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US recommends TFG to negotiate Islamist leader

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US ambassador to Kenya, Michael Ranneberger directs TFG to start talking with the ICU leader Sheikh Shariif or risk losing forty million dollars donation set to help reconstruct the country. I guess Sheik Shariif is the most important key needed to sell TFG to the Somali public and Moqdisho.


Dowladda Mareykanka oo ugu baaqday Dowladda Soomaaliya inay wadahadalo la gasho Guddoomiyihii Golaha Fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamiga


Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa joojisay 40-Milyaan oo Dollar oo ay siin lahayd Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, Lacagtaas oo loogu talagalay in qeyb ka noqoto dadaalka Nabadeed ee laga wado Soomaaliya.

Safiirka Maraykanka ee Kenya, Michael Ranneberger ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya looga baahan yahay in ay wadahadalo la gasho Guddoomiyihii Golaha fulinta Maxkamadaha Islaamiga Soomaaliya Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Ahmed oo Muqdisho isaga cararay markii Dowladda Itoobiya xoog kaga saartay Maxkamadaha koonfurta Soomaaliya.

“Dowladda waxaa laga doonayaa inay la hadasho Sheekh Shariif waxaa uu ahaa nin dadka dhexdiisa tixgelin ku leh, waana nin aan ahayn xag jir, waxaa loo baahan yahay Dowladda inay dhexdeeda heshiiso”ayuu yiri Safiirka Maraykanka ee Kenya, Michael Ranneberger.

Warar la isla dhex maraya Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in Guddoomiyihii Golaha fulinta Maxkamadaha Ilaamiga Sheekh Shariif uu ku sugan yahay Magaalada Nairobi in kastoo qaar ka mid ah Warbaahinta Kenya ay sheegeen in Shariifka la soo qabtay.


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Tha Americans realise what the TFG don't; namely that public sentiment continues to lie with the remnants of the ICU, especially Sheikh Shariif.


Reconciliation with the Sheikh is the swiftest road to alleviate some of the public mistrust in the TFG, its ethics, and its potential.

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When did Ranneberger say this?


Only one article has posted this?


Sxb some say sheik shariif is in Kenyan prison. How can you negotiate with a person in Jail?


America is speaking diplomatically.


There line of thought goes something like this











"INCLUSIVE governance"


.............MEANWHILE SHEIK SHARIIF IS IN JAIL. have you yet to learn politics brother? This is american turub at its finest.


BTW they have already released the forty million dollars 'down payment'. The EU has followed.

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Sxb some say sheik shariif is in Kenyan prison.

I've seen and heard second & third hand reports full of hearsay. If you have confirmed reports supporting your claim please post the source.

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I find this rather puzzling, why would the US want the TFG/Warlords to negotiate with the quote terrorist quote? So they too could be labeled as terrorist sympathizer?


They have made obvious that there shall be no bargaining with terrorists, since when did they decided to overturn their declaration. The ICU should give them the middle finger, the TFG has few supporters, and that is even declining, they can’t control Mogadishu, so you could forget about the whole country, Ethiopia is backing up and leaving, and God knows when some unskilled, barbarian Africans will come dressed in uniforms trying to bring law and order to a city that is yet to be tamed.

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Mystic, the US has been very diplomatic in not directly naming Sheikh Shariif as a 'terrorist' or associating terrorism with him.


Now they see the incorporation of the Sheikh into the TFG as a possible move to reduce public discontent with the TFG.


And to perhaps to increase the legitimacy of the TFG in the eyes of the people, most of whom were behind the ICU.


The Sheikh has suggested before that he'll 'point the middle finger' at any such deal.

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^^^America had state again and again that the ICU was an Islamic group linked to Al Qaida, which basically gave emphasis to terrorism.


America just doesn’t have any evidence or falsifiable evidences to indict Sheikh Sheriff of terrorist acts. I am sure the humble sheikh will never agree to to be part of a Government whose pillars are Warlordism.

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^^^America had state again and again that the ICU was an Islamic group linked to Al Qaida, which basically gave emphasis to terrorism.

Yes, but they've from the beginning earmarked Sheikh Shariif as a 'moderate' figure in the ICU, one who perhaps in the future can be used to stabilise public support for the TFG, if the ICU is destroyed.


America just doesn’t have any evidence or falsifiable evidences to indict Sheikh Sheriff of terrorist acts.

They haven't got any substantial evidence on anybody in the ICU, including Dahir Aweys (yet they still labelled him a 'terrorist'), so 'lack of evidence' is not why they've not proclaimed Sheikh Shariif as a 'terrorist'.


They were planning ahead, by refraining from directly accusing of being involved in terrorism,they have ensured they wouldn't contradict themselves in the future.

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^ I agree Centurion. Sheikh Sharif is too much of a loved figure even the Americans know this.


My worry is that as we already know the TFG is full of outrageously incompetent figures and so there is no telling what they will do if they get their hands on him.


Probably shoot their own foot again. (or whatever may be left of it)

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

Only one article has posted this

Since you respect all things Western, perhaps this BBC report will convince you?


Somalis urged to meet Islamists


Originally posted by Taako Man:

Sxb some say sheik shariif is in Kenyan prison. How can you negotiate with a person in Jail

See the following two reports. oo caddeyneysa in Sheek Shariif Sh Axmed aan laqabanin ilaahay mahaddiisna uu bad qabo


Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo kusugan Gudaha dalka Soomaaliya isagoo badqaba beeniyayna Wararka qaar

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I agree Centurion, but America had no alternative by to label Sheikh Sheriff as a moderate figure, he acted in a way that perceived to be Islamicially moderate.


By telling the Warlord Government to negotiation with the ICU, America is trying to appear like a peacemaker, so there could be less criticizes coming from the international world. Remember America has a reputation to save. They have two faces, one which is for the international world, it is a likeable, Peacemaking, the World Police, fighting to protect Democracy and Freedom around the globe one and the other, which is to undertake their international interests, by deceiving manipulating, and aiding anyone which will render to their commands, doesn’t matter what scandalous crimes are committed or how many people die while achieving their interests.


The world will go nuts if they discover that America was the same one which wanted to enroot the ICU from Somalia and install a government which is full of Warlords, which could easily be stage-managed by America.


This folks are given us lip service, what they say and what they want are two different things.

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Those two websources can't be taken seriously. Qaadisiya, Idamaales Dayniiles Kismaayonews etc are BS pages who will write anything to convince delusional readers.


Also the BBC article says nothing to the point of Somalia getting the 40 million dollars earmarked for the TFG stripped if they don't talk to the ICU. LOOOOL. Beenta jooji saxiiboow.


I have seen dozens of articles from western sources saying the government should be an inclusive one, but not one saying the US will not give SOMALIA FUNDS.




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