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Alla,,, mayee ku sooo dhowow ,,,, koobka noocee baan kuugu shubaa ?? mid yar ,, mid weyn ,,, caanaha miyaaan kuugu badiyaa ,,,,, '


Inta aad rabto ka cab falaastaa shaaha ah ,,,,

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raula ka ilaali daangada 'cause ilka fake baa ugu jiraan marka daangada ma ruugi kadho :D ee shaaxa ugu roonaaw :D:D (oh God she is gonna kill me :D )



Go figure:...............

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^^^labadiina adii iyo Wiilo-maxaad RAULA uu sadexeysataan (sheydaanka laiska naara yaah)..kkkkkkkkkk..saa RAULA meesha soo gashanaysaan icon_razz.gif cajiib badanaa.


By the way Wiilo-me not got dentures malabey icon_razz.gif mine are still intact-thx almost to finishing my life in Africa instead of Qurbaha ;) unlike you..yaa kuu fiiriyo after 5 years..ilkiihii oo aad moodid qodxiihii geedkii qurac la oran jire :Dicon_razz.gif

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raula waa inoo tahay adiga shan sano kadib marka aad iigu timaado clinicgeyga adigoo ilkahaada faraha ku sido oo rabtid inaan kuugu dhajiyo meeshii ay ka soo fuqeyn :D



Go figure:.............

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