Dhagax-Tuur Posted Friday at 04:56 PM Is this true? Apparently, their checkpoints are seen on the road to Afgoye. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Che -Guevara Posted Friday at 10:33 PM I was in Xamar last October. I was in Yàaqshiid where AS had presence. They have always been in and around Xamar. They're just more visible now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Illyria Posted Friday at 11:02 PM Daljir is reporting 3 of the 5 bridges serving Xamar are now under al Shabab's control. I do not know where this is, but it looks terrible Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dhagax-Tuur Posted Friday at 11:51 PM I think this is mimicking taliban style takeover and given what I'm hearing, something is brewing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted yesterday at 02:29 AM Sadex wiil duurka ka soo baxay bajaaj istaajinaayo see sawirro buunbuunin iskaga qaadaan and then go back to duurkooda is just pure propaganda. Kuwaan afka duuban hal degmo Banaadir ka mid ah ma qabsan karaan, xataa kuwa Dayniile, Huriwaa ay ugu sahlanyihiin. I have been to Dayniile iyo Huriwaa and its neighbour Daarusalaam, meeshaasna waa laga sifeeyey. I have been to Jasiira iyo Abaayodhaxan, too, oo ah meelo u sahlan haddee meel qabsanaayaan. Meel walba checkpoint caadi ahayn yaalay Intaas meel aan tagay, NISA agents tablets wato taagan, checking licence plates systemka ku jiro. Haddeenan ku jirin, sharciga lahayn gaariga meesha lagu reebaa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted 7 hours ago They probably changed strategy. They had built artifical bridges in central Shabeelle for cars and men to cross. We kept hearing about Hiiraan region been cleared, yet they extended their territory in middle Shabeele. Clashes are happening in AWdhiigle and around Afgooye. Yet, HSM is talking about one person one vote. It is all square one. How did they know about the movements of the president. They almost bombed his car with less than a second after it crossed the road killing his body guards travelling the vehicle behind him. Are the UAE threatened him last time when he visited their country? they are not hppy about Turkey, their incming rocket launcher bases in the Indian ocean and more. After the visit of the Amiir from UAE,, he fired the Turkiye connected defence minister That roadside bomb is probably connected to foreign intelligence. Certainly that was a direct message. After 20 years or so, we must realize that Al-shbaab could not be defeated and the government must change course, or the incoming government must start a new path. I thought about the possibility of weakening them, but like most of you I came to the conclusion of opening a dialogue with them. Either they will take over like Taliban, dialogue or continued bloodshed among the Somali youth on both sides. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xaaji Xunjuf Posted 6 hours ago Bravo galbeedi What I have been telling you in here for years alshabaab is home grown and they can’t be defeated by a force such as the amisom who are there just pick up their pay cheque ..!besides dowlada taagta daran eeh iskeed isku mamuuli karayn has no plan to rebuild the army no strategy . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted 6 hours ago 29 minutes ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said: ..!besides dowlada taagta daran eeh iskeed isku mamuuli karayn has no plan to rebuild the army no strategy . The strong military trained by Eritrea has been disbanded and no more. General Shuute, the Unaka military court judge and the local police are sent to Jawhar. This is becoming a community led campaign not a national army war. Al-shbaab had deep roots among the community they control. For God sake this people were left to rule these regions for 15 to 17 years. They married local girls and joined local clans. They are not static.Somw communities probably has seen nothing but al-shbaab for their whole life. A corrupt army led by corrupt commander in chief is doomed to fail. Why waste young men from both sides. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites