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Sh.Shariif: Wants a FATWA to fight back.

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Wararka ka imaanaayo magaalada caasimadda ee Muqdisho ayaa sheegaya in caawa madaxweynaha jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Sheekh Sharif Sheekh Axmed uu shir xasaasi ah kula jiro qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada gobolka Banaadir oo ay ka mid yihiin culumaaudiinka , odayaasha dhaqanka iyo saraakiisha ciidamadda gaar ahaan kuwa dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda gobolka Banaadir.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa la hadlay dadkii uu la kulmay una sheegay inay u jeedaan meesha uu xaalku maraayo isla markaana ay tahay waajib diini ah oo muqadas ah in nimankaas la iska qabto.


Sheekh Shariif ayaa soo qaatay aayado ka mid ah quraanka kariimka iyo axaadiista nabiga iyo waliba sidii asxaabtii nabiga ay ula dagaaleem Khawariijtii dishay hogaamiyihii sadaxaad ee islaamka Sayid Cismaan Bin Cafaan(A.K.R.N.) wuxuuna sheegay in asxaabtii iyo taabiciyiintii iyo dadkii suubanaa ay u istaageen inay nimankaas xariga furtey ee dhiiga muslimiinta iyo xoolahoodaba baneystey iney jidka kusoo leexiyaan isla markaana ay ku guuleysteen.


Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif ayaa sheegay in nimanka khawaarijta ay ku waligoodba ixtiraamin caalim iyo odey dhaqan toona isla markaana ay yihiin firqo luntay oo baadil xaq u heysta una dirireysa baadilkaas ay xaq ahaan u aamineen taasna ay keentay inay dilaan Cismaan Bin Cafaan oo nabigeenii Muxamed N.N.K.H.A uu ugu bishaareeyo janada isaga oo nool oo uu sheegay in danbigiisii hore iyo kiisii danbeba la dhaafay, Sheekh Shariif ayaa weydiiyey dadkii la joogay oo yiri ma idinla tahay dadkii Cismaan Bin Cafaan oo aan ognahay meesha uu ilaahay gaarsiiyey dhiigiisa iyo maalkiisa baneystey inay cid kale badbaadinayaan hadaan la iska dhicinin.


Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif ayaa sheegay in culumadda ay fatwo diini ah ka soo saaraan xukunka qofka baneysta dhiiga iyo xoolaha muslimiinta isla markaana gaaleysiiya jamhuurta muslimiinta


Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif ayaa ka codsaday ummadda Soomaaliyeed inay u midoobaan la dagaalanka firqadaan baadiyoowdey ee rabta inay ummadda Soomaaliyeed ka fasahaadiyaan caqiidadooda saxiixda ah.


Madaxweyne Shariif ayaa u sheegay culumada iyo odeyaasha haddii aysan iyagu rabin inay tilmaamaan cida qaldan in isaga madaxweyne ahaan uu yahay hogaamiyihii ummadda Allaah uu weydiinaayo masuuliyadaas hadduu maanta dayaco oo ummada, dalka iyo diinta uu gacan galiyo Khawaarijta sidaa darteedna ay waajib ku tahay inuu difaaco dadka , diinta iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed.


Madaxweyne sheekh Shariif ayaa sheegay in Khawaarijtu ay ka qatarsan yihiin cilmaaniyiinta iyo qabqablayaasha dagaalka waayo wuxuu yiri kuwaas waxa ay ka fasahaadiyiinta dadka adduunkooda laakiin Khawaarijtu waxa ay dadka fasaahidisaa diintooda oo waxa ay diiin uga dhigtaa waxaan aheen diintii uu Allaah soo dejiyey iyo sunaddii nabigeenii Muxamed ahaa(N.N.K.H.A)


Kulankaan caawa oo ahaa kii ugu xasaasinaa oo Sheekh Shariif la qaato qeybaha bulshada ayaa loo malaynayaa inuu ahaa mid uu si dadban ugu sheegaayo inay culumaddu iyo odeyaasha aysan arimahaan maslaxo ku dhameyn karin oo aysan nimankaas uu ku sheegay Alkhawaarij ay goosteen dagaal sidii awalba lagu ay asxaabtii nabiga iyo taabiciiyiintii ula dagaalameen oo la iska dhiciyey.


Haddaba la arki doonee waxa xiga hadalada kulkulul ee kasoo yeeraya madaxweyne Shariif oo horey looga bartey nin nabadeed oo neceb dagaalka laakiinse maantay u muuqda in lagu qasbay dagaal aan la saadaalin karin cida ku guuleysanaysa isla markaana ay faraha la soo galeen dad ajaanib ah oo si bareer ah uga dhex diriraayo caasimadii soomaaliya ee Muqdisho.

