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Canada US come out in support of Agreement

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New York: Dawladda Canada oo taageertay Qorshaha ciidamo Caalami ah loogu dirayo dalka Soomaaliya.

10. juni 2008


New York(AllPuntland)- Dawladda Cannada ayaa shaaca ka qaadey in ay soo dhaweyneyso dadaalada la doonayo in dalka Soomaaliya loogu diro ciidamo caalami ah ,kuwasoo kala shaqeynaya dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Soomaalida oodhan sidii dalka Soomaaliya loogu soo celin lahaa nabadgalyo wanaagsa.


Wasiirka Qaabilsan Xiriirka Africa ee Canada ayaa soo dhaweeyey Qorshahaasi wuxuuna ku sheegay mid ay raaci karaan wadamo badan oo doonaya in xaalada Soomaaliya waqtigan la joogo wax laga qabto.


Masuulkan oo Saxaafada kula hadlayay Magaalada New York oo todobaadkan booqday ayaa sheegaya in ay jiraan ciidamo ka socda dawladda Canada oo hada jooga meelo ku dhow Xeebaha Soomaaliya ayna qeyb ka yihiin ciidamada la dagaalamaya Burcad Badeeda Soomaalida.


Canada waxa ay sheegtay in ay Badda geyneyso ciidamo caalami ah ,ayna sidoo kale mudan gacansiineysay dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya & Shacabka Soomaaliyeed ayadoo dhaqaale ku taageereysay.


Warkan ka soo baxay Xukuumada Toronto ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili ay Soomaalidu isku raacday dalbashada ciidamo caalami ah oo la geeyo dalka Soomaaliya oo ay mudo ka jireen falal amaan daro & Iskhilaafyo Soomaalida dhexdeeda ah ,lana soo afjaray habeenkii xalay ahaa.


F. C.Geylan


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Washington: Dowladda Mareykanka oo soo dhoweysay heshiiska ay wada gaareen Dowladda KMG iyo Mucaaradka

10. Juni 2008



Washington(AllPuntland)-Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa bayaan ay soo saartay ku soo dhoweysay heshiiskii ay magaalada Jabuuti ku kala saxiixdeen Dawlada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Isbahaysiga dib u xoreynta Soomaaliya.


Bayaan ka soo baxay Waaxda arrimaha dibadda Mareykanka kuna saxiixan Afhayeenka wasaaraddaasi Sean McCormack ayaa lagu sheegay in Dawladda Mareykanka ay soo dhoweyneyso heshiiska xalay labada dhinac ku gaareen dalka Jabuuti, taasoo ay ku sheegeen in ay tahay tallaabo dhinaca nabadda loo qaaday, iyadoo ay ugu baaqday dhinacyada Soomaaliya in ay qaadaan tallaabooyin lagu hirgelinayo heshiisyadan


Baaqaan ayaa sidoo kale lagu sheegay in Dowladda Mareykanka ay aqoonsan tahay heshiiskan labada dhinac qalinka ku duugeen isla markaana taageereyso codsiga ay jeediyeen Dowladda KMG iyo Mucaaradka Asmara ee dhigaya in ciidamo caalami ah loo soo diro Soomaaliya, si meesha looga saaro ciidamada Itoobiya.

Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa sheegtay in ay tixgelin gaar ah siineyso qodobada ay wada gaareen dhinacyada Soomaaliya isaga soo horjeedo iyadoo ay kala tashaneyso Qaramada Midoobay.


Baaqan ka soo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibada Mareykanka ayaa ka danbeeyay heshiis xalay kooxaha Soomaalida ay ku gaareen dalka Jabuuti kaasoo ay ka soo shaqeeyeen Wakiilka Xoghayaha Qaramada Midoobay wakiilka ugu ah Soomaaliya Ahmadou Ould Abdallah iyo beesha caalamka, wuxuuna baaqaan dhiiri gelin u yahay xalka ay wada gaareen kooxaha Soomaalida.



AllPuntland, Garoowe

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US Government welcomes Somalia Peace agreement in Djibouti (Press Statement)



Press Statement

Sean McCormack, Spokesman

Washington, DC

June 9, 2008


Somalia – Agreement in Djibouti

The United States welcomes the agreement between the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the opposition Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia. We appreciate the efforts of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG), Somali civil society representatives, and members of the international community, in particular the Government of Djibouti as hosts of the talks, for their contributions to this agreement.


We welcome the commitment of both parties to take concrete steps to implement this agreement, including committing to a cessation of hostilities, establishing a Joint Security Committee on security arrangements and a High Level Committee on political issues related to justice and reconciliation, and undertaking efforts to ensure unhindered humanitarian access to affected populations in Somalia. We call on all Somali stakeholders, whether party to the agreement or not, to abide by its provisions and support its implementation.


The United States also acknowledges the request of both parties to the United Nations Security Council to authorize and deploy an international stabilization force in Somalia. The United States will give careful consideration to this proposal, in consultation with the Security Council.



Released on June 9, 2008



SBC International News Desk

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Thanks for ur support. The TFG will this time win unconditional support if the other militant party break this agreement and continue wreaking wanton destruction on the civilians.

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