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Mr Somalia, Yeah but the president seat needs to stay with reer garowe, that term must be finished by some from garowe!!! I just want to see farole changed with someone thats more respectable and who stands for puntland interest!!!


My family hate farole, my father even told him before farole left australia to go there and help the people and not just take away, because history remember those who do good!!! He promised he will, but as we all see thats not the case!!!

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PUNTLAND: 3600 oo Arday oo Imtixaamadkii Sanad Dugsiyeedka u Fariistay Deegaanada Puntland.


Posted to the Web May 22, 10:04



Wasiirka Waxbarashada Puntland


Garoowe:(pp)- Waa markii ugu horeysay oo ay arday tiradoodu gaarayso 3600 ay imtixaan u fariistaan deegaanada puntland, gaar ahaan gudsiyada kala duwan ee 7-da gobol ee puntland gaar ahaan fasalada 8-daad.


Waxaa saaka abaarihii 8:30 subaxnimo deegaanada puntland u fariistay imtixaamaadkii fasalada 8-aad puntland taas oo ay si midaysan u wada fariisteen imtixaamaadkaas waxaana ay intuba ku midaysan yihiin manaahiijka ka baxa dhammaan Iskoolada saaka u fariistay imtaxaamaadka puntland.



Hadaba waxaa tirada xarumaha ay imtixaamaadku ka socdaan gaarayaan 37 xarrumood, 80 Iskool, iyo 3600 oo arday waxaana ay u kala qornaayeen tirada gobalada sidaan


Xarumaha lagu qaadayey Imtixaanka


Bari 15 xarumood

Mudug 22 xarumood

Nugaal 16 xarumood

Sool 3 xarumood

Cayn 5 xarumood

Sanaag 8 xarumood


Shaqaalaha ka qayb qaadanayey imtixaamaadka Gobalada Puntland

ayaa gaaraya180 ilaaliye, 40 kormeero imtixaan, 62 Nadaafada xarrumaha ay ka socdaan imtxaanadu,80 Askari oo ilaalinaya xarrumaha iyo shaqaalaha la socda imtixaamadka gobalada.


Dhanka kale wasiirka wasaaraadda waxbarashada puntland Cabdi Faarax Juxa ayaa maanta kor meeray xarrumaha ay ka socdaan imtixaamadku gaar ahaan magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada puntland waxaana uu kor meeray dugsiyada kala ah imnunawaayi, gudisiga hoose dhexe ee darwiish.


Wasiirka ayaa kormeerka ka ddib shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarrunta wasaaradda waxbarashada puntland ee magalada Garoowe isagoo saxaafada uga warbixiyey imtixaanaadka maanta looga fariistay 7 gobol oo puntland ah iyo dadaalka ay wasaaraadu u gashay midaynta manaahijta sugsiyada puntland.


Sidoo kale waxaa uu wasiirku sheegay in ay maanta tahay wax lagu faano in deegaanada puntland ay ka midaysan yihiin manaahijka ka baxda dhammaan dugsiyada puntland oo dhanmi.


Ugu damabayntii waxaa uu wasiirku sheegay in dhammaan arday kasta oo ka baxa gudsiyada puntland uu helayo shahaado la aqoonsan yahay taas oo ah mid isku mida, iyadoo ay wasaaradu dadaal u gashay in ay ardayda reer puntland u raadiso waxbarasho dibada ah, waxaana uu wasiirku sheegay in ay ku guuleysteen arrinkaas.


Wasiirkan ayaa noqonaya kii ugu horeeyey ee Puntland soo mara , isagoo wax lataaban karo ka qabtay wasaarada Waxbarashada Puntland.


Siciid Cabdisalaan Siciid

Wakiilka Puntlandpost-Garoowe


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Mr.Somalia bro we all know farole is loser, we shouldn't even be debating such issue. Farole is not worth even debating imagine that !!!

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I dont know what you guys are yapping about but so far he is the only one who put things in order in puntland. He achieved in a short period of time what Cade or Yey could not achieve in two terms.


In Cade's term we remember bandits were robbing people off their belongings in Garowe , the capital which suppose to be the most peaceful place in the state. Also something unheard of in the previous admin is the idea that no one takes government job for granted and if a minster or district chief can not do his/her job they get booted quickly. Steps like this ones have led puntland to have surplus of taxes and no penny escapes without being unaccounted. Government employees get paid in timely fashion which wasnt the case in the previous admins as well.


Of course he does have some short comings but they are very small and it is something that any smart puntlander can put up with.

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there was armed conflict yesterday in an area loyal to Puntland, yet the vice-president or president made no official statement. They are completely ignoring it! If you don't care about Sool, atleast think how close the conflict is to Garowe, which could be the next battle ground. I am not saying they should start fighting, but atleast hold a press conference stating their position on the issue!


Yet, instead they are talking about a meeting in Turkey about Piracy!

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^ As we Speak now the puntland army are at the frontline and the conference in Turkey has a greater and more important consequence for puntland than a local skirmish. We all know the true motive behind this pity move by Riyaale.

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Turkey is more important than the deaths of mostly civilians yesterday? I am not calling for conflict, but atleast an official government statement from the President or Vice President or even better a press conference!

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Mr Somalia, with all due respect....go cry to your mother....what you say or think doesnt change reality on the ground...As for Cowke and Thankful...LOL...everyone knows Cadde was the real loser,,,get over it..election season is 4 yrs away mate...


The situation on the ground is as exepected....1st,,,Dont forget that this is an internal issue between these so called Darwish...and they need to figure out...who is their leader..whether it is Xaabsade or Xagletosiye,,,that is upto them,,,,


Remembers it was not that long ago that those Mudug boys led by Xiif Cali Taar got massacred and the remaining re-routed by these so called Darwish...bunch of confused fellas I would add to hell with this divided Darwish clan......until a united front of SSC....led them bari boys send their boys...


P.S. However, Puntland have been arming these SSC boys and now putting its army into the Frontline as we speak. The gameplan was to isolate Xaabsade and the bunch from the clan..and create a very strong animosity between Sland...and the Howd boys. Hence, this so called switching sides by the SSC politicians becomes impossible.

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