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I want my country back

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Here's an interview with Sarah Palin supporters at a book signing in Ohio, yes Columbus Ohio. Let us just say the reporter did a good job keeping straight face and nodding his head in agreement. Talk about fake reinforcement. None of them could pick any clue at all. If this is not edited video, the republican party are in serious trouble.




One of the comments reads: "I'm thinking half of them are going to go home and try to put it in their VCR."



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did you know :


somalia's capital hadii laga dhigo :


baydhabo...somalia waa sida india !

balad weyne ...somalia waa sida jamaica !

hargeisa ...somalia waa sida thailand !

gaalkacyo... somalia waa sida canada !

berbera ...somalia waa sida russia !

bosasso ...somalia waa sida brazil !

kismayo ...somalia waa sida australia !




the somali can be like the u.s. but casimadaadu waa nairobi...hey xadka ka baxday !


i also want my language back !


did you know the original meaning of the word "garowe" is " hawd weyn " or jungle like amazon ?



somali pirate salute


p.s. somaliyeey hadaad adis ababa caasimad ka dhigatana wadankaadu waa sida holland...malaha south afrikaad u qixi !

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That video was amusing, but in fairness, there's any number of people who support the democrats who are just as ignorant as those Palin supporters.


So if you think that was funny, watch this one, it is even funnier:


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baydhabo...somalia waa sida india !

balad weyne ...somalia waa sida jamaica !

hargeisa ...somalia waa sida thailand !

gaalkacyo... somalia waa sida canada !

berbera ...somalia waa sida russia !

bosasso ...somalia waa sida brazil !

kismayo ...somalia waa sida australia !

Only Muriidi Abanuur Abati would come up something like this. :D I totally got this.


Gaalkacyo waa qadka cagaaran miyaa, like Ottawa, which divides the Faransiis and Ingiriis parts of Kanada? :D How about Canberra, it being such a southerly town, same like Kismaayo's location in Soomaaliya.

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