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Finally the warlords are coming to their senses...

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they established the principle of equal representation for the four main clans plus some for minority groups.




Donors were getting fed up with paying massive hotel bills while the delegates spent most of their time arguing and people in Somalia continued to be killed.


They made veiled threats that those who did not sign up to peace would be tried for war crimes.

The prospect of being taken to court for war crimes and the fact the donors where fed up with them brought them to their senses.....I pray and hope that this gets followed through.

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Really this is one of the few times i posted a thread from Somali (Leaders) i guess.


Somali leaders sign landmark agreement


Staff Reporter

NAIROBI, 30 January 2004

Somalia's warring factional leaders, attending peace talks in Nairobi, Kenya, have signed a landmark compromise agreement on forming a new government in the lawless Horn of Africa country.


NAIROBI: Following a signing ceremony witnessed by Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki, the leader of the Mogadishu-based Transitional National Government, Abdulkassim Salat Hassan, hailed the accord as a good omen and a giant leap forward toward peace.


"I wish to say to my Somali brothers and sisters that what we have achieved today has truly changed the mood of our people at home and abroad," he said. " We pray that the people of Somalia will put behind the tragic moments of the past and will start a new chapter for a better and prosperous future for the generation to come."


The signing marks the first time that all major Somali warlords have endorsed a document that could help end Somalia's 13-year civil war.


The agreement consists of amendments to a controversial interim charter, which was adopted last July by delegates to the Kenyan-sponsored talks.


Among other things, the delegates at the July talks had agreed that a new transitional parliament would be in power for four years, and its 351 members would be selected by clan political leaders.


But several factional leaders rejected the proposal for not including traditional elders in the selection process, and walked out of the talks.


The compromise agreement reduces the number of parliament members to 275. And, while they will be elected by clan political leaders, all members must be endorsed by traditional elders as well. In addition, the transitional parliament would now be in power for five years, not four.


Once the parliament is formed, members will choose a president who will, in turn, nominate a prime minister to form a government.


But observers say a final peace agreement is still some distance away. The warlords have yet to tackle the issue of how to share power among groups which, for more than a decade, have relied on guns to settle their differences.


Somalia plunged into anarchy after factional fighters overthrew dictator Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991.


Quarreling and bitter fighting among factional militias and their leaders since then have hampered numerous attempts to form a central government.



(Voice of America News)

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Hayaay, waar Shaqsii, according to Abdullahi Yusuf, the new agreement the warlords signed is VOID and NULL.


I guess it is back to the drawing boards again.


Marba mid baa carooda. Yesterday it was Cabdiqaasim, today it is none other Ina Yusuf Yeey who was criticizing Cabdiqaasim for being reckless. Bal adigu kaalay u tali Soomaali.

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^^^^like i said before, there will never be any peace in somalia, if the peace making is carried out by warlords, it is sad that somalis after so many one-formula peace confrences still dont get it! :(


One of the reasons i supported ARTA was that for the first time it did not involve the likes of morgan aideed yeey or any other political pirate.

But somalis wanted to enjoy the ocean with out the noise of the waves, and so the arta processes floundered through the lack of support of many.


Although it is an oft repeated cliche in our situation it rings true.


every people get the goverment or in our case lack there of that they deserve

This singular apathy and lack of civic duty is what has allowed the warlords to ridicule somali hope and aspirations at every peace confrence, 13 times.


Like i said expect another 2 year "final, final, final" confrence at any venue of your choosing.


Just too many of these men having learnt nothing from the civil war, wanting to be the cappo di tutti capi, in somalia and every somali bears the blame for not lifting this illusion from their shoulders.

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Libax, the agreement is not null and void, Abdullahi ina Yey has highlighted that 15 new leaders where added after the signing of the greement this was against what the leaders had signed. Anyhow it has now been settled and the new parliment will be formed soon.


What ever happens no individual can now stop the conclusion of the conference.

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I trully pray that this is a success for the sake of our people who have suffered so much and are entitled to walk, work n live in peace without someone pointing agun and taking them for ransom.

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It's good news because they're finally doing something productive. Nonetheless, I fail to see what qualifies warlords to make decisions concerning the establishment of a new government for Somalia when they're responsible for keeping our nation in a political standstill. Excuse me for being a pessimist, but if those guys disappeared off the face of the Earth tonight, I sure wouldn't miss them.



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COL C/LLAHI YUUSUF: "marna aqbali mayo in dad ay Igad ka keentay Balcad iyo Xamar ay ka qeyb qaataan….



February 2, 2004 Markacadeey




Waraka ka imaanayo magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa sheegay in Kooxihii Mbagathi Group gaar ahaan kuwa SRRC-da iyo maamul Goboleedka Puntland ay mar kale saluug ka muujiyeen qodoka 30-aad ee Axdiga KMG oo qoraal rasmi ah oo IGAD ka soo baxay lagu soo bandhigay cidda soo xuleysa Baarlamaanka oo sida qoraalku qorayo ah kooxihii lagu casuumay 9-kii bishii janaayo hotelka Safari Parki kuwaasoo gaaraya 39 xubnood.


Kooxahani waxay diideen in Baarlamaanka ay soo xulaan wax ka badan 25-xubnood oo C/qaasim uu ku jiro, iyagoo xusan in aanay aqbaleynin dad kale oo lagu soo kordhiyo tirada saxiixayaasha oo sida ay iyaga u yaqaanaan ah 24-xubnood.


C/laahi Yuusuf ayaa yiri "marna aqbali mayo in dad ay Igad ka keentay Balcad iyo Xamar ay ka qeyb qaataan soo xulida Baarlamaanka, anagana Igad naguma qasbi karto in wixii ay doonto ay ka bedesho shirka, waxaana na loo keenay liis ay ku qoran tahay 39-xubnood, taasna waa mid aan la aqbali Karin, waayo saxiixayaashu waa 24-xubnood oo C/qaasim lagu soo darayo".


Col. C/laahi Yuusuf oo xiligaa la hadlayay ergada Mbaghati ku sugan ayaa tiri "Ma ogoshahiin in ergooyinku ay soo xulaan Jaamac Cali Jaamac iyo Cumar Jees?" markaas ayay si cod dheer ah xubnihii uu warkaa ku yiri ku yiraahdeen "maya" markaasuu yiri "dad noocaas ah ayaa naloo soo wadaa, waa in aan iska diidaan oo aan ka hortagnaa".


Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee Nairobi ayaa sheegaya in xiisadii ka dhalatay diid madaas ay soo yaraneyso kadib markii wada hadal ay yeesheen wasiirka Arrimaha dibadda ee Kenya, C/laahi Yuusuf iyo xubnaha Golaha SRRC, lamana oga waxa lagu qanciyay iyadoo ilaa iyo hadana lagu guuleysan la’yahay in laga ansixiyo ergooyinka shirla heshiiskii ay kooxuhu gaareen, taasoo marka horeba la is weydiinayo waxa keenay in heshiis ay kooxuhu gaareen uu noqdo mid laga ansixiyo cid kale oo aan Baarlamaanka ahayn sidoo kalena lama oga goorta lagu dhawaaqayo in wejiga 3-aad ee shirku furmayo.






Maxamed Cali Maxamud (Madka)


Xafiiska markacadeey ee Muqdisho






February 2, 2004 Markacadeey




Xubna ka mida ah Golaha SRRC-da ee Itoobiya taageerto ayaa si weyn uga horjeestay heshiiska hogaamiyeyaasha Soomaalida ku gaareen Shirkii ay ku lahaayeen hoteelka Safari Park, iyagoo ku tilmaamay inuu ahaa qiyaamo la hoos geliyay.

Arrinta ugu weyn ee ay diidan yihiin ayaa ah iyadoo heshiiska la saxiixay lagu daray in higaamiyayaasha siyaasada Golaha samata bixinta ay qeyb ka yihiin siyaasiyiinta soo xulaysa xubnaha Baarlamaanka, arrintaas oo muran weyn ka dhex dhelisay kooxaha SRRC-da ayaa wararku sheegayaan inay weli qaarkood ka biyo diidan yihiin.


