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Major-General Cawad

Mog Opposition Group failed miserably at their Task to pacify the city of chaos!!!

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Habac soo galay qorshihii Isbaara qaadista & nabadeynta caasimada ee ay wadeen xubnaha labada gole dowladda ee Muqdisho ku sugan!!!!


Dhaq-dhaqaaqyadii Isbaara-qaadista & nabadeynta magaalada Muqdisho ee ay wadeen xubnaha labada gole dowladda ee Muqdisho ku sugan ayaa u muuqda kuwa hadal-heyntoodu ay sii lib-dheyso, kadib markii xubnaha dedaalada nabadeynta ah ka waday Muqdisho ay u caal waayeen, waxna ka qaban waayeen Isbaarooyin u yaala waddooyinka magaalada Muqdisho soo gala & gudaha magaalada maleeshiyooyin ka amar-qaata wasiirada & xildhibaanada beesha ****** ee ku jira dowladda & maleeshiyooyin isugu jira kuwa madax-banaan & kuwa maxaakiimta islaamiga ah.



Wasiiro & xildhibaano ka tirsan xubnaha Muqdisho ku sugan oo laga sugayey in ay qaadaan Isbaarooyinka u yaala maleeshiyooyinkooda ayaa u soo gubiyey guddigii loo xilsaaray qaadista Isbaarooyinka ee ay magacaabeen xubnaha labada gole liis-ka lacagaha maleeshiyadooda ka soo gala waddada, una soo jeediyey guddiga in lacagahaasi ay bixiyaan ganacsatada taasoo ganacsataduna ay ka biyo dideen.


Wasiirka howlaga guud & guriyeynta ayaa u soo u gudbiyey guddiga Isbaara qaadista lacag dhan 25 Milyan Shilling Soomaali ah in maalin kasta ay soo gasho maleeshiyooyinkiisa waddada Ex. Kontarool, halka liisas kale ay soo gudbiyeen wasiirada ganacsiga & dhaqancelinta & tababarka maleeshiyooyinka.



Xubnaha ka soo jeeda beelaha kale, kana mid ah xubnaha labada gole ayaa ku sugan xaalad quus ku dhow, kadib markii ay waxba ka socon waayeen qorshihii nabadeynta & Isbaara-qaadista ahaa, waxeyna warar ku dhow dhow xafiiska guddoomiyaha baarlamaanku sheegayaan in maalmahan xaaladiisu aysan caadi ahey, uuna si weyn uga careysan yahay sida gaabiska ah ee ay wax u socdaan, wuxuuna ku eedeeyey xildhibaanada & wasiirada hubeysan in ay uga baxeen balan-qaadyadii ahaa Isbaara qaadista & nabadeynta.



C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan Dayniile, Mogadishu – Somalia

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Good for you Brother!! But can we quit Somalis politics. I don't think so because our whole cultrue is around politics. Ever went to a soomaali restaurant what are they talking about past things like the civil war, things that happened before the civil war and things which are happening at the present like the new governmetn etc,


We're altogther a bunch of big loosers who have nothing else in their life than to be sad individuials.


I told myslef many times to quit politics but I can't because the environment is too tempting.


I saw a bunch of Somalis on a bus and guess what they were taling about yeah Qabiil and Abdullahi Yusuf i didn't even know them everywhere I go i see somalis arguing and debating about nonsense.


Our politic section is qabiil. let's return to the early 60s where the majority of us didn't even know what politics was. There were a handful of politicians in Soomaaliya at that time and iam the first to denounce politics because it was started by my people who taught other Somalis the princepels of dirty politics and how to cheat your way into parliament and ultimate power. We're the biggest problem in Somalia no wonder why we're hated by so many Somalis.


To quote a Somli amateur would-be politician who said that there was "No adults in politics in somalia at that time than Reer Puntland and that the other Somalis were political teenagers and minors at that time and reer Puntland were the only people who had a direct agenda of how to rule the country for the next hundred years but luckily that aint happen".


So all the Somalis have now progressed from being insignificant minors in politics to dangerous would be professional politicians.


Anyhow Good on you mate waxaa nalu nacay awal baa waxay ahayd "siyaasadda xumidda" because we still believe that we've got a divine right to rule Somalia and that we're god chosen people to lead the rest of the Somalis and that's excatly Abdullahi Yusuf and Co believe.


