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Baashi my mistake saaxib.


The question that needs to be asked is. Is somaliland better off than it was before?


The answer is YES. When you look across somaliland today. YOu can see the tremendous improvment that somaliland has made since/during the dictatorship years.


Today Somaliland Unis are graduating more students than ever. More business that are prively owned and operated are being set up. The cities like Hargeysa, burco are more advanced, better built than during the Siyad Barre regime's reign of terror.


People are free today are allowed to express their opinions more freely. Offcourse there are times when that isnt' the case, but its' huge difference compare to the barre days.


Currently southern Somalia is being occupied by xabashi forces. Therefore somalilanders see no reason to consider themselves among people who are claiming to being brotherly people yet willing to going extreme lows like that to drag foreign enemies to kill their own people.


All in all, there is absulitely no reason that somaliland should even consider a reunification with somalia. What is there anyways. Perhaps there was something when the ICU were there, but the TFG criminals and all those warlords and thugs romaing around...waa in laga ducaysto.



Kool Kat,


You must be new comer to the political section?


If not you'd know who usually cries foul about somaliland. WE are not trying to prove anything, we save that on the ground and in the real world, but its' well known who the passives/lazy and fadhi kudirirs who know nothing but how to yapp all day are.



Like that peom said:


Afku wuu idin dheeryey,

cirbad dhuub magalisaane. :D





sorry I won't spill the blood of sool and sanaag. If it's easy for you to support a regime that draggs xabashi to kill other somalis, it's not easy for us to commit mass killing against certain people. We know better and you don't. ;)

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Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea:

You must be new comer to the political section?

I hardly ever post anything on the Politics, just to avoid people like you...


N'way, you are the one on a SOMALIA-ON-LINE web site, and you say you are trying to prove anything...I don't think so luv...


The thing about Somalilanders, such as yourself, is that they always have something to prove and feel belittling others makes them any better...If you ain't got ish to prove, you wouldn't be here on SOMALIA-online, posting articles about Somaliland... ;)


And when you say:

its' well known who the passives/lazy and fadhi kudirirs who know nothing but how to yapp all day are.

I say, It takes one to know one...So iska jooji nacnacda badan, ee post your S/land articles on S/land web sites...Sheekadaa waxaa waaye, tuug intuusan tuug kudhihin baa la dhahaa...So we are all on the same boat, been ha iska dhaadhacsiin...But you know what, if it helps you sleep better at night, by all means go ahead... ;)

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Rabanaa! Red Sea, this an insult to your intelligent adeer ma waxaas aa meesha la timid inaad difaacdid that sh1t?



Zhukov Georgy

This Zhukov Georgy sounds familiar to me, someone famous here in SOL politic section. smile.gif

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ethiopia sent maids to somaliland, and i believe next package will include military army to take it over.


ethios for sure dont want xamar...its 2 far and expensive for them. they just wanna make sure xamar its unstable. u think where mo dheere is mayor is gonna settle down... naah.


but their eyes are on berbera port...! think hard and u will come up with this conclusion.


guess who will join ethio to conquer sland... think..think...u with me...pland. Yup.


hmm! thats gonna be a motha load day!! slanders will be like the dinosaurs!!


lafahoods aa la aruurina!! loooooool. eek

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^^^ :rolleyes: and why would such scenario be funny rudy? If northerners were extinct and you were picking up their bones? What a sick mentality masked under stupidi*ty.


Loool. This old argument is so funny. Interesting article.


Baashi I've recently noticed (on politics section and women’s section) a dishonest underhanded approach masked with a smile, I think my eyes are just beginning to opening.


Kool Kat Hmmm how interesting that you say that, but if we adopted such practice would it not increase the hostility, fuel the animosity, create distance and (lets assume they are two different entities)a breeding ground for further wars and aggression (even worse case if they remain in limbo as they currently are because you seal the road back and the road forward as nothing happens if you close of discussions, unless your bring the tanks back). How does isolating new ideas and promoting this new approach help anyone?



Further more this site host a number of articles which have nothing to do with Somalia (as a country) from Palestine Ethiopia to social problems. Nor does it state anywhere that you must be from Somalia to use this site or you must post pro Somalia articles/ argument.


Also you are assuming that north and south are easily separated, when Somali people are tangled and inter linked, most families have a mixture of north and south Somalis in their household.


In any case there are so many little micro states with the borders of what wz once “Somalia” isolating each micro state and closing off dialog is a bad idea. You all just need to leave people be with their own ideas and thoughts without restoring to putting people down or belittling others (which happens from both sides) You are all on the same sorry boat, but I guess since none of us live with that reality it is easy for us to dish pretty words around on cyberspace.

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

Kool Kat Hmmm how interesting that you say that, but if we adopted such practice would it not increase the hostility, fuel the animosity, create distance and (lets assume they are two different entities)a breeding ground for further wars and aggression (even worse case if they remain in limbo as they currently are because you seal the road back and the road forward as nothing happens if you close of discussions, unless your bring the tanks back). How does isolating new ideas and promoting this new approach help anyone?

