna ay dib ugu soo noqon karaan.

Dowladda Rwanda ayaa waxay sanadkii 2007 tababartay Ciidamo Soomaali ah oo tiradooda gaareysay 1,000 Askari, kuwaasi oo ujeedada loo tababaray ay ahayd in ay ka qeyb-qaataan soo celinta Nabaddii Soomaaliya.

Waa madaxweynihii labaad oo Soomaaliya ay leedahay oo Dalka Rwanda booqda muddo isu dhow, waxaana horay u booqday Kigali Madaxweynihii hore ee Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo Dowladda Rwanda ka codsaday in ay tababar u fidiso Ciidamo Soomaaliyeed.

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmed ka hor intii uusan booqanin Dalka Rwanda wuxuu horay u soo booqday Dalalka Kenya, Burundi iyo Uganda, wuxuuna madaxda Dowladahaas kala hadlay sidii ay u taageeri lahaa Dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya, isla markaana loo soo celin lahaa xiriirkii Soomaaliya iyo Dowladahaas ka dhaxeeyay.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia





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what can Rwanda contribute to his government?, the answer is Zero, so why waste all these air-miles, he should concentrate in Mogadishu and also work hard to stop the galguduud wars, the guy has 48 monthes to sortout many problems, he already wasted 2 monthes inside 5 star hotels, and private jets. come on Shariif you could do better.

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Well Yeey spent many many many monthes, days and weeks inside Mogadishu, Baidoa, and Jowhar, the guy never spent time in countries where he thought could not assist him, have you heard yeey flying to Botswana to meet its president, or Niger to negotiate its leader, yes Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibuti, Arabs, and Europian, or North American countries can assist us in any form or shape, but Bhutan or Cambodia, or Burkinafasso, its just a waste of time.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

I'm sure you wouldn't have the same thoughts if it is him that is going to those places ....

Priceless :D

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Originally posted by Foolxumo:

war ileen madaxweyna nimada waa lagu cadaada ....sow kan sheikh shariif iftiimaya


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what can Rwanda contribute to his government?, the answer is Zero, so why waste all these air-miles, he should concentrate in Mogadishu and also work hard to stop the galguduud wars, the guy has 48 monthes to sortout many problems, he already wasted 2 monthes inside 5 star hotels, and private jets. come on Shariif you could do better.

What are you talking about, Rwandan's have went through a civil war that killed more people in a couple months then Somalis have killed each other in the past 18+ years. They have done even more horrible things to each other then Somalis have at any point in their past. After all the horror they inflicted on each other, they have made peace and are rebuilding their country. THEY HAVE MORE TO OFFER THEN MOST WESTERN COUNTRIES. This is a excellent idea by the President and proves once again how intelligent this man is. The Rwandan president can offer tons of advice and tips. Things that worked for their recovery and things that didn't.

Plus Rwanda has peacekeepers in Somalia and visting the president and thanking them is following standard protocol.


President Sharif and the Rwanadan president Paul Kigame picture is a powerful one, although other regions like Somaliland might claim to be nations but you won't see their leader meeting other heads of state (except the Ethiopian President, which even Puntland States leader even meets, same with Djibouti). They take pics with unknown military officers. Like former President Abdullahi Yusuf meeting Sarkozy of France, German leader etc etc. Meeting heads of states is very important. Recognized governments do that.


President Sharif is doing an amazing job and deserves credit. I don't understand why Somalis and the Diaspora aren't rallying behing him in support, so we can build a strong country. We have no national pride or sense of nationhood. Always bashing every leader that comes along while we live abroad and enjoy life.

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