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Khaad in pictures.

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Waning exports


The Kenyan farmers who grow the mild stimulant khat, which is banned in some countries, have had a tough year.


Exports dropped by 40% when its consumption was banned in Somalia, their main market, by Islamists during their six-month rule of the south and centre of that country.


But after Somalia's transitional government, backed by Ethiopian soldiers, defeated the Islamists, daily khat flights from Kenya to Somalia have resumed.




Flagging sales


Traders at Murugene market say sales are still nothing special. One trader who used to sell 20kg a day says he now only sells half because exports to Somalia have not yet returned to normal.


And the women who sell banana tree leaves, that are used to wrap the khat, have not been earning much either.


The leaves often dry up after staying for too long at the market.


"When business was good I used to earn about $20 a day, but now I hardly get $10," says Jennifer Kabithi.




Prolonged use of khat has been linked to increased violence and mental illness. The general anarchy in neighbouring Somalia is often attributed to khat's widespread popularity there.

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Ciidamada dowladda KMG ah oo maanta dhacay gaari caasi ah oo uu khaad shaaran yahay agagaarka dekadda weyne ee magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo haweenkii lahaa ee gaariga la socdayna xabado lagu riday.


Hobyonet. Muqdisho Axad Feb, 25 2007


Gaari Cabdi Bile ah, oo uu saaran yahay qoray dhashiikaha loo yaqaano, ayaa waxaa abaarihii 11:00 barqanimo wuxuu rasaas culus oodda uga qaaday gaari caasia ah oo khaad siday, taasoo keentay in darawalkii gaariga uu si degdeg ah ku joojiyo, kadibna lagu amray haweenkii lahaa khaadka ee la socday in ay ka daataan.


Ciidamadaan dhacay khaadka oo ka soo jeeday gobolada Punt-land, ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ay gaarigii la aadeen dhinaca dekadda weyn ee magaalada Muqdisho, halkaas oo ay ku sugan yihiin ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee xoogga ku jooga dalka.


Rasaas ay u fureen ciidanka dowladda ee khaadka dhacay, ayaa waxa ay keentay in goobihii ganacsiga ay si degdeg ah ku xirmaan, iyadoo ilaa iyo hadda qaybo ka mid ah goobaha ganacsiga ee degmada X/weyne ay xiran yihiin.


Xaawo Cabdi oo ka mid aheyd haweenkii khaadka laga dhacay ayaa Hobyonet u sheegtay in ay la xiriireen saldhigga ciidanka Booliska ee degmada X/weyne balse loogu jawaabay waan dabagali doonaa.


Waa markii labaad muddo todobaad gudahii ah, oo ay ciidamada dowaldda khaad ku dhacaan gudaha degmada X/wqeyne, iyadoo taliyaha ciidanka Booliska gobolka Banaadir uu ka gabsaday in u arrimahaan ka hadlo.

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Originally posted by SYL:

No wonder why Kenya happily joined the Ethio-American invasion of Somalia.

Indeed; the invasion has an economic dimension. Let's also not forget, Ethiopia annually exports +$60 millions worth of khaad to Somalia. In addition to being the top warlord and war criminal, the clan president is also in the business of trading and profiteering from illegal drugs.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Any evidence ???? ,,,,,,,,,

The clan president issued an executive order allowing the business, trade and circulation of the illegal drug known as khaat. Taxes from the illegal drug go into the clan president's bank account. In case if you didn't know, the drug was banned by the ICU.


,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,

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^^ Were all the Talibans and your beloved ICU as fond of hearsay and rumour as you are?


How do you know that Abdullahi Yusuf gets the taxes from these 'illegal' drugs into his bank account?


These days, the supporters of the ICU (on this site) are turning out to be shadier, more duplicitous and more partisan than those sharing a bed with the Ethiopians. :(


A bloody shame really.

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Originally posted by Garaad:

i hate guys who write things without any prove,,,hw do u think pple will blve if u dont present any evidence????????????

What kind of evidence are you talking about? Be specific.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

^^ Were all the Talibans and your beloved ICU as fond of hearsay and rumour as you are?


How do you know that Abdullahi Yusuf gets the taxes from these 'illegal' drugs into his bank account?


These days, the supporters of the ICU (on this site) are turning out to be shadier, more duplicitous and more partisan than those sharing a bed with the Ethiopians.


A bloody shame really.

Pick your side of the fence. Already...

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Prolonged use of khat has been linked to increased violence and mental illness. The general anarchy in neighbouring Somalia is often attributed, in part, to khat's widespread popularity there.

That Explains alot man.

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