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A very interesting development, if true. Sharif makes a lot of sense but will it be too little too late?


Is he strategically the equal of Hassan Dahir?


Sharif has a lot of deadweight among his coalition who bring a lot of negatives but very little positives. These individuals were forced upon him by outside interests to guard their own interests but are completely useless in the Mogadishu/South equation (which is where the major/initial game will always get played).


Hassan Dahir Aweys has proven himself a formidable Godfather in the South. Most of the things he said would happen in his first Mogadishu speech after returning from Eritrea have come to pass in the last few days. This creates quite an impression on the ground. It creates a critical mass of support from many fence-sitters around the periphery.


Let's see...

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The ball is on the side of the ULAMAA, they will have to say who was right and what to do next, but they could feel intimidated and stay silant.

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He put on brave face today and declared war in the middle of one and yet comes again to ask for Fatwa to fight, now thats funny, there must be something going wrong... His inexperience is catching up to him, feeling sorry for the poor lad!

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The whole Shariif camp is shambolic, chaotic and confused, they are paying the price of not unifying their armies, and not standing firm.

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What Ulumma?? Who are the Ulumma? How are they selected? Sharif has proven himself unable to manage/manipulate that angle. Remember in mid-February, he called an Ulumma Council of Somali clerics from all over the world. This failed to provide the support he was hoping for.



The meeting concluded with a demand for a fixed timetable for Amisom to leave the country and for the strict enforcement of Shariah, with huddud punishments. Sharif had argued for some compromise over the huddud punishments (for example, not stoning women to death for adultery) and a fatwa on atrocities committed by Al Shabaab and Hizbul Islam.


Many, probably a majority, of the Ulumma were Salafi , and Sheikh Bashir Ahmed Salat , a Salafi and a leader of Jabhatul Islamiya, was elected Chairman. Jabhatul Islamiya is one of four groups within Hizbul Islam .


So I'm just a bit skeptical of the political skills of Sharif in this environment.


What do you think?

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Johnny, one can hardly call the old soldier inexperience, you know that before he left Mr Aweys use to make threats from exile, Indha'ade was hiding in underground cave and Abu Mansuur was wondering in the bushes of Bakool waging war from radio stations but when Odaga resigned and left things have changed pretty fast and you know that... Amazingly in his last resignation speech Odaga predicted that Alshabaab will take south of Somalia in less than a year... not even a year and that prediction is becoming reality, you call hardly call such a man inexperience...


However, bahashu haday waxay joogtaa the current President Sheikh Shariif let's not go back to the past every here and there, Shariif Ahmed wanted to be the President of the state, now he got hence must deal with all the baggage that comes with it...

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Emperor iska daa ninyow loool. Since day one of Abdullahi's presidency sadax durbaan kala duwan ba la tumay....


1. Qabiil iyo aargoowsi buu wada


2. Ciidamo ajnabi buu soo wada oo aids wata. Amisom is still there but sharif accepts them for his own protection. Please dont make any distinction between Amisom and the ethiopians. Isnt it the Amisom who's shelling the stadium killing innocent civilians.


3.Diin iyo dadka wada raacsan Abdulaahi waa wada murtid iyo gaalo. Walle Shabaab dad badan bey gaaleysiiyen oo ay ka mid yihiin the old block( the whole tfg under Abdullahi) and all the maxaakims including Shariif,Xaashi, the biggest show of all the so called Odayaasha ****** and all the maxakiim xildhibaans.


And now all the people who resisted Abdullahi on clan reasons and host of all other reasons are tasting Shabaab' merciless rage. If they tought they could tame Shabaab as long as Abdullahi was gone hey we can see the results.


Dadka odhan jirey ajanabi ma joogan iyo waa been uu aliftey Madaxweynihii hore bal maanta uu qeeylodhaan taga UN iyo US.



Ilaaheyna waa ogyahay in bulshada reer muqdisho aysan lug ku lahayn oo amni wada raban laakinse wey timid waqtigii ay iska saari lahaayen nimankaan oo marna diin iyo qabiil uga raadsada taageradood!

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^^^You are not even in the game thus to be "defeated" one has to be a player, and you are in the minor leagues.


Yusuf was a lion and the current situation proves it.

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^^^ A retired lion is still a lion and now those who opened their mouths are seeing the Sharif's own government only the Yusuf;s fighters fought bravely and held their own. The rest just were butchered...


Thats the difference and even Dayniile of all people reported it...

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