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Advice to the TFG!

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I've been wondering lately what the TFG is doing in the capital and why they're not cracking down really hard on the Qarandiid, that's why I have devised a plan to advice them on their activities in the capital!


1. Crack down really hard on the dowladdiid!


2. Use a Iron fist to crack down on the anarchists, warlord remnants and the ICU remnants!


3. This is not a time for indecisiveness for the President he has to act really strong using appriopriate force!


4. Beware of the Warlords, who do lipservice support for the government but who have joinded ranks with the remnants of the ICU in Mogadishu, disgruntled clannists, anarchists and OG-liberation fighters!


5. Use intelligence to take out any of those groups of warlords who are working to destabilise the government in secret because they can't move a finger right now!


6. Be always on the look-out for any behaviour/plans warlords might devise to create a crisis within the government through assassination attempts, killings and clan feuds!


7. More intelligence work is required and every information should be checked very detailed as you cannot trust all the sources all the time!


8. Lastly but not least, conscript more Puntland soldiers, who can disarm the capital, atleast another 10000 preferably!


I wish that helped and the TFG is going to take my advice very seriously!


Thank you,


Victory to the TFG inshallah!

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

8. Lastly but not least, conscript more Puntland soldiers, who can disarm the capital, atleast another 10000 preferably!

Do all people from Puntland support this fake a$$ puppet govt? Were they all against the UIC? Why do you feel that the people from Puntland are capable of doing this "task"? Do they belong to your tribe, if not, do you just think they are the bravest people in Somalia? Or have they receive some secret training that Somalis from other regions haven't undergone?

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^offcourse not,not a single reasonable individual supports this.


Yoonis, your post is still under review at the president's palace @villa somalia, he will get to your advice once the mortars that are raining on 'em come to hault.

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LOL. Waaryaa Red Sea, war kadaa atheer. I heard A/Y was screaming like a little girl in the basement of Villa Somalia when Dinari slapped him and told him to get a hold of himself.

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Terrible advice saxib.



The government is blind of its potential benefits. First it should promote reconciliation with good elements of the old radical Islamic courts and refrain

from using iron fist to contain the reemergence of insurgence to effect a desirable change in its pursuit of stabilization and demobilization plan. There are saboteurs who will seize the opportunity of the Gov's naive plans and fascist behavior as well as its political peddlers who interpret the TFG from the perspective of parochial frame of mind. Second, it should engage in direct diplomatic talks with United States and accept its suggestions without the presence or contemplation of

the MIddle Man that is Addis Ababa. Now that it won the battle, it should not use sight of the task at hands. We have already lost the diplomatic and financial backing of the Arab League, but still the United States is here to extend a hand to the TFG. Consider this, America's foreign policy and military engagement have attracted both domestic and international criticism, (the War in Iraq is compared with the French war in Algeria by some advocators of U.S critical interest) so he wants to reverse this picture and make Somalia a viable state, but the Government is obviously blind of the intentions and the voice of the Washignton.


In its recent editorial, Wardheernews has this to say, "As WardheerNews has been following the undersecretary’s work on Somalia for some time now, she has consistently proven to stay on course on the Somalia issue. In the face of reckless academics, who approached here at the last Convention of the African Studies Association, notably Peter Shroeder, she affirmed her believe in maintaining and protecting the territorial integrity of Somalia. We therefore consider her a dependable player in the Somalia affairs, whose advice needs to be heard both as a friend to Somalia and as a high ranking official in the most powerful nation on earth." And I agree with that, esp. that title of its editorial, which signals supercharged political messages to all stakeholders.


Now is not the time for Triumphalism in Somalia

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The Arab league hold no muscle. They supported former President Abdiqasim with endless amounts of money and diplomatic support, and where did that go?


Wardheernews while they provide eloquent incite into Somalia, they still are a bunch of arm-chair analyst who sit in the west behind a comfortable computer. Hardly a great position to wave.

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Lastly but not least, conscript more Puntland soldiers, who can disarm the capital, atleast another 10000 preferably

According to someone who was really close to A/Y[Thru a cousin of a cousin of mine :D ], The President actually wanted 10K soldiers but was denied! He was given a tongue in cheek order[i wonder who?] to never exceed his army more than 4000 soldiers.


You think Melez/Americans are stup1d to ever let a Somali army to come back heavy? Dream on...abtio

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Viking welcome to the politics section first of all, I believe this is your debut!