Ergada taageersan Golahaasi ayaan weli ansixin heshiiak oo la filayay inay taageero ku ayidaan maalintii Sabtidii, ergada oo diidan inay yimaadaan Hotelka Safari Park ayaa dhinaca kale ka hor jeestay qaabka heshiiska, waxaana dhacay doodo kulul oo dhex maray hogaamiyayaasha iyo ergooyinkooda.


Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ayaa sheegaya in is mari waa xal loo waayay u dhexeeyay hogaamiyayaasha heshiiska saxiixay iyo ergadooda SRRC-da, inkastoo qaarkood la qanciyay ilaa iyo iminkana la isku ma waafaqin xilliga ergada Mbaghati ay ansixin doonaan heshiiska.


Culeys weyn oo Igad iyo beesha caalamka saareen hogaamiyayaasha SRRC-da iyo hogaamiyayaasha kale 20-ka Mbaghati ayaa ku qasbay inay ogolaadaan qodobka 30-aad ee Golaha samata bixinta lagu aqoonsaday laguna daray qeybaha wax ka xulaya Xildhibaanada cusub.




Maxamed Cali Maxamud (Madka)


Xafiiska markacadeey ee Muqdisho




So does any one else have any nagging hopes??

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Question though is .....How can people who have committed crimes like murders, embezzlements and rapes of both land and people surivive the backlashes once there is a semblance of agovernment? Do you think they have the guts to let bygones be just that?

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Those murderers are the same ppl who are gonna be running the show so there is no chance for them to ever be persecuted for their crimes..

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Originally posted by Gediid:

Those murderers are the same ppl who are gonna be running the show so there is no chance for them to
be persecuted for their crimes...

Ever? Well, even if they don't pay during their lifetimes... what about the afterlife? Anyway, they're far too short-sighted to realize that history never forgets its villians. The question is will Somali history be any different?

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This ain't no damn success story! The only people smiling are the Kenyans, who'll be happy that the so-called conference will soon be over after a year and that it'll put a halt to the continued expenses on the this useless attempt at Somali peace.


Reasons it won't work:


1. All the warlords, whether it be Abdullahi Yusuf, Cisman Caato, Mowliid Macaane, Omar Jess, Xaaji Yalaxow, Abdiqassim Salat or the RRA leaders, among others, have been fighting for over a decade to gain whatever little land and power they have TODAY! What makes you think they'll give it up in the HOPE of a future, united Somalia?


You have to understand that these warlords, with whom the IGAD committee is working with, don't believe in Somalia. They believe in whatever little clan-oriented fiefdom they have control of, in which they tax the local population in order to pay off their khat-chewing, mostly illiterate, up-to-no-good militia men who'll cut off the warlord's throats if they don't get their daily marduuf! THAT'S THE REALITY IN SOMALIA!


2. There is no way in HELL that Somalia's problems will be solved through the mediation of OUTSIDE powers. Look at from this perspective: There have been about 13 conferences, all held outside of Somalia and with foreign powers watching. All have failed and this one is no different. There also have been a few INTERNAL conferences, based on the clan/territorial levels. I'll take 2 examples to highlight the success of these INTERNAL conferences:


One was held in Borama, Awdal region and ended up uniting the lands between Somalia's border with Djibouti all the way to Toghdeer region and western Sanaag region. Successful because it was FOR and BY the Somali people. Who cares about Museveni? He can't even control the northern portions of Uganda and somehow he's qualified enough to solve the perplexing Somali issue? I THINK NOT!


The other example is the Garowe conference that formed what is now known as Puntland. This was successful up to the July of 2001 when it became a one-man show.


Anyways, the POINT I'm trying to make is this: The warlords won't give up what they have today or face the possibility of a hierarchy when they're at the TOP today. And secondly, Somalia's problems are exactly that: Somalia's problems and can only be solved by Somalis!


In South Africa, to end the decades of apartheid, they held a conference within South Africa and succeeded because the Blacks came to power. They didn't hold a conference in Botswana to end South African problems. It makes no sense! What Somalis need to do is quit running to foreign powers whenever there's a fire burning in their own house. PUT OUT THE FIRE YOURSELF!!!!!!!! cause it's your house, not Kenya's or Ethiopia's!

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