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Your solution to Somalia's problems

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We can only obtain peace by means of violence

How? In what arena? Who will dole out this violence and who will direct it? Does anyone have actual workable suggestions on how violent opposition to the and Ethiopians will succeed where the UIC failed? I'm all for "kick the invaders out", but how do we do that exactly?


Cambarro asked for solutions, and what we're getting so far is rousing speeches with no real substance.

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^Cara, ma maqashay qaniinyo qaniinyo kale aa kaa fujisa? that is what I am talking about here. It was violence that subdued the warlords in Mogadishu who prompted to howl the populations for 16 years. That was a voilence geared towards one goal, which is to bring about peace and unity, and to our surprises, we gained. what happen after that is another matter we are dealing with now, which is to introduce another level of voilence against the invading enemy, and the means should be a free style, as Malcolm X put it, "by all means necessary" I say.


by the way, Cara, when you know your enemy and have enough animosity in store for them, then what you do exactly shouldn't matter so long you hate them and you are ready to apply your hatred in all ways doable! It is like having a wife, and what you do with her doesn't matter so long she remains your own wife, sax? lol


the enemy is our wife now, the relationship is based on hate, and the actions are always bullets, very simple, I guess! lol

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Ms DD   

Violence has not solved the Palestenian problem, and It hasnt solved the Iraqis problem. I doubt very much that it will resolve the Somali problem.


It is ludicorous to forget the last 16 years and how Ethiopians/outsiders didnt have to cause chaos as much as we did ourselves. It is all very well to assume that if the invaders leave the country, all problems will be vanish. That is wishfull thinking. Our problems existed long before any invasion.

Confrontational posture is likely to exacerbate the situation. As we saw with the Courts, pacifying Mogadishu is acheivable if the populace is on your side. Peace would come a lot sooner if there were no insurgency, and the sooner this happens, the sooner we can get our country back.

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Cara and Cambarro,


How do you reconcile your violence-doesn't-work position with this uncontestable truth spoken by A.u.B


It was violence that subdued the warlords in Mogadishu who prompted to howl the populations for 16 years. That was a voilence geared towards one goal, which is to bring about peace and unity, and to our surprises, we gained

Or did these warlords(who strangely also make up the the bulk of the TFG) dismantle their 'tax' roadblocks, stop their reign of oppresion and death through dialogue and a exchange of ideas ? Remember carefully, that even tho they were 'elected' in that sham party in Nairobi as Ministers of the TFG, they were the ones obstructing peace and stability. Violence turned them into the docile toothless characters they are today.


You do have a point, there's gotta be a method, a strategy, a leadership and collective effort for the resistance, but let us not forgot that we are in the beginning stages of the Muqaawama right now. Mistakes will be made, sadly, there will be casualities. But in principle, in concept, there is unanimous accord(ok, close to unanimous): The invaders must leave or be forced out. How ? Where ? By whom ? All kinks to be worked out. Be patient.


There comes a point and time where dialogue and hathal have nothing to offer except prolonging the inevitable. Btw, I'm just wondering how exactly does a reconcillation take place when you're staring at the business end of a T-50 tank.

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Good topic Cambarro. Solutions? You need to define what you think are the core problems. One sentence or statement will do. I shall come and share my two caanteyn Insha'Allah.

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