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General Duke

Asmara group no more, ready for talks no condition

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Yet the brother is still disillusioned he tries to glamorise Yey position,

Saxiib Nur Cadde is calling the shots in TFG, Europe speaks to him and he is a very reasonable man who has bypassed both Yey and his master Meles.

Like the above gentlemen stated why would one negotiate with folks that are irrelevant further showing you and Yey are out of touch.


Sheikh Sharif is still head of the ALS and their goal still remains the same to liberate Somalia from the Ethiopians Yey and his comrade Gheedi invited. The methods might have changed but the goal remains the same.

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I agree with Xiin. The TFG with Ethiopian firepower is unable to bring peace for one full year, therefore we need to search for way out of this mess. This is a golden opportunity for peace in Somalia and it is bigger than any man or any group. I wish they could put the interest of the nation above their own interest for once..

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Xiin, loooool. the Sharif's have proven they have no startegy, one flip flop to another. The Sharif Ahmed dude has less issues, but Sharif Xasan was the man who chaired the parliment when it authorised AU union request including Ethiopian troops, then joined Asmara and now says he does not mind if the Ethiopians stay. Unconsitent. These men are career politicians with no real goal past getting rich.


Toure Adeer Nur Cade is the PM he is doing a good job, but the TFG position is clear, no negotiations with Al Shabaab and any agreement prerequisit will be halt to violence.

We are not budging on security and its they who seemt o change their mind depending on who their host is, when in Asmara its all about "liberation" then in Djibouti they "concede". ;)


Sharif Ahmed is no longer even considered a leader by the Al -shabaab.


Peace now is right, peace and talks are important, forget any position even Yey's but we are not gonna start again, the TFG, must be the foundation for a new government in 2009.

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shariif Allah yaa cisak!! homie didnt sell his soul to the devils like tfg. nobody should talk to tfg and their amxaar master till both are kicked out of somali forever!!


Much proud of ppl like him. Hes the small Axe.


Small Axe:


No weak liver Shall prosper

And whosoever diggeth a pit

Shall fall in it, fall in it

if u r the big tree...we r the small axe.. sharpen to cut u down!!


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silly people, let the people talk. The point of negotiations is not who is right but what they can compromise on. Clearly, the government should say there is no going back on the transitional federal charter, the presidency or the position of the prime minister but they should be open to giving some ministerial portfolios, going back to MP selectors to perhaps change few seats in parliament to reinstate some members of the "free parliament" (I hope to god not the chief obstructionist Sharif Hassan Shaikh Aden ) and lastly to have the ethiopian troops withdraw if there is a multinational peace force to replace them and the opposition agrees to at least assist in disarmament.

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well...they baack!! lool.. where are u guys tonite. guess, thurs is an off nite 4 tfg!! lool.


see we out # u folks like the wind against a tree!! sooner or later u gots to fall.

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Gen duke sharif and his crew Don’t control the alshabaab even if they talked to the t f g u cant stop the Fighting against the Ethiopian troops and there T f g Puntland alies.The guys in exile Cant do really much just to support the Continuing struggle, the alshabaab is doing If u really want your t f g work u need to come with a good deal With those who want to fight the T f g govt Alshabaab abu mansuur turki these guys are in side Somalia mogadisho

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The two Sharifs are far sighted, committed and determined to find a breakthrough in this complicated situation peace for the Somali people. In their decission to enter dialogue unconditionally they have shown to be in higher ground than those whose benefit is in this mayhem.

Furthermore primary to engaging in a dialogue is for the UN to present a timetable for the withdrawal of the invading Ethiopian troops. Hence it clearly shows that they have not given up their tenet.

Am sure the UN that is pushing for this dialogue to commence has come to the conclussion that the current defunct TFG and their backers are anything but a solution for Somalia. Therefore the powers that be that are fuelling this process have realised that they have been banking on a dead horse,TFG.

Yeey can brag all he wants about his position not being a bargaining chip - but he will soon realise when it comes to overhaul change nothing is secure.

Remember A/qassim and the Eldoret conference which was to negotiate his TNG and opposing factions.

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^You are all wrong, it's neither the Shariifs nor Yusuf Yey thats hitting the nails right, it's the newly introduced man to the Somali Politics, Nuur Cadde... The three said men have been there before never made any progress, the man who seems to be taking the right moves and spear heading the efforts, quitely making very laod progress, Nuur Cadde a wonder boy if he confirms and retained success, nevertheless as the second highest in ranking of TFG hence Cadde a core member of the instution.

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Juje, after TFG's mandate ends, do you think we would have an Eldoret like Conference or there will no such thing again?

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Emperor I agree with you that Nuur Caade is the catalyst to change but not the only ingredient.

Camir sxb to wait untill the mandate ends would have been essential - but it is obvious that the TFG buffons hardly know what they have been mandated to do. Hence another Eldoret is not only on the cards but vital in order to save this nation from the deep path of apathy.

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