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General Duke

Xabsade attacks the TFG....

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Abdikarim Ibr. Aden E-mail:

Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade oo ah Wasiirka Gaadiidka Cirka iyo dhulka ee dawladda KMG ayaa mar kale ku celiyay isagoo ku sugan magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobolka Bay dalabkiisa ku aadan in ciidamada C/llaahi Yuusuf ay isaga baxaan magaaladaasi.

Shir Jaraa’id oo uu ku qabtay Xaabsade Baydhabo ayuu si kulul ugu eedeeyay amaandarada iyo xasilooni la’aanta taagan inuu ka dambeeyo C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed isagoo ugu baaqay in uu ka guuro halkaasi, haddii uu u hoggaansami waayana uu qasab kaga saari doono Gobolka.

Dhinaca kale wuxuu sheegay Xildhibaan Xaabsade in mashaqadii dhowaan ka dhacday garoonka magaalada Baydhabo ee ay tirada dadka ku dhinteen, kuwo kalena ay ku dhaawacmeen in ay mas’uuliyadeedu leedahay Xukuumadda Soomaaliya.

Dhinaca kale waxa uu hadalkan mar labaad si kulul ugu celiyay Md. Maxamed Ibraahim Xaabsade iyadoo ay magaalada Baydhabo shirar albaabada u xiran yihiin ay ku leeyihiin saddexda mas’uul ee ugu saraysa dowladda KMG, lamana oga sida ay arrintu u biyo shuban doonto, mana jiraan ilaa iyo haatan warar xaqiijinaya in dhammaan caqabooyinkaas laga gudbi karo iyo in kale.

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Duke, this is the problem with a federal government based on clan power sharing. Wherever the so called Federal honcos like A/Y settle, locals won't accept their authority and would feel undermined. The government will remain a guest, ineffective and powerless amid the clan. If force is tried, you risk the kind of reaction you see now. Each clan would be intent on calling the shots in their town and will view the TFG or Any other authority headed by someone from another clan as outsiders. This TFG will never succeed. Somalis are prone to pickering and can never come to terms with each other so long as clan is what they are defending and working for. Just like you, majority of somalis confuse clan with qaranimo and are into politics for their own end and benefit.



Strange enough clanists like you don't appreciate the power of clan sentiments and are blind to other people's clanist approach to everything. It is like they don't understand their own bigotry and dark slefish doctrine. A/Y should leave Baydhabo accordingly and go to Puntland. Baydhabo dadaa leh and I know you can't dispute this because it is one of your articles of faith, the clan comes first.

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The man is in your clans pocket. That’s why you hasten to make the usual uninformed comments. Listen the TFG government troops will be there for a temporary period and power will be given to the clan that resides in Bay and Bakool. You know and I both know that’s the program. Now lets have a quick look at the lower Shabbelle, what are the intentions of your clan and their land grabbing strategy? Is it for the benefit of the clan of Xabsade? The governor of Bay is from Bay, tell me where the governor of Lower Shabbele hails from? Who runs, Barava, Marka and all the way to Bali-Dogle? Are the local inhabitants happy with their rule?


While you can call others names, in practice you have always defended your clans subjugation, enslavement and total takeover of Lower Shabbele and the Juba’s. And you pretend to be a person driven by justice.. The TFG is the best solution in Somalia right now. For in principle it will give back everyone their rights and their land.

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Jananka, I think you are underestimating Xaabsade. I don't think he is in anybody's pocket, for he has a right to be mad for a clear day-light massacre of his and Saransoor's militias by clan soldiers marti ku joogay meesha.


Ciidamada C/llaahi Yuusuf jufadiisa hoose ah dulqaadkooda waa u dhamaaday, runtii. Waxooda kadareey waaye.


Now, 'madaxtooyada' kama soo baxaan, cabsi daradeed, because dadkii baa ku kacay, not Xaabsade kaliya, oo maleeshooyinkii la xareeye, oo laga bixiye magaalada dib ugu soo wada noqday.


Horaa loo dhahay ka fiirso intaadan falin, markii hore inay ka fiirsadaan ayee ahayd.

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MMA, what happened in Baidoa airport was a tragic act and those who took part in it should be punished.


I agree with you on everypoint, the security of the area should come under the local population.


If as you say the government troops are not wanted then they should move out of Bay and Bakool... Lets not get carried away the troops will move out sooner or later and the President and his 'clan" have no design on the region..


