Cowke Posted November 2, 2009 Dadweynaha Bosaaso oo lagu baaqay in ay qaatan Kaarka Aqoonsiga ah. November 2, 2009 filed under C/qani C/laahi Cabdi Horseed Media Bosaaso,Soomaaliya. Kulan Balaaran oo ay isugu yimaadeen maamulka Degmada,kan Gobolka,Saraakiisha Caafimadka iyo qaar ka mid ah Bulshada ayaa maanta ka dhacay hoolka shirarka Dowlada Hoose ee magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari. Masuuliyinti kulankaasi goobjoog ka ahaa ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Bari Al-Xaaji Muuse Geele Yuusuf Faroole,Duqa Degmada Bosaaso C/risaaq Xareed Ismaacil,Taliyaha qaybta gobolka Gaashaanle Sare Cismaan Xassan Cawke “Afdaloow” iyo masuuliyin kale. Kulanka oo ay soo qaban qaabinayeen Dowlada Hoose ee magaalada Boosaso ayaa waxaa ku saabsanaa Kaarar aqoonsi oo Dowlada Hoose ee magaalada Bosaaso ay u sameeyeen dadweynaha Reer Puntland ee ku nool gudaha magaalada Bosaaso. Gudoomiyaha degmada Bosaaso C/risaaq Xareed Ismaaciil oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa waxaa u sheegay in Kaararkaasi ay mudo ku howlanaayeen,isla markaasina ay ku guulaysteen samaynta Kaararkaasi. Waxaa u intaasi ku daray gudoomiyuhu in dhowaan ay filayaan in arimahaasi ay noqdaan kuwo dhaqan gala ayna doonayaan in Dadweynaha ay ugu talagaleen ay u qaybiyaan. “Dadka Barakacayaasha ah iyo Qaxootigu kuma jiraan,waxaanu iyaga ugu talagalay kaarar kale oo aqoonsi ah oo iyana goor dhow aanu rajaynayno in aanu samayno” ayuu yiri Gudoomiyuhu. Mar u ka hadlaayay Gudoomiyuhu Kaararkaasi muhiimada ay xambaarsanyihiin ayaa waxaa u hoosta ka xariiqay in Kaararkaasi ay sahlayaan arimo farabadan oo ay ka mid yihiin ogaanshaha tirada dadka rasmiga ah ee ku nool degmada,xakamaynta falalka amaanka lidi ku ah iyo waxyaabo kale. Gudoomiyaha goboka Bari Al-Xaaji Muuse Geele Yuusuf Faroole oo ka mid ah masuuliyinti kulankaasi ka hadashay ayaa waxaa u Dadweynaha ugu baaqay in Kaararkaasi ay qaataan,waxaana u tilmaamay in Kaararkaasi ay yihiin kuwo muhiim u ah amniga degmada Bosaaso ee xarunta Ganacsiga Dowlada Puntland. Si kastaba waa markii ugu horeeyey ee Dowlada Hoose ee degmada Bosaaso ay ku talaabsato horumar noocaani oo kale ah tan iyo marki la aas aasay maamulka Puntland sanadkii 1998-di. Horseed Media. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qandalawi Posted November 2, 2009 What is this, a wonderful staff There is not clean water running and no sewage system yet we issue ID cards, phantastiko When will the people of Bosaaso's DNA or finger prints be acquired to be in the system? loool Fix the roads Abti, bring clean water, schools and health system, prioritise Abti. Like one Hargaysawi was telling me few days ago, Abti anagu VISA CARD baan Hargeisa kuxiranay as if it was like a Satellite Dish , I told him, Abti Riigi biyaha Hargeisa uqodayay ee la isku laayay wali malagu soo celiyay Magalaada, talk about twisted logic, the Somali way! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowke Posted November 2, 2009 Bile, stop being childish for one sec. This is needed to keep track of who is residing in Bossaso and their location. We can't have IDP's or others just sneak in and not know what they get up to, game over now. Everyone will be tracked, you want to cause problems excellent, but remember we have your details on the database and can track you down. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Qandalawi Posted November 2, 2009 , I know that is at least a development you hold data of all that are in Puntland in a system, but that is not where you start developing things or systems, get the drift. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowke Posted November 2, 2009 Bile, how can you develop anything if you don't know who is who and where they live in the city? This is a positive step and needs to be encouraged and won't be stopped 4 no man. There are alot of people that come into bossaso that have relatives there from all parts of somalia and ethiopia and do some bad stuff to comprise the peace because their enemies of the state. This will make it easier to apprehend these people if we know where they are. It is a security measure that is all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites