
Xasan unfit, a danger to himself and to the State?

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His arguments sound valid, it could explain why HSM is not acting normal, but don't think it is true.

HSM is a thug, and Somalis shot themselves the day they selected him


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Trouble is there are claims of his:
    - Wandering off,
    - Wearing arm sling without being injured,
        - Wearing it on the left arm on one day, then the right the day after,
    - Not keeping up with basic personal hygiene,
    - Being a danger to himself whilst putting others close to him within harm's way.

These are troubling and damaging claims, if true. This shorty making claims is said to be one of his close confidante, and a potential son-in-law.


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This really coincide time HSM went to UAE, MMA can check timeline, mostly likely they poisoned him.

He is very weak puppet 

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I don’t think he is losing it . I think  he is just incompetent . And just care for material wealth instead of caring for the nations wealth

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Bluh bluh bluh.....

Well done to hsm and family.  

There's no Somalia.  HSM is running hus clan's enclave and he's doing as he pleases. 

Qaraarka hala joojiyo.  Wax Somalinimo la yiraahdo ma jirto.  

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