But I disagree with Xoogsade highlighting this issue while avoiding the countless tragedies that took part in Bay before and now in Lower Shabbele...

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Once again, inocent are the people of Baydhabo and how much they are hungry for any sort of government. Even after this, the TFG is still there.I would like to say to those Baydhabo people, iska samra, cidii dhibta wada Allah ujeeda, but better days are ahead with the courts insha Allah.


I wonder, if Miskiin Macruuf still has any more loyalty left in him for the TFG after this.

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I wonder, if Miskiin Macruuf still has any more loyalty left in him for the TFG after this.

I have no loyalty for any political organization, even including a government. The only loyalty I've lies with my family. Garatee, igaarkeey?


Nor am I influenced or does loyalty lie on a qabiil ideology. No.


Having said that, my support of dowlad kumeelgaarkaan has everything to do with Soomaaliya dowlad u baahan, nothing to do with personality cults, or who leads what, or qabiil or what you think or believe my own qabiil wants.


This same support was applied to C/qaasin dowladiis ee Carte lagu soo dhisay -- you can search old threads to confirm that.


I've disagreed plenty of what this new dowlad kumeelgaar represents, still it is the only hope we have, not wadaad ku sheega. I am waiting the day, Eebbe forbid, they attack Hargeysa, your jubilant and enthusiastic support to remain the same. Baliis, do not try to change the shaati on that day. 808.gif

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"the day they attack Hargeysa" kulahaa, waar heedhe Miskiin, dhageyso Hargeysa waxba ka dooni maayaan Maxkamadahu eh, ee fikrada sidaasa maskaxdaada kasaar.


Hadii aad is leedahay maxkamadahu Baydhabo ayey wax karabaan mar hore ayey tagi lahaayeen. Waayo Maxkamaduhu Baydhabo may galin, dad rayid ahna may layn sida TFG oo kale.


furthermore, baliis, don't tell me that this weak and nonfunctioning TFG is the only hope that people have, you are way off the mark there.


Bal hada isku noqo, oo examine garee cida dhibta iyo dawlad la'aanta kawada meesha.


Madaxweyne kusheegana, maalina oday ayuu kudili marna Militia diisa ayaa dad layn, markaa idinkaa isbaday, because of your loyalty to a thug.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

MMA, what happened in Baidoa airport was a tragic act and those who took part in it should be punished.

yeah, you bet your shoes, they should be punished, but who should be punished, the man who is behind it right? well it's the old man, so hang 'em high baby.

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Can we, baliis, Baddacase, separate Cabdillaahi Yuusuf Axmed from the dowlada kumeelgaarka. Soomaalida wareerkaas ayaa heysto, always comparing who is a head of state to the entire dowlad la dhiso.


This confusion of personality cult by comparing or equaling or one person being synonymous to overall goverment in general, is nothing, indeed, new -- it started the day we had our independence, beginning with Cabdillaahi Ciise's interim adminstration. We thus are still struggling to separate an individual from an institution.


About wadaad ku sheega's ambition of extending their authority to Hargeysa, ha is dhihin waligaa they won't, with latest attesting coming from Turki, a promiment member of wadaada ku sheega's Golahooda:


"Kismaayo, Hargeysa, Burco, Boosaaso, Gaalkacyo, Baydhabo iyo qolada meel ku gaarka ah kuligood webi isdhex socda ayey jiifaan waxaan kula talin lahaa inay soo raacaan islaamnimada iyo wadaninimada," ayuu Sheekh Xasan Turki ugu baaq u jeedinayey dadka iyo maamulada ku dhaqan gobolada dalka. [Xigasho]


I hope you won't change your views markee daadaas kusoo gaarto.

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^^ lol@Miskiin Macruuf. Walaalo macaanow fadlan and baliis, sidee lookala saari karaa Abdullahi Yusuf iyo TFG da. Entire dawlad kulahaa, entire dawlada isaga uun baa wata, hadii ay jiraan rag fiican oo ka mid ahina isaga uun baa tiisu soconaysaa, markaa caqli gal maaha in layidhaahdo, ha lakala saaro Abdullahi Yusuf iyo dawlad kusheegiisa,hadii aan Abdullahi Yusuf blame garayn then waa inaan blame naa Ethiopia soo maaha, but either way somebody is gotta be in charge of its continues failure.

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