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Mooshin ka dhan ah madaxweynha DFMG

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Mooshin ka dhan ah madaxweynha DFMG Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed oo ko socda magaalada Baydhaba


warar isasoo taraayo aya sheegayo in xildhibaano ka tirsan Barlamaanka DFMG ay diyaariyeen Mooshin ka dhan ah Madxaweynha DFKMg Col Cabdulaahi Yuusuf iyagoona daliishanaayo qodob ku qoran dastuurka kasoo oo ah Madaxweynha hadoow howlahiisha shaqo uu ugadan wayo dhinaca cafimaadka waa in xilka laga qaadaa qodobkaas oo ah mid xasaasi ah oo ku yaalo Dastuurka Barlamaanka FMGK


Mooshinka ay diyaariyeen 81 xildhibaan ayaa xoowli uga socda magaalada Baydhaba mase la oga in uu qaadan Doona madaxweynha madaama uu 30sano duurka ugu jiray mar uun in la yiraahdo Jaale Madaxweyne


Xaalada caafimaad ee madaxweynha ayaa la ogeyn siday tahay madaama aan la arag muuqaalka madaxweynha muddo 11 Casho ah iyadoona dada qaar ay leyihiin sidii Ariel Sharon xaaladiisa caafimaad meel ay ku danbeysay loo sheegin ayaa iyaduna u muuqata in madaxweynha sidaa loo qarinayo ayuu yiri mid ka mid ah Xildhibaanada oo ka gaabsaday in la xuso magaciisa .


Xildhibaanada Mooshinka wado ayaa dhawaan hor geyndoonaan Barlamaanka si looga dooda madaama qodb ka mid ah Barlamaanka uu dhigaayo in xilka laga qaadi karo madaxweynha hadoow gudan waayo howlahiisa shaqo ayna soo wajahdo xaalad caafimaad xumo

Horey ayaa madaxweynha u soo jeediyeen in uu xilka isaga dago qaar kamid ah xildhibaanda ku dhow dhow madaxweynha si qof ku Beel ah loogu dhiibo jagada madaxweynah taasoo ehelada madaxweynah ay gaashaanka u daruureen


Barlamaanka oo xiligan horaayo mooshin ka dhan ah wasiirka koowaad oo aan xal laga gaarin wali ayaan la ogeyn kan madaxweynahana sidii wax looga qaban lahaa


Maxamed Nuunow Dayniile Baydhabo

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Waxan sugnaba waa C/lllahi Yusuf oo keena mooshin uu ku kala diiri doono barlamanka - markasey ayugana keeni doonan mid ay asaga qudhisa ku ruqseyn doonan... :D:D

Fanole fari kama qodna... :D

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^^Do you think an 11 day disappearing act from Yey indicates something about his state of health? Who knows, he could be vacationing somewhere around Gara cad for all we know smile.gif . Maybe the 'Xildhibaanno' are unsheathing their seef from its gal far too soon...?


Insha-Allah if we live long enough, we'll see the end result of this particular motion...


We'll see.

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No Para, I dont give a hoot whether he is kicking or shaking sxb, neither is the numerous'motion' passed around by the clowns in Bay make sense to me. But am enjoying the fact that the TFG is prooving to the World and their backers what we have said all along - that they are punch of idiotic morons brought together and impossed on the Somali people and that they all put together dont have the capacity to run a village school let alone governing a nation.

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^You are unbelievably making us up dated, WaaW, this is the best news propaganda to counter attack the real motion that is against Geedi only reported by who? If one wants to create such fabrications one websites role shines...


Dayniile is a great entertainment, one can never miss such satire, I enjoy it very much...

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loooool. War meesha maxaa ka socoda. Jecliyaa jebkooda.


Odayga Yey is thinking his next move, I don't think he is sick besides waxaa layiri hadaad dhimanaysid dhareerka waa la iska duwaa. Unlike Gedi he turned down the Ethiopian invitation because he doesn't want to bee seen like string-puppet.

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Adeer Juje, you seem to be lost, devoid of any real understanding, who is scared? What happened to the Jeddah trip?

You are clinging on to myths made up by people even dumber than those you usually lead.

We are quite, confident and pulling all the strings, you are making up stories.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Adeer Juje, you seem to be lost, devoid of any real understanding, who is scared?
What happened to the Jeddah trip

You are clinging on to myths made up by people even dumber than those you usually lead.

We are quite, confident and pulling all the strings, you are making up stories.

You call people dumb, silly, void and lost. Yet sxb nothing which you have stated has surfaced. It has been BS after BS and you dont slightly remorseful of the overwheleming in the grounds that contradict the utter rubbish you utter everyday , probably even in your sleep.

1) TFG is in tatters

2) Mohamed Dhere is chasing around in Mogadishu troops loyal to Yeey

3) Ethiopia is not supporting the ousting of Geedi

4) Locals in Sool have sided with S/land

5) It is becoming reer vs reer in Bosaso


This simply proves , yes as u say incompatancy, but the bucket stops at the men at the top, YEEY.

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^^^Adeer I did not mean to anger you, thus the spewing of such wishes.

Pardon me, I will try not to get you angry.


I will only say one thing, prove any of the above points, specially 2,4 & 5.


Also prove means more than just

Good luck

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Originally posted by General Duke:

Adeer Juje, you seem to be lost, devoid of any real understanding, who is scared?
What happened to the Jeddah trip
? You are clinging on to myths made up by people even dumber than those you usually lead.

We are quite, confident and pulling all the strings, you are making up stories.

LOL, this is funny Duke :D The whole show came down to Pro-Gedi and Pro-Yusuf squabbles and who has more influence with Zenawi. Ceeb looma dhinto.

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