Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalia south west state celebrates 129 years anniversary of Italian defeat by the Ethiopia empire

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A slap in the face. It is as if SW is in a competition in pleasing Habasha.


The man has no shame, and is pretending as if he has swagger.



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6 hours ago, Illyria said:

A slap in the face. It is as if SW is in a competition in pleasing Habasha.


The man has no shame, and is pretending as if he has swagger.



Where is MMA? What is up

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20 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

Where is MMA? What is up

Aan ooyee irida ii xira waaye sheekada. Wax kale aan sheegno ma leh.

It seems since Abiy Axmed landed Xamar, Lafta seems to be emboldened - in the last three days: On Sunday, he met the Xabashi embassy caretaker in Baydhabo; yesterday it was this dabaaldega that is insult to all of us and today he met ciidamada Xabashada tababaraaye ciidamo KG.

Last week baarlamaanka KG suddenly selected xildhibaan Fiqi as a speaker, while not resigning his dowladda dhexe xildhibaan seat. Fiqi was and is very close to Lafta. Lafta is planning to hold a selection sometime between after Ciidda and before Kowda Luulyo.

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