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George Bush has ordered defence chiefs to draw up an attack plan on Iran which can be launched within 24 hours, according to a new report.



Investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claims the US president has demanded a new look at Washington's strategy for dealing with Tehran's nuclear ambitions.


He reports in an article in the New Yorker magazine that a bombing blueprint is being drawn up, including targets supporting Shia forces in Iraq, as well as nuclear sites. Secret operations are also being conducted against Syria and the Hezbollah militant group in Lebanon.



US elite forces were also said to be crossing into Iran to track down Iranian agents and to undertake intelligence missions under the tougher line being masterminded by vicepresident-Dick Cheney, who has warned that military action against Tehran remains on the table.



The US administration was also alleged to be bypassing scrutiny by Congress by funding increased activity targeting Iran with funds from Saudi Arabia.



A Pentagon consultant told Hersh: "There are many, many pots of black money, scattered in many places and used all over the world on a variety of missions."



Hersh, who broke the news of the My Lai massacre during the Vietnam war and was one of the first reporters to highlight the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq, told CNN: "This president is not going to leave office without doing something about Iran."



The Pentagon denied Washington was actively preparing for military action against Tehran. A spokesman said: "The United States is not planning to go to war with Iran. To suggest anything to the contrary is simply, wrong, misleading and mischievous."



Diplomats representing the five permanent members of the United Nations' security council, France, the US, Russia, the UK and China, are holding a summit in London today to discuss how to tackle the growing nuclear crisis with Iran.



The talks come after Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country's disputed nuclear programme was like a train without brakes or a reverse gear. Iran also announced yesterday that it had launched its first rocket into space, further raising fears of conflict with the West.



His comments drew a swift response from US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice who said that Iran needs "a stop button" - rather than a brake.



The security council members will discuss at the meeting increased international pressure on Iran to suspend its uranium enrichment programme.



The International Atomic Energy Agency last week reported that Iran had ignored a UN Security Council ultimatum to freeze its uranium enrichment programme and instead had expanded the programme by setting up hundreds of centrifuges.



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Here we go again! I don't think it will be as easier as it has been before. Bush will have to jump thru hoop after hoop. Dems made their opposition to the ongoing war in Iraq as their most single weapon against Reps. Now they are in charge of the purse, they won't go on the record approving Bush'a war.


Couple that with their newly gained supbeona powers, the showdown of these two branches of government is on.


Any way Iran is no Iraq.

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I thought a new war would start in 24 hours, thank the lord its a plan to attack within 24 hours..


Anyhow a grave mistake Iran is a strong state, even if its defeated, Image what would be the human cost?

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