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Towbah Yaa Rabbi - Ethiopians are really GOOD

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Mogadishu 05, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) - The Islamist leader for Jubba provinces, who was wounded in the fighting between Islamists and Ethiopian troops backing the transitional government, has spoken to the press for the first since his capture by the Ethiopian and government troops nearly three weeks ago.


Sheik Ahmed Islam has told journalists in Kismayu, about 500 km south of the capital Mogadishu, that the Ethiopian troops treated him humanely after he was wounded and captured.


He said he was captured near the jungles in south Somalia near the Kenyan border while US warplanes struck the area.


Before he was allowed to talk with the press, an Ethiopian officer told journalists that Islam was still sick of the wounds.


Islam said Ethiopians are not as I believed; they treated me fairly and humanely. I would like now to be treated in hospitals of Addis Abba,” he said.


Sheik Ahmed Islam showed the bullet wounds on his leg, arm and cheek. He said the U.S. AC 130 gunship that struck southern Somalia claimed the lives of many more civilians and animals.

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I dont think tha news is credible.


One thing is if he was really captured.

It would be great victory for the TFG.

The TFG would 24/7 publicise on how they captured one of the 'fugitives'.


He would also give credit to TFG if he was hospitalised as this would boost the soveregnity of the TFG.

In conclusion the news if it is credible has no effect on the grounds.

As the Ethiopians are indescriminatly looting and plundering that region while recently the Arrest of the elders has infact plunged the crediblity of the TFG into tatters.

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yes he was captured, but by the americans and so they don't want to publicize it.


the americans bombed an area where they were having a meeting and did not know his identity so they brought him to ksimaayo.


we can understand what he is saying because we know how he will be treated if he says something contrary to ethiopia's wishes.


what i don't understand is the hypocrites on this forum who are enjoying the capture of the muslims and their plight. they really show their evil nature of hating muslims for defending their country.


وَمَا لَكُمْ لاَ تُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ وَالْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاء وَالْوِلْدَانِ الَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَـذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ وَلِيًّا وَاجْعَل لَّنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ نَصِيرًا

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As for the article, the poorly translated word gives too much importance and emphasis to things that do not deserve it.



Here is the article in Somali



Mas'uulkii GMIS ugu qeysanaa Jubooyinka oo saxaafadda kula hadlay Kismaayo



Kismaayo 06, Feb.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Gudoomiyihii hore ee golaha maxkamadaha islaamka gobolada Jubbooyinka Sheekh Axmed islaam oo dhaawac ahaan ay ugu hayeen magaalada Kismaayo ciidamada dowladda Ethiopia ayaa maanta waxaa loo geeyay saxaafadda, isagoo ka war bixiyay xaaladiisa.


Sheekh Axmed Islaam ayaa maanta markii ugu horeysay saxaafadda kula hadlay magaalada Kismaayo, ka dib markii ciidamada Ethiopia ay ku soo bandhigeen halkaasi isagoo dhaawac ah, iyadoo odayaal iyo waxgaradna ay joogeen.


Sheekha oo muddo labo isbuuc ah ay ciidamada Ethiopia ku hayeen magaalada Kismaayo ayaa laga soo qabtey isagoo dhaawac ah dhulalka fog fog ee xuduudaha Kenya iyo Somalia horaantii bishii Janaayo, ka dib markii halkaasi ay duqeeyeen ciidamada Ethiopia iyo diyaaradaha dagaalka Mareykanka.


Sheekh Axmed ayaa inta uusan hadlin ka hor waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia oo sheegay in Sheekh Axmed uu yahay xur.


Sheekha oo hadalo kooban halkaasi ka jeediyay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia waxa uu ka aaminsanaa aysan noqon, isla markaana si wanaagsan ay ula dhaqmeen.


Waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Mareykanka ay duqeyn ba'an u geysteen dad rayid ah iyo xoolo intaba.


Faraxaan Lafoole


Shabelle Media Network J/hoose

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Sheekh Axmed ayaa inta uusan hadlin ka hor waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay mid ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada Ethiopia oo sheegay in Sheekh Axmed uu yahay xur.


Sheekha oo hadalo kooban halkaasi ka jeediyay ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ciidamada Ethiopia waxa uu ka aaminsanaa aysan noqon, isla markaana si wanaagsan ay ula dhaqmeen.

And what is the difference ??????


Walee nimankii sidaasaa u dambaysay ,,,,,

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