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PM Sharmarke Speaks Out Regarding Minister Resignations. (Letter)

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^ That’s one amateurish statement. I hope that’s a genuine press release and not one made by you.

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Is this sufficient evidence? :D







Ra,iisal wasaaraha oo aqbalay Iscasiladii Wasiiradii Xilalkoodii Iska Casilay




Muqdisho (RBC Radio)..Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay xafiska raiisal wasaaraha ayaa lagu aqbalay iscasiladii wasiiradii xilalkoodii iska casilay


Warsa xaafadeedkaan oo nuqul ka mid ah uu soo gaaray xafiiska RBC Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu uqornaa Sidatan


Warsaxaafadeed ka soo baxay xafiiska raiisal wasaaraha


Raiisal wasaraha xukuumada fadarlka KMG somaliyeed Md Cumar cabdirashiid Cali Sharma’arke wuxuu tibaaxay manta in dowladiisu ay sii wadan doonto waajibaadka qaran ee loo igmaday .


Raiisal wasaaruhu wuxuu shacabka Somaliyeed ku kalsooni galainayaa in wasiir ama lab

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