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Typical personality traits that somali guys have

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

they're like Pakistani men only kali-er!

I second. I grew up with Pakistanis and there are many similarities between our people. I'd say, with regards to marriage, Somali parents tend to be less involved.




I just (ten mins later) got the 'kali-er'. LOOOOOL.


But every guy is different, you need to do your research on that particular brother.


Welcome to SOL. smile.gif

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asalamu aleikum

you all talking rabish no offence if u r muslim gal walal (sister) look what the prover told us scw. if u want my advise try 2 marry some who come from wher u from if nt look how he is in 2 deen and how he practices

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^Habarwadaag, ma sakaad sariirta ka soo dhacday? Ma qadadii baa lagaa dhmaystay? Ma digaar baad jiidhay mise tii yareed baa voice-meel kuu dhiibtay? Wax baa gadfan. :D


Easy on the sister, eh. smile.gif

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^^ For a start, he will not have to pay a dowery, badow yaho. Secondly, if she's really good, he'll forever have nan bread for lunch. Bloody tempting, bahai. :D

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Blessed, I am alright, HW. Just a little buffled. Plus I wouldn't picture myself oo la xididay reer Pakistani ah. Very inconvenient.


PS: Lol@voice-mail. Maba dhageysto certain times of the month. :D

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^^^Paragon, I know a few brothers (one who nearly got killed by Bengalis) for Asian women.


Sister if you want a Somali man and your Pakistan: Eat lots of PFC (they like big hips and other parts too, try to look more like a black women body shape than Kate Moss) :D Grow your hair, argue with him (don't be a push over, they like a challenge (they pretend they don't)oh and learn your deen.


I know half Asian half Somali Kids. They are stunning mashallah.

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^Lol. Hey not all Somali men like curvy Black woman-looking women. I think that would be a generalisation, Ibti. Some like a reasonably slim woman.

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^^^But she is Pakistan, they are tiny, she is going to be skinner than her farah!!! He will hate that :D


Slim is okay, but I said Kate Moss (she is starving)

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MMA icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif


Sheh...I didn't get.Let me reread :D


Ibti...Depends what kind of Pakistani, is she Patani, Boluchi, Sindhi, Punjabi, or Makarani.


Paragon would love Patani woman :D

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^Their proper name are Pashtuns. They are European looking, and live in tribal areas (the base of the Taliban). They live on both sides of border in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


There's no caste among Muslim Pakistani, at least it's not that obvious. It has feudal system in place though.

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Che, adiga qolof moos ah aa ii sii dhigee yaah? Boolahaa tahay maxaan dhahaa. :D


Ibti, no thank you. I would stick with 'midabkeeda dhiinka ah'.

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