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Dear Somaliland Times,


Do you believe journalism and the media have the power to save a nation from the bowels of hell???







Zhukov Georgy,






Editor’s reply.


Dear Zhukov Georgy,


Thank for your query and the interest you have shown in us. I would have preferred that you introduced yourself first, before we got into any discussion. Nonetheless, since you have let the cat out of the bag I will try to respond honestly in my personal capacity and not necessarily those expressed by S/land Times.


You asked, "Do we believe that journalism and the media have the power to save a nation from the bowels of hell?" The answer is no, I don't believe that the media has any power whatsoever to save a nation from the bowels of hell. On the contrary, I believe the opposite is true in that the majority of cases that the media can be chiefly held responsible for a nation’s spiral fall, headlong, into the bowels of hell. The German Reich used the media to brainwash its citizens in believing they were superior to the rest of us. We all know where this led Germany. Rwanda, in most recent times is another good example, which used the media to fuel hatred and genocide against their fellow brothers/sisters.


A nation can only be a nation if it is united with same ideals, expectations and insight for the causes of their troubles. A disunited nation will produce a disunited and fractured media, which serves the interests of the different and contesting divisions within a fractured society. The media is a byproduct of the society and not the other way round. The media is a mere ‘mirror-reflection’ of the society it serves and provides for. Certainly, the media is not something fallen out of the sky, unattached and unaffected by the ills of the fractured society, more likely, the media is the one affecting, attaching and transporting these ills in a fractured society to every nook and cranny in/outside the society.



Partitioning of what?


If two countries unite to form a single entity and this newly found entity becomes horribly wrong for some reason or the other, and one of the two [countries] decides to disengage itself from the union of the entity, simply, because things did not work out the way it wanted or had envisaged. Can we truly say, that those who are in favor and support this divorce are “partitioning the new found entity? The answer is no. Those who support the divorce are resorting to the pre-defined states of the union that was responsible for the formation of the now defunct entity.


To partition a matter, is to subdivide that which initially had a unitary form in body and essence then became parts or portions of the original single unit of matter. As in our case, S/land existed before the union of the Somali republic and when things didn't work out, it resorted to its pre-existing state. This is not partitioning but restoring entities that were two units in form and essence.


First and foremost, it is most saddening that our brother and sister counterparts in Somalia are suffering, killing and obliterating themselves from the face of the earth and that it being obligatory upon us to ‘do whatever’ is in our power to halt and put a stop to this madness. Somaliland cannot continue to sideline itself from the mayhem and devastation of their brethrens in the south. It has to intervene and mediate the warring factions by all means and necessities. We just don’t know how, yet?


Secondly, it’s our brothers and sisters in the south who have abandoned the very notion that we were initially two countries who came together, freely and unconditionally, with diverse histories and backgrounds to form the republic of Somalia. The very least that can be expected from our brothers and sisters in the south is to respect this or the very thing, which brought the north in 1960 to come and unite with their brethrens in the south, i.e., their ‘God-given’ freewill to choose.


In other words, they had chosen in 1960 to bring with them to the south the ‘choice’ to form the ‘Somali republic’, and this is the very same choice that in 1991 manifested itself in another republic, namely S/land.


Whether, the people of S/land have taken the right or wrong decision to dissolve the union is completely irrelevant. What matters, is the indifference shown by our brethren in the south ‘for the right to exercise our freewill today is no different than the right which was exercised in 1960 to form the union of our two regions’.


What makes our southern brethrens to have the right to hold on to the union of our two regions and deny us the right to absolve the union of our two regions; is anyone’s guess? We, both, came from the same but different surrogate mothers, weaned from the same source but molded, differently in style, mode and language input, one British and the other Italian.


What right, do southerners have ‘to impose themselves’ on the will of the northerners, when they were on an equal footing in 1960, this again is anyone’s guess? Unless, one agrees that the other has a right to differ, how on earth, can one co-exist in union with the other or together?


Rashid M. X. Noor (Editor)

Somaliland Times



Somaliland Times

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What makes our southern brethrens to have the right to hold on to the union of our two regions and deny us the right to absolve the union of our two regions; is anyone’s guess? We, both, came from the
same but different surrogate mothers
, weaned from the same source but molded, differently in style, mode and language input,
one British and the other Italian.



I'm confused al right :D No wonder :D

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Well dont' be childish. It's true that somaliland and southern somalia were different in many aspects including politically, socially etc..prior to the union.


He is not saying that we came from different wombs but simply each state role differently prior to their union. That is the point made unless you want to twist it as you folks in that corner do.