My intention is certainly NOT to isolate new ideas...However, for a Somalilander to come to a SOMALIA-on-line site and always try to prove something, seems every low to me...I really don't care what is posted on this site, whether it is about Somaliland (which I still consider to be part of SOMALIA ;) ), Palestine or Ethiopia...


I am by no means saying that Somalis are easily separated, and I do know that most Somali families are mixed (starting with my family)...I just don't see the point of S/lander trying to prove something to us...I know S/lander went throu a terrible, terrible time in 1988 by the Siyad Bare regime...And I really feel for them (and that's why my family opened the doors for them at the time of need, when they fled to Mogadishu...We took in as many as two or tree families - about 3 or 4 in each family)...I was raised to lend a helping hand when my SOMALI brother/sister needs a hand...


All I am saying is instead of pointing fingers, help your bro/sis...And if you can't or won't, simply shut your mouth... Cuz, bad mouthing Somalia won't make you a better person...At the end of the day, we are all SOMALIS ... ;)

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Originally posted by Ghanima:

I've recently noticed (on politics section and women’s section) a dishonest underhanded approach masked with a smile, I think my eyes are just beginning to opening.



No worries -- I too hear voices coming from far away land, see shadows dancing on the walls, and read conspiring threads posted on xaawaleey & cyber-ku-dirrir sections :D

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Kool Kat,


A question right off the bat here. If somalia online political section wasn't intended for political articles whther it might Somaliland or others what else would it be fore. I certainly don't expect to think it should have been like that can be. :D



Sister no insult to you but I don't think you are any different than male bunches. The Nayruus and the mr. me up in here. Sorry to bother anywayz.


Besides, the very reason I am in this site is first to use it to my advantage. I don't neccesarily believe in Somaliwayne crap. However I am to sport my country Somaliland. That is the freedom of press they talk about. Do you even know such? I think not. Laqabso aduunka waad kadhacsantee.



In addition, when I say 'laqabso aduunka waad kadhacsantee'. I am refering to that you lack the least amount of knowledge of back home. You said you helped anyone (I doubt it) however I am aware some other people did.


As far as us helping other somalis, well you haven't been back home yet I assume. Hence it proofs of your lack of knowledge of anything back home.



PS. This place would sure be boring and gathtering of old wrinkly folks if we have left.




Don't worry about Rudy. He is nice bloke. His comments hardly carry any hatred as some people that i know. ;)

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Muj... Your cheap insults just proves your very low mental capacity...


Somalia-on-line polical section is intended for the politics of SOMALIA, again your low mental capacity might think it is for senseless articles about S/land...Why don't y'all post your senseless articles on a S/land web site...This is exactly what I mean by trying to prove something to us...


laqabso aduunka waad kadhacsantee

Are you kidding me? May be you should take a good long look at yourself...


I don't lack any knowledge of back home...Though, I haven't been back there, I have family there still...I don't have to be back there to understand what people are going throu...I don't expect you to understand that, cuz maskaxdaadaba intaas ma dhamo... ;)


You're just pathetic and need to find a new hobby...Everyone loves their country, it is all how you represent it...And so far you've show nothing but hate...So stop misrepresenting your country or lack of it... ;)


N'way, take it easy...And you don't need to compare to me to other nomads on this site...I am who I am...And they are who they are...So let it be...


Trust me, if you and the likes of you leave here, it will be heaven on the cyber world...But, since you love it here so much, and almost addicted to it (so far you've posted 3500posts), you can stay...Wasaq waa loo baahanyahay... ;)



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^WHOA guys - War is celiya. MMA is gonna crack open a can of whupass if you don't kiss and make up. And retract a few choice(or rather un-choice) words. After all, "Chimpanzees kiss and embrace after fights, and other nonhuman primates engage in similar "reconciliations." Courtesy of ME.

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Waar yadhaheen. Sowtan tii yareed maryihii dhigatay. :D


Waar curi mee naftan hanaga qabtee?




come on baby,

no need to be pissed. Hold onto my paw,

and I won't let you GO (wild).

...meow. :D


PS. I hardly post articles about Somaliland cool Kat. Mostly about Southern Somalia in case you didn't know.

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Muj; the only curi I roll with is:




Wili imaadan arag anigoo dharka dhigtay...


PS. I hardly post articles about Somaliland cool Kat. Mostly about Southern Somalia in case you didn't know.

Same difference...Still some sort of obsession there...Good luck...



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Originally posted by ThePoint:

After all, "Chimpanzees kiss and embrace after fights, and other nonhuman primates engage in similar "reconciliations." Courtesy of ME.

Thnx, we are working on it...Will get there sooner or later...Point very well taken...

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What right, do southerners have ‘to impose themselves’ on the will of the northerners, when they were on an equal footing in 1960, this again is anyone’s guess? Unless, one agrees that the other has a right to differ, how on earth, can one co-exist in union with the other or together?

I really dont understand this argument which is used over and over again. NG a good call. Heres a thought, who are southerners imposing their will? Isnt the contention SOOL and Sanaag whom by default do to colonial rule would be considered northerners, and they are the ones against the project of secession? Someone explain that to me without getting hypersentive. Its a legit question.

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