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General Duke

Djibouti agreement signed; read TEXT

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"We have a peace deal," Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, an aide to the UN envoy for Somalia, said.


"They agreed on the termination of all acts of armed confrontation ... to come into force 30 days from the signing of the agreement for an initial period of 90 days, renewable."

Lets put aside our petty and selfish thinking for once, and please pray that this peace plan will be honoured by both sides.

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^^ Should the ONLF cease their struggle too, for the sake of peace ?

Should the Palestinians lay down their arms and 'honour the peace' ? The Iraqis ? The Afghanis ?


How far are you willing to stretch the 'for the sake of peace' argument ?


I'm thinking about hosting a peace conference in my apartment between the local ONLF representative and a guy from the Etho embassy here. During that conference, I will ask both sides to put away their selfish and petty grievances and to come together for the sake of peace. I will ask both sides to accept the status quo as it is and to compromise on any unconditional principles they may any notions of independence or even autonomy, you know for the sake of peace.


What do you think, Neph...feasible ? Caqli-gal ? realistic ?

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

Lets put aside our petty and selfish thinking for once, and please pray that this peace plan will be honoured by both sides.

Read the text of the "agreement" (not plan) and tell me if you think it'll work atheer. Specially paragraph 7 points a and b. There are enough caveats in that paragraph alone to drive a lorry through.


Looking in my dusty crystal ball, the Ethiopians will likely leave when they can no longer stay and that will happen when: a) they're financially unable to sustain the occupation (read: sugar daddy cuts off the assistance and diplomatic cover); or b) when they've lost enough suckers (I mean soldiers) to the resistance and the mood in Addis turns against this occupation; or c) when the Tigray have been overthrown.


Politicians sign "peace" agreements and resistance fighters fight occupiers. The two go hand in hand all the time. Just ask any resistance movement worth its name how many agreements they've signed while planning their next battle before the ink dries on the paper.


A victor will come out of this and I pray its us.


P.S. Forgot to add that a house divided will never achieve peace. Somalis are at each others throats and Ethiopia, though a historic enemy, is today just a delighted beneficiary.

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A great step in the right direction no doubt. But, as a person who likes to look at things in detail (especially concerning contractual agreements), I think comments on the ambiguity of some of the points in that agreement are fully justified. One must start looking at things analytically and pick up any short-comings if they want progress. The areas of concern may or may not be manipulated by certain parties. But it is always worth being aware that there are grey areas.

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Alot of grey areas, but Somalia has a hope now, and Somalis have suffered alot and it is time to move on. The existance of Somalis is at stake, it is time Somali political leaders prove to the world that they can reach an agreement and deliver it.

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^ Amen.


Kashafa, now you roll out the ONLF card which is usually your tactic of nabad-diid-nimo :D when you have run out of arguments. Mogdishu is no O-denia bro, the events are different. We've been at war against Xabashi since before my grandpa was born. They have been committing crimes against humanity in that region that would even make Hitler blush. What Muqdishu has seen only scratches the surface in comparison to O-denia. Ka gudub taa..


Here you have the UN offering the full withdrawal of the Ethiopian troops in return for 90 days cease fire. What's your objection to this golden opportunity? did you not want a set time table for withdrawal of the troops? you don't even want peace, do you? Reading your posts is like reading Orwell's, peace is war, war is peace. Jump off the war bandwagon ya akhii, just for once.. be optimistic. Do not give up already in the very begining. Adopt that wait-and-see attitude, and find out whether they'll live up to the agreement or not.



Looking in my dusty crystal ball, the Ethiopians will likely leave when they can no longer stay and that will happen when: a) they're financially unable to sustain the occupation (read: sugar daddy cuts off the assistance and diplomatic cover); or b) when they've lost enough suckers (I mean soldiers) to the resistance and the mood in Addis turns against this occupation; or c) when the Tigray have been overthrown.


Atheer Castro, not everyone reads tarots and also own a crystal ball.. it's too early to say what the outcome will be on that. Maybe we are being played, or I may be living in a fantasy land to think the Xabasho/Shabaabs will not extend anything but a bomb. Fact is we are in a bind. Somalis are looking up to the heavens for help. Honestly, I think we will just have to pray. I am sending a rally cry that ALL people pray right now for a peaceful Somalia.

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ways parting between me and Nephtys! What happened to the 'Iron' lady? ma odaygii Xiin ahaaba tolow falay, waatan 'peace camp' iska xaadirisee!

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If this deal is real, then I hope to God those animals aka shabaab honor the agreement.


Sometimes you just have to suck it up and shake hands.


This agreement is bigger than both parties.


Kasha, this ceasefire is not about who is right or who is wrong.


This is for somali weyn, this is for that man in bakaraha who lost all of his family members, while you and your family rest in your cozy living room.


This is for that mother of 5, who doesn't know where her next meal is going to come from.


This peace is not for you kasha, or me.


Get your head out of the gutter, and move on about ya cyber jihadi.


PS: I have had enough of you, nabad-diid yahow.

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they will never agree.... they will never deliver on those agreements.... Afghanistan, chechnya, Palestine, Kashmir, Oga den, hui of china... these dowladiids never run out excuses but lets just say peace or war is not determined Cyber warlords here but the people who have made the agreements. Fail or Succeed, it really up to them but there is no need run around here like some chickens without head screaming it will fail.

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so duke aren't the two signatories Ahmed abdisalaam iyo abdirahman abdishakur warsame from the same clan? Can this create excuses later for some in the TFG to contestor render the pact null?

That a strange take on things , do you have more confidance in it because of the two men are from your sub,sub clan?


I see allot of secessionists and their "natural" supporters are making allot of negetive noises Why ;)

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Negative comments?


Or should we all shout out 'we have an agreement' and bury our heads in the sand for 4 months? Learn to be objective if you wish to be taken seriously adeer.

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^^^Adeer the secessionists need to be objective and less subjective. Just look all the recent remarks and posts by your group. It tended to be "no agreement" to " agreement will not hold" to "Xasan said this".


Its high time you come out and explain why you fear any progress, any peace in the "south".


I know the reason, just enlighten the rest of us who do not know secess very well.


Even Mr Natural has come back to add his sour comments. Missed you saxib

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Originally posted by Northerner:

quote: a. To request the United Nations, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1814 and within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days, to authorize and deploy an international stabilization force from countries that are friends of Somalia excluding neighboring states;


b. Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement the TFG will act in accordance with the decision that has already been taken by the Ethiopian Government to withdraw its troops from Somalia after the deployment of a sufficient number of UN Forces;

Is it me or are these ambigious clauses?


Do the parties have to jointly request the UN to send troops first or has that already been done?


Who decides how many troops are needed?
It is very very ambigious and vague. Especially the the part that says, "in accordance with the decision already taken by the Ethiopian govt". I think that about sums it up all? They have already reached a decision already,didnt they?


a. To request the United Nations, consistent with UN Security Council Resolution 1814 and within a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days, to authorize and deploy an international stabilization force from countries that are friends of Somalia excluding neighboring states;


b. Within a period of 120 days of the signing of this agreement the TFG will act in accordance with the decision that has already been taken by the Ethiopian Government to withdraw its troops from Somalia after the deployment of a sufficient number of UN Forces;


c. The ARS shall, through a solemn public statement, cease and condemn all acts of armed violence in Somalia and dissociate itself from any armed groups or individuals that do not adhere to the terms of this Agreement

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Adeer the secessionists need to be objective and less subjective. Just look all the recent remarks and posts by your group. It tended to be "no agreement" to " agreement will not hold" to "Xasan said this".


Its high time you come out and explain why you fear any progress, any peace in the "south".


I know the reason, just enlighten the rest of us who do not know secess very well.


Even Mr Natural has come back to add his sour comments. Missed you saxib

Peanuts as usual. Many who are from South Somalia and who are against SL happen to agree with me. What say you to them??


The clauses in the agreement are not very clear. You keep repeating that an agreement has been made (I agree). You keep stating this is a good thing (again I agree). Now, do tell, are the points we have raised on the text of the agreement wrong? Are those clauses clear? If so how? Do your best old chap and try to string a few sentences together ;)

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