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The Origin of the New Afica Map

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Honourable members of the Parliament in Mogadishu lined up to claim to have found new destructive plan against Somalia. In which the so vehemently stated that Ethiopia withe help of President Yusuf wanted to erase Somalia from the World Atlas. Such cheap claim and propoganda was simultaneously used by the ICU its leaders and websites as a propoganda in attempt to strem up support for their self-proclaimed Jihaad.

This was obviously a lie, a claer blatant and shameful attempt to abuse thge intellect of the Somali people.

Since it is nopw proven that they lied, could we come to the conclussion their whole claim and promise is piece of stupidly fabricated bunch of lies tp mislead the Somali people.

The map found my the Honourable Members of Parfliament..







The origin of the Map itself before it was distorted by the MP's, ICU policy makers and their cohorts





What a punch of nitwits



Maxaa ka jira in Qariidadii ay soo Bandhigeen Xildhibaanada Dowladda Federaalka ee Muqdisho ku sugan ay ahayd mid la been abuuray?


Talaado, December 12, 2006(HOL): Maalintii dorraad ahayd waxaa magaalada Muqdisho shir jaraa’id ku qabaty Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, kuwaasi oo shirkooda jaraa’id ku soo bandhigay Qariidad ay sheegeen in ay heleen Xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi, taasi oo muujineysa sida ay yiraadheen in uu jiro qorshe ay ku heshiiyeen Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Xukuumadda Itoobiya.




Qariidada ay soo bandhigeen Xildhibaanada ayaa waxay u sawiran tahay qaab ka gedisan sida ay Soomaaliya ugu jirto Qariidada Afrika oo ah in dalka Soomaaliya lagu daray dalka Itoobiya, isla markaana ay Soomaaliya u muuqato gobol ka mid ah Itoobiya.




Xildhibaanadu waxay sheegeen in ay Qariidadaas ka heleen dad ku dhow dhow xafiiska Ra’iisal Wasaare Geedi, waxayna intaas ku dareen in ay jiraan heshiisyo kale oo u socda labada dhinac, kuwaasi oo ay ballan qaadeen Xildhibaanadu in iyana u soo bandhigi doonaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed marka ay helaan.




Haddaba markii ay Qariidadaas baahiyeen Website-yo badan oo uu ka mid yahay Website-kan Hiiraan Online ayaa waxaa nala soo xiriiray dad badan oo ka mid ah aqristayaasheena, kuwaasi oo qaarkood la dhacsanaayeen howsha ay Xildhibaanada qabteen, halka ay sidoo kalena ay jireen aqristayaal kale oo shaki geliyay dhab ahaanta Qariidada ay Xildhibaanada soo bandhigeen.




Aqristayaasha beeniyay sax ahaan Qariidadaas waxaa ka mid ah Aqriste magaciisa ku soo gaabiyay Dr. Shidane oo aan noo soo sheegin halka uu Dunida kaga nool yahay, wuxuuna sheegay in Map-ka ay soo bandhigeen Xildhibaanada uu yahay mid been abuur ah, intaas kuma ekeysane wuxuu noo soo diray oo uu qoraalkiisa ku soo lifaaqay Qariidad uu ku sheegay in ay tahay midda saxda ah.




Si kastaba arrintu ha ahaatee, haatan waxaan soo daabacnay labada Qariidadood, wuxuuna markan garsoorka u yaallaa Dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee iyagu arkaya labada Qariidadood.




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Come on Somalis, are we really ****** enough to fall for this. They (ICU) are using every trick in the book to rally the support they need, for a war in which they long for.


You can see clearly, that it is a stunt to inflame nationalist passion. Because let's face, that is the only thing, that is going to carry the ICU to government, and they know it.


If the Ethiopians, did this, then why have they left in Eriteria. That is their aggresor- tormenting them, not Somalia.

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somalia doesn't exist walaalayaaalow ,,, believe me or not ,,, it's beeen added to Ethiopia long long time ago when you were all sleeping ,,,,, we might be better with Ethiopians rather than da warlords ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, at least some of us will survive ,,,,,,,,,,, we gotta admit

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Faallo: khariiradii Xildhibaanada Muqdisho Been aan Run u ekeyn By; Xariiri



Sadex xildhibaan oo Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa soo bandhigay khariidad cusub oo ay si qarsoodi ah uga heleen xafiiska raisal wasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali maxamed Geedi," sadexda nin ayaa ah Sadex aan Soomaali ku cusbayn waa nimankii qabqablyaasha durbaanka u sidi jirey ee is muujin jirey ee markasta jeclaa inay kasbadaan raali noqoshada dagaal ooga-yaasha….."Subxaanal muqayiral axwal"


Xiligan hogaamiye-yaashoodi hore gabalkoodii baa dhacay, wadaado cimaamado sita ayaa circa ku dubtey, maantase xilka ay hayaan ee "xildhibaan nimadu" (haday sax tahay in loogu yeedhaa) suuq kale ayuu yeeshay, cid kaloo oo gadanysa ayaa soo baxday waa midowga maxkamadaha ….markaa walaalayaal hala yaabina haday alifaan xirfado cusub oo kalsooni kasbasho ah oo ay inakaga yaabiyaan goor kasta.



