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Typical personality traits that somali guys have

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There is this somali guy. And I think he likes me. So I was thinking maybe of marriage to him. Obviously, just coz a guy likes me, I just wont jump into marraige with him. I realise marriage is a really big matter. Anyway, I'm not somalian but I am muslim. I know every guy is diffrent. What are the typical personality traits that somali guys have???

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am not sure you can generalize a whole ethnicity and put them under one category of personality. Everyone has their own personality regardless of where they came from. However, if you think he likes you and you'r serious about him I GUESS you can give him hints too that you like him without coming across direct. am sure many girls here will tell you go after what you i wont. give him hints though, nothing wrong with that. And, hopefully don't rush to marriage get to know him. Islamically that's like if u have to go out with him make sure its public place, take couple of your friends with you...


Good luck with it.. ;)





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^ smile.gif




What are you looking for in a man? Be any man.


You do understand even though people are from the same ethnicity it doesn't necessary mean they share personality traits.So every man is different,his personality/outlook would depend on the values and principles that make him the man he is.


As for what are Somali men like?


In my OPINION they are generous,never petty,there is rare struggle for power[Women rule smile.gif ],I love the fact that once your married,your husband automatic takes on the role of a son to your parents and shares the responsibility to care and cherish your parents,of course its vice versa...Heart melting! :D


Of course,not all men are the same,there could be the opposite of those I mentioned hence the question I asked you..What kind of man do you want in your life?

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Call him "somalian" if he corrects you, marry him, if he lets it go or tells you he is Somalian, run as fast as you can. smile.gif


On a serious note: there are no personality traits, get to know him and treat him like an individual, Somali guys are like any other man, just better looking and nicer. smile.gif

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The typical Somali guy is generous, fastidious, ambitious, funny, and warm.


Unless he's stingy, messy, lazy, humorless and cold.


Or a mix. Some of then are generous, messy, ambitious, humorless and warm. Those you gotta watch out for :D

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What the..... ???


Firstly, I cant call him somalian, I dont even talk to him. Strange yeh but true.


Secondly, its so frustrating, I know that for every indivual, traits are diffrent but in every culture, Im 100% sure, there are some typical traits that the marojity of guys share.

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just better looking and nicer.

lol ibti oh really? icon_razz.gif



sister100 as everyone repeatedly said treat him as an individual. Get to know him with an open mind, rather than having some preconceived notion. Don't expect nothing everyone comes with their own personality.



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You are thinking of marrying someone you've never spoken to??


Okay when you do speak to him, don't mention it.


Your biggest mistake is assuming he has anything common with anyone else. Just take the time to find out. You don't even have to ask him. Somalis have a great extended network, ou can find out everything about him without asking him anything. Good Luck.


Sabriya; there is no one better looking and as nice as our dear brothers. They rock smile.gif


LOOL @ cara :D

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Your biggest mistake is assuming he has anything common with anyone else. Just take the time to find out. You don't even have to ask him. Somalis have a great extended network, ou can find out everything about him without asking him anything. Good Luck

lol I disagree with that, okey listen to what others say about the person. But, don't believe everything you hear. Somalis have the tendency to change stories and sugar coat it. Before you know it theres a whole new story being told from one halimo to another. Get to know the person and let your own judgment rule you. forget the rest...


Sabriya; there is no one better looking and as nice as our dear brothers. They rock [smile]

am sure they are I was only teasing bal yeeysan igu cadhoon nimanka Sol smile.gif



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^^^I did not say do the FBI rounds on him; people will tell you all sorts, particularly if she goes around saying "hey I wanna marry that guy" There will be two camps, ONE: Will say nothing but good stuff, the other will say nothing but bad stuff coz they on't want brothers marrying out. hehe She will be left confused. I meant ask a trusted source (like his teacher, brother, sister, guy next door, his work mate, oh and his ex icon_razz.gif )



Sabriya, the SOL boys think you the best thing since slice bread, they will never get angry with you. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Sister1000:

There is this somali guy. And I think he likes me.

Is he miskiin Marx. Waa ku siiye inankaa. Minuu ku diido minuu yeelo yeel. Alla ku yaqaaney hab kusii :D


N about your question, I will refer to Rudy, Duceysaneand Abtigiis. They help you walk through the traits of Somali man hand in hand.

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