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You mean once upon time we were colonized by different gaal. You were a butler. I was a bitoni. Is that it ya shahiid? Is that why we have to partition arlu Somal?

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Cool marwo, qallanjo run for ur life. The pack will go for the kill pretty soon and their Alpha male is here as we speak. Run qorraneey run.

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Even if we assume that the colonial administrations threated people differently, how many somalis did the colonial administration affect? back then what was the percentage of nomads in our country, how many somalis came in contact with the colonials, how many somalis came into contact with the colonials to the point it changed their culture?


Also whats the percentange of people in our population that was born after 1960? How many millions of somalis were born after 1960 and have been schooled in Somali schools by the Somali state. What do those people care about what gaal once ruled a specific area.


This different mother BS is an insult to all Somalis.


Have some self respect will ya.

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You are still twisting the words. He mentioned that as historical differences. Which is true if you are being realistic. Yes once upon time both armies marched differently, and both states were run differently.


Secondly, not only that but as soon as both colonials left. And as soon as somaliland gained independence from the British, it was granted a membership status to be a soveign state.


That is presented to the international community of somaliland being indepenent state previously.


However the case that is constantly debated here why is somaliland seeking seperation from the rest of Somalis?


That is debated. Nin ba si u yidhi and the most importantly reer Somaliland have made it clear that they don't want reunification. qasab maha jacaylku.


edit: The fact that somaliland was once a recognised state for short period of time is valid point that can be presented to the UN.


The other point as I said that is always is debated why does somaliland want to be seperate. Simple answer is Somaliland has already seen the dark alley that somali unity fell in and sought new ways forward which is seperation from southern Somalia. I personally don't want to reunite with rest of Somalia and wouldn't even have dialogue of such until a good Islamic government or simply government that can be trusted and agreed upon by majority of somalis is given birth there. That still needs alot of work.

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Walle bal car waakasi qof siifacan uhela halaga helo dadkan. No wonder you folks can't get anythign together.

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No shahiid I for one got it al right.


British Somaliland and Italian Somaliland are different cuz one is British trained bunch of nomads and the other is Italian trained bunch of camel boys. Crystal.


Las Caano is totally different from Garowe for above mentioned obvious reasons. Not that different say from Jiido speaking rer Arbow Heerow and violent Somali speaking Mudug. But that is minor differences considering overriding fact that the two regions were once upon time colonized, illegally, by different and competing European powers. Totally, got it buddy.


Just ignore all these “haters” ya know who…it is pure hate that got them talking. Envious of the progress, stability, and peace attained by the better half the one British trained is what really got them screaming. Write them off as such yaa Mujahid fii sabiiliLaah.

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:D balaa idila haasawda.


I am considering you of being a hater. I do say to that certain people here but not you.


But since you seem to be twisting things to making my stances seem immoral. Can I suggest yu read in the begining when the two states of North and South joined together and their differences?


YOu don't have to believe anyone in that case, read it yourself.



Anyhow, you find it easy to supporting the TFG aka xabashi stooges and criminals of our time, what is so difficult in excepting Somaliland soveringty?

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Sovereignty of Somaliland is a recipe for another disaster for the folks in that neck of the woods are bitterly divided on this issue along clan lines. If you tell me why I should support Burco in their separation drive and deny Las Caano the same right in their desire to stay put, I will reconsider my objection against dismembering this poor and war ravaged wasteland. Do we have a deal ya Muajhid?


As to me finding easy supporting TFG well I don’t support TFG. I do not support dulmi. I do not support daalim. I’m dead against Tigre giving hand one side of the Somali conflict. I’m against their presence in Somalia. I see the way out from different perspective than most of diehard patriots. I support peace. I do support reconciliation effort and whoever undertakes that difficult task. Crystal?

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Walle bal car waakasi qof siifacan uhela halaga helo dadkan. No wonder you folks can't get anythign together.

Words from a "Mujahid" who wants to save us. Adeer we have got our act together. Its you who claims SSC and can not take the trip to LAS ANOOD, BADHAN and LAS QORAY. Even though the British once ruled those folks by force.


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I really don't get it...If Somaliland is not part of "SOMALIA", why is there a need to prove it to people all the time...Somaliland this, Somaliland that...Hadeydaan narabin, idinma rabno...Easy as that...


Stop being so busy dividing people and pointing fingures...Indendence kiina waad qaadateen, go about your business, yaa idunku dhagan...Isqorbadanaa...


But please, keep in mind that in the eyes of every other Country, Somalia is Somalia...Not Somaliland... ;)

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