Markaan u soo noqdo tii ugu dambaysey ee uguna weyneyd ee ahayd Maab cusub oo Soomaaliya Itoobiya lagu daray oo ay saxaafada tuseen, waxaan aad uga murugoodey heerka aqooneed iyo farsamo ee nimanka xildhibaanada sheeganaya ay leeyihiin iyo sida ayan wax fikrad ah uga haysteen meesha Soomaalidu manta marayso iyo in wiil Soomaali ah oo 18 jir ka yiri oo gurigii aabihii joogaa uu samayn karo ka ay soo sameeyeen ee ay qaranka u soo bandhigeen mid ka quruxbadan kana macquulsan. (Ka ay sameeyeen marka la eego "fonts" iyo midabka magacuba waa ka duwan yahay ka runta ah, wayna iska muuqataa in uu yahay wax la dhoodhoobay…."Fake and fabricated" Hadaba Anuguna waxaan sameeyey mid ka fiican kay ku sheegeen inuu yahay Map laha helay Xafiiska Raiisal wassaare Geedi, oo laga soo xaday, bal ila fiiriya quruxda mabka aan sameeyey oo kooda aan waxba ka bedelnayn , waxaan ku kala duwanahay oo kaliya kooda waxay dhinac saareen calanka Itoobiya , Aniguse waxaan doortay inaan Calanka Soomaaliyeed aan ku sharaxdo maabka Afrika bal .Hadaba anigoo in kooban ka aqaan kumbuyuutarka aan haysan barnaamij Photoshop ah ayaan anigoo isticmaalayaa "Normal Photo editor" sameeyey mid kooda u dhigma ama ka wanaagsanba bal ila eega……!!!


Designed By, Abdrahman Xariiri , Saudi Arabia


Anigoon hadaba u doodayn Itoobiya meeshan aan ka saarayn in dowlada waliba tay ka itaalka roon tahay dano ka yeelan karto hadana in Soomaaliya oo iska dhan Itoobiya lagu daraa waa cirkoo caad laga waayey, waa qoraxdoo soo bixi weydey, waa beledweyne baar kuma taal.




Nimakan xildhibaanda sheeganayana waxaan leeyahay hadaad been sheegaysaan mid run u eg sheega, Ixtiraama caqliga bulsha weynta soomaaliyeed kana xaal mariya inaad sida wax ma garatada wax ugu sheegteen….hadii kale…!!!


Kay saxaafada ku soo bandhigeen waxaa qof walba oo Soomaaliya ka arki karaa webside-yada Soomaalida maabkaas oo Calanka itoobiya gees ka saareen , laakiin waxaan filayaa kaan gurigayga ku sameeyey baa ka haboon kana wanaagsan anoo isticmaalaya Barnaamijyo caadiya


Sawirkay saxaafada kusoo bandhigeen:


Nimakan xildhibaanda sheeganayana waxaan leeyahay hadaad been sheegaysaan mid run u eg sheega, Ixtiraama caqliga bulsha weynta soomaaliyeed kana xaal mariya inaad sida wax ma garatada wax ugu sheegteen….hadii kale…!!!

Walaahu aclam




Cabdirxman Xariri – Saudi Arabia


Puntlandpost wax masuuliyad ah kama saarna Faalada qoraaga ku saxiixan



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It is really sad .... this reminds me the USC warlords' claim of which A/Y painted as an enemy of USC thus remnants whom are coming/invading Mogadishu for refenge with help of Ethiopia that is how those warlords created eneminosity against A/Y in among USC, but the worst was when these proboganda picked up by ICU and spead among Somalis whom seem ICU as alternative choice against warlords whom stands for peace and prosperity in among Somalis where ever they are. On other hand ICU added more claims A/Y is bringing our enemy into our county, A/Y (warlord president) is equal to those we kicked out of Mogadishu. etc. Those claims are echoed many ears of us, and blindless supporting this. I If you fall into this trab you are cheap man. I believe we shouldn't set a bad precedent such as opposing after one is being elected and this specially true when we didn't have a symbol that stood for us. I was previously did not think that he would last his entire term in the office, sorry I am not wishing him to die but I thought he was ill (liver transpalant)so on. Let this old man take his time in the office. I argue among USC communities to rally behind your president and let us start a new chapter. please.

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What happened was that the ICU angered ethiopian moslems, even more than the christians, with the fake Jihad call by the ICU imposters.


When the ICU realized that they will be faced by ethiopian moslems from the highest military commanders to soldiers, and the policy became an egg on their face, now ICU is trying to distance itself from any religious call.


There is nothing more unIslamic than calling oneself Shiek and sepreme Islamic leader and announcing lie after lie against other moslems. Thats what happened with ICU.

They cannot run fast enough away from that lie. It has been totally exposed according to the right process, procedure and validation of Jihad.


What ICU do not understand and are avoiding is that, we ethiopians have now the right and duty of Jihad to protect the religion from imposters, and to protect ourselves from thugs in religious garbs.

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If you are a moslem, you should know that, you are obligated to help when your fellow moslem anywhere makes a call for Jihad.


If its an emergency, you are simply obligated to side with him and do whats required of you, without question. The one who made the call is responsible for its legitmacy and can be punished after the dust has settled if abused the faith for his greed and material benefit in wanting against others.


If its not an emergency, like the ICU call, you are supposed to validate its legitmacy according to prescribed process and procedure. That was done . It was found out that ICU was abusing and misusing the call for Jihad for its own material benefit against other moslems in Somalia. ICU is a bunch of imposters. They do more harm to the religion than any non-moslem enemy you can think of. Thats the reality.


Your Jokes aside.

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