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War is the only language alshaaab understands, PM says

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RA'IISAL WASAARAHA SOOMAALIYA: “Habka kaliya ee aan isku fahmi karno kooxaha naga soo horjeeda waa dagaal, waana u diyaargarownay in aan sifeyno”



Khamiis, May 21, 2009(HOL): Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke ayaa sheegay in ay yar tahay rajada ay ka qabaan in ay wada hadallo dhexmaraan kooxaha ka soo horjeeda wuxuuna taasi ku sababeeyay in aySAN kooxahaas lahayn ujeedo siyaasadeed, marka laga reebo in ay doonayaan in ay ku dhuntaan Soomaaliya.


Ra’iisal Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid waxaa uu tilmaamay in markii la soo magacaabay uu rajeynayay in uu wada hadallo u isticmaalo soo af-jaridda colaadda ka taagan Soomaaliya mudada 20-ka sano ku dhow, laakin waxaa uu sheegay in kooxo Islaamiyiin mayal adag oo uu maamulka Washington ku daray liiska argagixisada iyo dagaalyahanno shisheeye ah oo la jira ay doonayaan in ay dalka Soomaaliya fowdo ka dhigaan.


“Uma maleynayo in ay kooxahan ka soo horjeeda Dowladda ay leeyihiin ujeeddo siyaasaded. Waxaan rumeysanahay in dagaalyahannadan shisheeye ay doonayaan in ay Dalka Soomaaliya ka dhigaan mid fowdo ah, kadibna ay ka dhigtaan meel ay ku nabadgalaan.”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke.


Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya waxaa uu intaas ku daray in aysan jirin fursad ay kooxaha ka soo horjeeda kula fariisan karaan, kulana hadli karaan, “habka kaliya ee aan isku fahmi karno kooxaha naga soo horjeeda waa dagaal, waana u diyaargarownay in aan sifeyno”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid.


Ra’iisal Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke waxaa uu ka hadlay qabsashadii Al-Shabaab ee Magaalada Jowhar, wuxuuna sheegay in aysan Xoogaggaas qabsan karin magaalo ka mid ah Soomaaliya, “Shabaab iyo dagaalyahannadooda weligood wax ma xukumi doonaan, wey tegi karaan magalo, wey ku qaadi karaan dagaal ku-dhufo-oo ka-dhaqaaq ah, wey burburin karaan, weyna argagax gelin karaan dadka, laakin wax ma maamuli karaan”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya oo u warramayay Wakaaladda Wararka Reuters.


Ra’iisal Wasaare Sharma-arke waxaa uu dhanka kale eedeyn u jeediyay Dowladda Eritrea oo uu sheegay in ay hubeyneyso kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda Soomaaliya, wuxuuna farta ku fiiqay in ay arrintaas caddeyn u hayaan, “Waxaan heynaa daliil cad oo ku saabsan in Dowladda Eritrea ay hubeyneyso kooxaha ka soo horjeeda dowladda, duulimaadyo hub wada oo dhankeeda ka yimid ayaa Soomaaliya yimid”ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Cumar C/rashiid Cali Sharma-arke.


Ugu dambeyntiina, Qaramada Midoobay ayaa waxay sheegtay in boqolaal dagaalyahanno shisheeye ah oo ka kala yimid Afrika, Aasiya iyo meelo kale oo caalamka ah ay ku sugan yihiin Soomaaliya, waxayna taasi dalalka deriska la ah Soomaaliya iyo Ciidamada Ammaanka ee reer galbeedka ay ku abuurtay cabsi ah in dalka Soomaaliya uu noqon karo meel saldhig u noqota maleeshiyooyin Islaamiyiin ah oo xiriir la leh Al-Qaacidda.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

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Ra'iisul wasaare, mar hore ayaa la rabay inay arrinka qabataan. Raggii markay kaabiga kuu soo fariisteen waxba tari mayso declaration-kan.