They want to establish a Second Republic called "Governo Maxamuud Salaimaan (Saleebaan).

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They want to establish a Second Republic called "Governo Maxamuud Salaimaan (Saleebaan


Now you are going all personall on me.I am Maxamud saleebaan.The reason i am quiting is because Every dick tom and harry is in it.It is no longer a gentleman's game.It is not exclusive.It is therefore boring.i'll take up cricket eat my cucumber sandwiches and drink tea at the garden wearing my tweed hunting jacket and go"i say....i say my dear old chap".Anything to avoid the RIFF RAFFS old boy :D

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Deeq A.   

************Sheik Cawad you are banned from Somalia Online. You made a habit of using tribal names on our website. **********

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^^ That's whussup. BUCK'EM DOWN. Orgilaqe, your behind is on probation. One more slip and you follow Shaykhuna Cawad

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The adm2 have Baby face! just wonder why?. I do not think, there is need to blame one particular group. After all the 60's were good time. Only politician were corrupted.

Want to be the ruler and Want to have road blocks is two different things.

I Want to be the ruler with justice and fairness



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Originally posted by ORGILAQE:

You know something I am really getting tired of the Politics of Somalia.It's going



We all should but like our brother said


"the environment is too tempting".

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Originally posted by Major-General Cawad:


Our politic section is qabiil. let's return to the early 60s where the majority of us didn't even know what politics was. There were a handful of politicians in Soomaaliya at that time and
Iam the first to denounce politics because it was started by my people Reer Puntland who taught other Somalis the princepels of dirty politics and how to cheat your way into parliament and ultimate power. we're the bigggest problem in Somalia no wonder why we're hated by so many somalis

To quote a Somli amateur would-be politician who said that there was "No adults in politics in somalia at that time than Reer Puntland and that the other Somalis were political teenagers and minors at that time and
Reer Puntland were the only people who had a direct agenda of how to rule the contry for the next hundred years

All the somalis have now progressed from being insignificant minors in politics to dangerous would be professional politicians
Anyhow Good on you mate waxaa nalu nacay awal baa waxay ahayd "siyaasadda xumidda" because we still believe that we've got a divine right to rule Somalia and that we're god chosen people to lead the rest of the Somalis and that's excatly Abdullahi Yusuf and Co believe.


They want to establish a Second Republic called "Governo Maxamuud Salaimaan (Saleebaan).

why did this brother got to get banned he told it like it is.

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^^^^^Ciyaar ciyaar mood cano boodha.....Mar buu sidii mas sanad wax cunin kugu soo boodi and before you know it even your footprints will be erased...

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Our politic section is qabiil. let's return to the early 60s where the majority of us didn't even know what politics was. There were a handful of politicians in Soomaaliya at that time and Iam the first to denounce politics because it was started by my people Reer Puntland who taught other Somalis the princepels of dirty politics and how to cheat your way into parliament and ultimate power. we're the bigggest problem in Somalia no wonder why we're hated by so many somalis

To quote a Somli amateur would-be politician who said that there was "No adults in politics in somalia at that time than Reer Puntland and that the other Somalis were political teenagers and minors at that time and Reer Puntland were the only people who had a direct agenda of how to rule the contry for the next hundred years

So All the somalis have now progressed from being insignificant minors in politics to dangerous would be professional politicians Anyhow Good on you mate waxaa nalu nacay awal baa waxay ahayd "siyaasadda xumidda" because we still believe that we've got a divine right to rule Somalia and that we're god chosen people to lead the rest of the Somalis and that's excatly Abdullahi Yusuf and Co believe.


They want to establish a Second Republic called "Governo Maxamuud Salaimaan (Saleebaan).

The kid is quite a kidder and a fabricator while we are at it. :D:D

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That's whussup. BUCK'EM DOWN. Orgilaqe, your behind is on probation. One more slip and you follow Shaykhuna Cawad



eeeh what hole did you you just crawl out of?

My dear young man I was debating issues while you were still in your nappies so have some respect for your elders SON

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Iga raali ahow, atheerkiis. But rules are rules. Your rear end is still on probation. Say it with me: QABIL SUCKS !

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Lol :D


Its sad to see the Admin making mistakes time and again. There are others here with tribal slurs as signatures, mention tribal names as recent as last week and use derogatery names for certain clans in SOL, and then to ban Sheikh Cawad. Now that is tragic.

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