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Puntland Cabinet approves electoral commission bill

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Somalia: Puntland Cabinet approves electoral commission bill

19 Jul 19, 2010 - 7:21:46 AM


The cabinet of Somalia's Puntland state held its weekly meeting where it unanimously approved a bill to create an interim electoral commission, Radio Garowe reports.


The meeting was held in Garowe presidential palace and attended by all members led by President Abdirahman Mohammed Farole.


Explaining the bill to the cabinet, Puntland's State Minister for Democratization Hon. Abdi Jimale, stated that the commission will comprise of nine (9) members, five of them will be selected by the president and the parliament will complete the appointment of the remaining four members.


The interim electoral commission will be required to oversee the parliament votings, conduct the elections of the counties and also fronting legalization of multipartism.


The bill will be presented to the parliament for approval before it passes the presidential consent to become a law.


President Farole’s government has promised to introduce multiparty democracy in the state as espoused by the state's constitution.


Puntland, which declared itself as an autonomous part of federal Somalia in 1998, has enjoyed relative peace compared to the larger chaotic regions of Horn of African nation.



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^^ :D Oodka maantoo kale waxba ma fahmayo.



PS: On this latest development, it is true Puntland is doing what Somaliland did many years back!

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Prime-Minister Cameron of UK calls it a "genuine democracy" in action

This must be hundred you have repeated this line. Nothing like getting your Master's approval eh..?


N copy what....? Don't tell me you invented democracy :D

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Che, not at all. But if we did, you know and I know that PL would have followed suit. Don't get defensive ninyaho, allow me to preen whilst you can happily look forward to casting your vote in PL's upcoming elections in, err, 2018? :D

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NGONGE...I don't think or intend to cast vote in Puntland but as excited as you are, put things in perspective, there's nothing unique or original about Somaliland even within Somali context.


Oodweyne...Somaliland is well behaved child yearning for everyone's attention unfortunately as long as Somalia continue to misbehave, the world is looking towards there but in the meantime, take comfort in Cameron's words.Who knows, if you kept up being good, the queen will embrace you and invite to her voluptuous bosoms.

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

NGONGE...I don't think or intend to cast vote in Puntland but as excited as you are, put things in perspective, there's nothing unique or original about Somaliland even within Somali context.


PL begs to differ, saaxib. Wax fahan. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

follow the leader, leader, leader..follow the leader, leader, leader

Farhaddii baa kaa badatay sow maha? Nothing wrong in following Somaliland when it does something good that is beneficial but we are still an integral part of Somalia and we will never follow it to secession. I think the one clan enclave is cursed with secession that makes its achievement (which otherwise is remarkable in the context of Somalia at the present time) minor compared to the sin of trying to breakup Somalia.

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^^ That's what you say. But if ever Somaliland gets recognised PL will follow. I have no iota of doubt about this. :D

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Somaliland will NEVER get recognized, Ngonge; therefore I too, have no 'iota of doubt" about your "iota of doubt" ever materializing. But then again, la-la land is one heck of a place, right? :D

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Oodweyne....Here we go again.You are giving Xiin's stance more credence everyday. What do my ancestors have to do with this. You must dream of them every night.


P.s. Well behaved kids are known for violent outbursts-blame repressed emotions.

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