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Election Fever In Somaliland

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HARGEISA, Somaliland - A palpable sense of excitement is present in Somaliland as the national elections get closer.


The president of the republic, Mr.Dahir Rayaale Kaahin, spoke twice in public to declare that this election is going to be a historical event for the unrecognized semi-autonomous region in the Horn.


He once again promised that if his party, Udub, loses the election, he will hand over his seat as proof of the democratic legitimacy of the electoral process.


The finance minister, Ambassador Awil Ali Duale, who is a very powerful and influential politician, was in more belligerent mood, and condemned the opposition for what he called their aggressive mentality. He said: They are already giving signs of war if they do not win the election. There is nothing like a win-win situation in politics. I suggest they stop the insults and the failure politics which they are using against the innocent people who fled civil wars to re build normal, stable and peaceful lives again in Somaliland. Every political party expects to win, but we also have in mind, I pray, to hand over peacefully and that is what the good leaders and people who want their country to develop desire.”


Minister Awil Ali Duale went on to say that he did not want to see what happened in Kenya ever repeated again in Africa, as it will destroy the political legitimacy of the continent.


He also took examples from other crisis hit nations and pointed out that Somaliland is stable and peaceful and focusing on a democratic process. The Electoral Commission of Somaliland’s Chairman Mr. Jama Sweden, gave an exclusive interview with SSI and mentioned that the elections fund is ready from the government and the European Union. He added that a big delegation had visited, led by the Swedish Ambassador to Kenya from the EU, who spent one full working day in Somaliland and held talks with the three political parties, the National Electoral Commission and the president. They promised they will do everything they can to make the process efficient and democratic.


He said: We at the Electoral Commission have no other worries and are working very hard on how we will make the election on time. That is our responsibility.”


He also sent a message to the opposition political parties, saying: “We hear from the media these days that some of them have started condemning the Government and misled people by saying the Government can delay the upcoming election if they wish. That is an insult to the Electoral Commission. It’s our job and no-one can play our role.


“We understand we are running out of time and it seems we can’t even make March 29, as planned, but we are not sleeping, we are doing our best efforts to make it on time.”


The chairman was responding to the message from opposition party, Kulmiye, which said the elections will be delayed at the behest of the Government. Chairman Jama Sweden added: We have vowed to do the election process cleanly and we consult with each party, but after we all agree we hear from the media totally different messages sent by some of those whom we have agreed with. That is causing confusion about who to believe.”



By: Moha Dahir Farah Jirreh

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Good comments. Its not a case of 'if we don't win' by Kulmiye but rather 'if we are cheated'.


JB, heard the elections have been put back to June. Ma runba?

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Kadaa dawlada ha aflagadayn sxb. Still way dhaantaa tan xataa Presidential guard haysan ee koonfurta.

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more time to sort out the registered voters ,,, they need to operate the server and that would take sometime. Then there is no enough time for campaigning.

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It's interesting how a tribal state like Sharkaroonland can so easily at the last minute(a month before), change it's election like it's nothing. When Iraq had its first one, every Sunni group boycotted it and there was extreme violece, they could have easily canceled or postponed it the elections. But they knew that photographing elections and having people going to voting booths were more important then the elections themselves. Everyone knew that they needed elections at all cost. Now if you look at Afganistan Karzai wants to have elections Quote "Karzai unleashed a storm of controversy Saturday with a decree ordering the Independent Election Commission to hold Afghanistan's second-ever presidential vote within a constitutional timeline instead of its chosen date of August 20." He's tryign to fast-track it and there is a fire storm. He can easily use violence excuse or anything else but you can't be a democracy if you don't hold elections and postpone them. Can you imagine the fire storm if he tried extended his term by more then a year? That's what the self-declared state Sharkaroonland doesn't get, its leader has extended his term a year and now even longer, so it's basically a democratic state that doesn't hold elections. Their leader Riyaale has been vice pres then pres and is refusing to give it up.

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You don't have to compare Somaliland to Iraq and Afghanistan ,, those place are more like Muqdisho. Tell your Sharif to hold elections just like Iraq.


to postpone elections means there is a government and stability ,,,, what did u expect ?/ ,, Violence, war ?? ,,, Sorry to disappoint you mate.

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ELECtions( in somalia at least) are over rated and mostly a waste of time. Just choose a man the traditional way and rotate it amongst the clans.

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Somaliland adopted the multi party election system. It's not the best system in the world by any means, but it does give the folks something to talk about.

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Originally posted by Abu_Diaby- Al Zeylaci:

ELECtions( in somalia at least) are over rated and mostly a waste of time. Just choose a man the traditional way and rotate it amongst the clans.

and which clan would you start with ?? :D

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Originally posted by Egaal:

Kadaa dawlada ha aflagadayn sxb. Still way dhaantaa tan xataa Presidential guard haysan ee koonfurta.

Ninkaani ma Shiekh Badacas baa. smile.gif

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