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Mooshin ka dhan ah madaxweynha DFMG

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^ LOL, good point Duke, they are not effective being there and far away from the heat, but they have nonetheless made the right choices at least to distance themselves from stoogely and nominal parliament, stoogely and nominal president, stoogely and nominal prime-minister owned and managed by Zenawi and who all serve nonsomali and narrow clan interests.



I support:


A- Somalis against clan politics.

B- Somalis who expressly want Ethiopians out of the country. C- Somalis who fight the Xabashis wherever and whenever they can revenging the somali blood.



I hope to see your political views and how they change once we are past TFG. Most certainly, you won't twist news, fabricate, downplay legitimate opposition, go at length to demean and tarnish thE image of some man yesterday you were supporting and today you passionately dislike after he disagrees with your favourite man. Your buried sanity will come out then me thinks :D


I hope to see you past the useless TFG and how your views and behaviour will change.



PS:If I want to know what A/Y is planning, I read you :D:D

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Its great that you support all those above things.


As for the banter, its all in the game, no hard feelings adeer.


My main goal is the restoration of the state, the clan and personal politics is not that important. A tunnel vision is required and so far we are moving forward.

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^ Okay bro, if your objectives are noble, the means with which you want to achieve them should be noble as well. The end should not justify the means when you know the end(even if it is to your liking) will not be productive but counter-productive for you. Perpetual conflicts is not what Somalis need and clan politics deepen the crisis. Accepting clan politics hurt is the first step to freedom and peace.



I don't expect things to imporove any time soon and am pessimistic, but Allah plans and Almigthy him knows what is in store for the troubled and decimated souls back in Somalia.



Hoope your family is doing good. Take Care Now.

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