So I will be really gentle to you!


First of all to answer your questions, I would sincerely advice you to learn more about the Puntland State of Somalia, clearly you're ignorant about!


Let me ask you, didn't you know that Puntland was the birth-mother of the TFG, didn't you know up to now, when the TFG was financially broke the people that used to sustain it was the Puntland State of Somalia and its people's taxes!


The taxes collected from business, ordinary people, ports, workers, cars and the airports and port revenues all went to the support of the TFG!


Puntland pays every month a sum of $200000 to the TFG in support!


It is know only logical, that they step up to the plate beause if we don't no one will! Today is the day where Puntland and its people have to sacrfice in order to aid this government as they sacrificed themselves already by sustaining the TFG financially!


Do you know what Gheedi said and the Shariif? They both said Puntland will never be forgotten because of their unwavering support to sacrifice themselves for this nation!


Adeer Puntland is the place where visions and heroes are born! Yet another great vision and idea has originated in Puntland which is the concept of federalism! Yes, it was born in Puntland and the sole reason for its creation was that it strifes in finding a federal government based on the system of federalism, a Somalia that is in federations, cut into regions and each region being autonomous only handing over the miliatary and foreign affairs to the federal government!


Don't you see that the federal system is up and running, federalsim is the only system right now in which Somalis can come together!


Some don't like the idea because, they're land-locked like Bay, Bakool and Gedo for example for the South and its clans they prefer more of a central government everything concentrated in Mogadishu but the option we in the former North-East prefer is autonomous regions and states with their own parliaments, president and police force!


We're people of great visions and yet again we've done it, we came up with the best idea because Somalis are not going to trust each other anymore! Whether the Central&South regions were they prefer a central government or the North-West regions who want to break away or whether they be Puntland or the Former North-East who want a federal Somalia!


We want this government to succeed inshallaah therefore we're going to do whatever it takes to bring this government into fruition!


Long live Somalia and may Allaah the exalted bless it with a government that is god-fearing and just to all its citizens! Amiin.

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There are 8 thousand TFG troops in Xamar and there vicinity. Hearsay from a cousin of a cousin has told me the ICU have captured 10 ameircan troops and killed 40, but that is hardly true LOOOL.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:



There are 8 thousand TFG troops in Xamar and there vicinity. Hearsay from a cousin of a cousin has told me the ICU have captured 10 ameircan troops and killed 40, but that is hardly true LOOOL.

Actually I dont want to reveal the name of the old man[He is quite well known] but he was very very close to the president. Some of the stories he has,will make your jaw drop. He was asked to "resign" just after the invasion.


In anycase, Where did you get that 8000 figure from? Ma cuzin Boolo oo Bosaso jooga? icon_razz.gif

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Stories of disgruntled men are hardly worthwhile in dissecting. The TFG is building up a national army which consist of well over 10 thousand men. To say a country of Somalia's magnitude can only have 4000 National Troops is delusional at best. Xamar alone will have more police then that.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

Stories of disgruntled men are hardly worthwhile in dissecting. The TFG is building up a national army which consist of well over 10 thousand men. To say a country of Somalia's magnitude can only have 4000 National Troops is delusional at best. Xamar alone will have more police then that.

You have entirely Missed the Point Ma-taako Man. I was not talking about Post invasion army. I am talking about the Pre invasion TFG troop level that the president requested. The Post invasion buildup army included ragtag militia men from defeated warlords thus pushing up that number higher.


In anycase, Go around reerka & ask which very important person of the President was let go in the recent weeks & tell me if he was a distrungled oldman. Perhaps Duke can help you icon_razz.gif

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^ Why was Abdiqasim salad and Cadani financing the ICU? Well ofcourse they believed in it. behind everything there is usually financing.


Puntland believes in the territorial integrity of Somalia and with that has helped lend financing, expertise and morale support to the National govnerment.

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Originally posted by Taako Man:

^ Why was Abdiqasim salad and Cadani financing the ICU? Well ofcourse they believed in it. behind everything there is usually financing.


Puntland believes in the territorial integrity of Somalia and with that has helped lend financing, expertise and morale support to the National govnerment.

I had no idea Abdiqasim was financing the IUC & i certainly see where you are headed with your analysis. But anywhoo, That is the "Moral" reason for Puntlands participation in the TFG. Perhaps there is a "REAL" reason why the TFG was eating up the State of Puntland's exchequer?

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