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Oo ma intaas ayuu la aamusnaa Raiisul Wasaaraha, waxaan is lahaa aduunyuu soo wadaa.



Yeey iyo Itoobiyaan is wataa tirtiri waayey, bal aan aragno sifeynta uu Sharmaake sheegay!



Af waa koo meeli ki aame ayaan uga baxey, nimanka qumaati ha la iskaga celiyo war waxba tari maayo.

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MOGADISHU, May 20 (Reuters) - Somalia's prime minister said on Wednesday there was little hope of negotiating with hardline Islamist insurgents because they had no political agenda and just wanted to use the Horn of Africa nation as a safe haven.


Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke was appointed by Somalia's first Islamist president earlier this year and said in February he hoped to use dialogue to end the violence that has plagued the country for nearly two decades.


But hardline Islamist groups that Washington accuses of having links to al Qaeda, along with foreign fighters, are battling government forces in some of the fiercest clashes the anarchic country has seen for months.


"I do not think they have a political agenda. I believe these foreign fighters want to keep this country in chaos so they can have a safe haven and a hideout," Sharmarke said.


"I don't think there is a chance to just sit with them and discuss issues with these people. The only way to deal with them that they can understand is to fight, and we are prepared to eradicate them," he told Reuters in an interview.


The United Nations says there are hundreds of foreign fighters from Africa, Asia and elsewhere in the rebel ranks. Neighbouring states and Western security forces fear the country could become a base for al Qaeda-linked Islamist militants.


Somalia's nine million people have paid a heavy price for the chaos and violence. More than one million live as internal refugees and hundreds of thousands have poured across the borders into neighbours Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. Piracy is rampant off Somalia with nearly 30 hijackings so far this year in some of the world's busiest sea lanes. Naval vessels from the United States, EU and other nations have been drawn into patrolling the waters off Somalia.





Sharmarke said government forces were chasing some 300 foreign fighters in the ranks of hardline group al Shabaab out of Mogadishu, but there were more outside the capital.


"Shabaab and its foreign fighters can never govern. They can go to a town, hit and run, destroy it and terrorise the people, but these people have no capacity, capability and moral support to govern," he said.


"I still wonder how people can keep fighting with no objectives. On top of that they have failed to use religion as a tool. These guys have violated every principle in Islam, and still claim they are Islamists."


Al Shabaab fighters control much of southern and central Somalia. While they have brought security to some areas, their strict interpretation of Islamic law has angered some Somalis who are traditionally more moderate.


This week, al Shabaab and allied group Hizbul Islam have been fighting the Sunni Islamst group Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca, which objects to acts against Islam such as the killing of religious leaders and the desecration of graves.


Sharmarke blamed Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki for supplying the insurgents with weapons. Earlier on Wednesday, the east African bloc IGAD called on the United Nations to impose immediate sanctions on Eritrea. [iD:nLK24549]


Eritrea said earlier this month it was sick of the persistent accusations and in turn accused Western powers of interfering in Somalia and fuelling strife.


"We have enough evidence that Eritrea is supplying weapons to Somali factions, so many flights have actually arrived. And that is very sad," said Sharmarke. (Writing by David Clarke; Editing by Janet McBride).


Source: Reuters, May 20, 2009

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Big surprise -- that a terrorist organization would ignore a peace agreement. They don't want peace, so why would anyone be so stup!d to think that they do by making "peace deals".


Qowsaaradan Gowsaha waa Weyn hala Cirib tiro Ayago iyo Carabta iswadato

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^^ :D:D


nuune abtigiis iyo tolkuuu dhaama. Abitigiis iyo tolka is a geeljire with a university degree


laakiin abtigiis iyo tolka wuxuu dhaama nogonge. Ngonge is a cazeer boy who could never be taken serous. sadexduba Oodweynay dhaamaan. oodweyne is a clannish man who speaks perfect english.


wax isaga ka liita Kashafa jira.


kaas tilmaan uma hayyo, aad baan ugu kacanahay :D waa wax dhintay

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